We declare that the splendour of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed.
This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! we talk to Meghan Conroy [Twitter]. Meghan works at the Digital Forensic Research Lab and Accelerationism Research Consortium and was formerly a researcher for the January 6th Committee. We spoke to Meghan about their work with the Committee, accelerationism, banal fascism and more.
See also : Insiders’ View of the January 6th Committee’s Social Media Investigation, Dean Jackson, Meghan Conroy and Alex Newhouse, Just Security, January 5, 2023 | Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: The Great Replacement Theory, Meghan Conroy, G-Net, May 30, 2022 / Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: ‘There Is No Political Solution’, September 2, 2021 | Banal Fascism Online Weaponizing the Everyday for Extreme Ends: CFP:
Fascism is on the rise globally, and within Western nations there has been a marked increase in fascism as a decentralized and increasingly mainstream movement. We argue that research on fascism should not approach it as a top-down belief system, but should instead consider the ways fascism is embedded or “coded” within the mundane elements of everyday life. This phenomenon, which we have termed “banal fascism,” is drawn from Michael Billig’s concept of “banal nationalism,” which describes how nationalism is constantly reproduced in banal, but not necessarily benign ways. Our analysis of the inherent banality of fascism as it manifests today also draws from fourteen “eternal” traits, what Umberto Eco famously referred to as Ur-Fascism.
4.30pm, Thursday, February 23, 2023 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website
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