[Update (August 5, 2023) : Among other things, the location of the neo-Nazi gathering on the Sunday has been revealed as being Altona RSL. See : ‘Heil Ben’: Neo-Nazi Thomas Sewell praises war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith, David Estcourt, The Age, August 4, 2023.
(August 1, 2023) : Tom Sewell and Jacob Hersant today plead guilty to violent disorder in the County Court. ‘County Court Judge Kellie Blair ordered both Sewell and Hersant undergo pre-sentence reports before returning to court in September. Violent disorder carries a maximum sentence of six months’ jail. Both men remain on bail.’ See : Neo-Nazi leader pleads guilty to attack on hikers, Erin Pearson, The Age, August 1, 2023.]
On Saturday, July 29, a march and rally in opposition to a neo-Nazi gathering, organised by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, was held in Sunshine West. Assembling outside a local supermarket in the early afternoon, the rally marched to Legacy Boxing Gym in Industrial Drive, the site of the gathering, to scream and shout at the neo-Nazis hidden inside the gym (and behind lines of police).
According to Marta Pascual Juanola, ‘Police stopped anti-fascism protesters from clashing with a group of neo-Nazis holding a “white powerlifting competition” at a boxing gym in Melbourne’s west on Saturday’ (Anti-fascist protesters rally outside neo-Nazi weightlifting event, The Age, July 29, 2023) while news dot com dot au reports that ‘A gym in Melbourne has been swarmed by Aussies wanting to send a message about a twisted event that was being hosted there’ (‘Never again’: Protest at Melbourne neo-Nazi powerlifting event, July 30, 2023); CARF’s Jasmine Duff reckons ‘Yesterday’s protest showed that the left in Melbourne is prepared to confidently take a stand against these fascists on their own turf’ (The day the left marched on Melbourne’s neo-Nazi gym, Red Flag, July 30, 2023).
The march and rally attracted an estimated 300 or so people and is the second such rally to have been organised by CARF, the first having taken place on February 25. Both events helped to generate further attention on the status of the gym as the organising and training centre for members of the neo-Nazi organisations ‘European Australian Movement’ (EAM)/’National Socialist Network’ (NSN) in Melbourne, but were obviously radically insufficient to remove it from Industrial Drive. Note that in response to the rally in February, and addressing concerns over ‘alleged fascist activity’, Brimbank Mayor Bruce Lancashire stated that ‘There is no place for racism in Brimbank’ but ‘Council does not have the power to revoke or cancel a planning permit under the Planning and Environment Act 1989’.
A two-day event, on Sunday the neo-Nazis gathered elsewhere to hear Sydney-BASED HVAC Guy Jack Eltis, Twitter nazi Joel Davis and Balwyn Gauleiter and EAM/NSN lvl boss Tom Sewell talk to a smol selection of The Master Race. Of Eltis, Nick McKenzie (Soldiers of hate: Army investigates neo-Nazis in its ranks, The Sydney Morning Herald, March 23, 2023) writes:
The NSN’s New South Wales cell leader is Jack Eltis, a tradesman who has conducted training events for neo-Nazis in NSW. The NSN has nominated him to fill any national leadership vacuum if the group’s most prominent member, Melbourne man Tom Sewell, is jailed in connection to aggravated burglary charges. Sewell has been charged but is yet to face a committal hearing in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court.
Eltis has posted on encrypted chat groups, reviewed by this masthead, about how the “tyrannical Jewish system and its police and security apparatus are attempting to convict Thomas Sewell with overreaching charges”.
In the posts, Eltis attacks counter-terrorism authorities who have charged NSN members in Victoria, NSW and South Australia with “ludicrous fabricated terrorism charges”.
“The men in our organisation know that no temporary sacrifice is too great for the future of the white race,” he says.
When contacted by this masthead, Eltis was unapologetic about his leadership role in the NSN and attacked the media and counter-terror agencies for what he claimed was the harassment of his organisation. He confirmed he believed there was “no pathway for political change via the current Western liberal democratic framework” but said the NSN rejected the use of violence.
Prior to their gathering at Lutze’s gym, the EAM/NSN staged a photo shoot in Geelong, first outside the Town Hall and later the local CFMEU office. As reported by Mark Murray (CFMEU boss John Setka responds to recent neo-Nazi stunt at Geelong headquarters, The Geelong Advertiser, July 27, 2023), Setka’s response came ‘after the NSN distributed a message on mobile messaging app Telegram, seen by the Geelong Advertiser, that read: “West Melbourne activists broadcasted a message directly to the cowardly CFMEU”’. Elsewhere on Telegram, NSN member Stefan Eracleous (pictured above) joined in the chorus, declaring Setka ‘a corrupt individual’ who is ‘hated by thousands of your own members who [Setka] compelled to get vaccinated in order to work’ and whose support for maintaining a ‘diverse’ union membership (ie, as opposed to the CFMEU being a Whites-only institution as Eracleous wants) betrays the union’s traditions. He concludes that ‘You literally hate your own members. Well guess what they also hate you for not doing right by them and being psychopant [sic] for Daniel Andrews.’
For more on Eracleous, see : Neo-Nazi unmasked as former Young Liberal, Nick McKenzie, The Age, February 12, 2022 and Misogynist rants from Young Libs, Henrietta Cook and Farrah Tomazin, August 10, 2014. See also : #CFMEUForever : COVID-19, Construction & COVIDIOTs (October 14, 2021).
In any event, while the EAM/NSN’s declaration of “WAR!” on the CFMEU is unlikely to win the boys many frens among unionists, the neo-Nazis did manage to find an ally in The Richest Man in the World, Elon Musk. In November 2022, the filthy-rich idiot opened the floodgates on nazis on Twitter (along with child pr0n and animal abuse) but it was only this week that the restored NSN account was again removed after media reportage. Hence according to Eric Hananoki (Update: Twitter placed ads for USA Today, National Women’s Soccer League, and other major brands on a terrorism-linked neo-Nazi account, Media Matters for America, July 28, 2023), Twitter, the micro-blogging site Emerald Mine Guy bought on a whim for US $44 billion last year:
… placed ads for brands like Honeywell, Discovery, National Women’s Soccer League, the Pittsburgh Steelers, USA Today, and Manchester City on the verified account of the National Socialist Network, a leading neo-Nazi group that engages in violence, has connections to terrorism, and uses Elon Musk’s platform to recruit new members. Twitter’s actions are reminder to advertisers that despite rebranding efforts by Musk and Linda Yaccarino, Twitter (now called X) remains a toxic environment for companies.
Curiously, former children’s music teacher and UniMelb liberal turned NSN member David Hiscox has also lost his account, though numerous other members of the NSN and Over 9,000 other nazi accounts remain at liberty to propagate genocidal doctrines. Of the event itself, more infos will no doubt be obtained in the future but in the meantime see also : Fascism will fall when action speaks louder than words, Tom Tanuki, Independent Australia, July 29, 2023.
• The ding-dong battle for the hearts and minds of White nationalist male yoof being fought by the EAM/NSN and Dr Jim Saleam’s Sydney-BASED ‘Australia First Party’ is currently being won by the former. Hence the Canberra-BASED sometime esoteric racial Presbyerian Matthew Grant, formerly of the defunct AFP yoof wing ‘Eureka Youth League’, has taken his bat and ball (AKA the ‘Australian Natives Association’), gone home to Sewell, and seemingly embraced ‘1488 not 1788’. Or at least, that’s what one of Dr Jim’s flunkeys reckons. Hence, according to the bizarr0 Nathan Sykes, Grant is now a treacherous Millennial, while his podcast partner Joel Davis is a ‘state plant'(!).
Just a few months ago (Senior neo-Nazi slips out of Australia hoping to fight Russian army, Nick McKenzie and Anthony Galloway, The Sydney Morning Herald, March 23, 2023) ‘Grant stressed he was opposed to neo-Nazism as a “foreign ideology” and that the Australian Natives Association was not an extremist group but rather an organisation that “believes in a white Australia on social and economic grounds”’. Further, ‘Asked whether it was appropriate for Australian Natives Association members to hold gun licences or an approved hunting organisation registration, NSW Police said it would not comment on specific investigations, individuals, or groups but was monitoring the activities and rhetoric of racist and extremist groups’.
Plus ça change.
For those of you coming in late, in February 2022 Sykes was found guilty of threatening a journalist, and got a slap on the wrist (a 19-month intensive corrections order and 150 hours of community service) as a result. Nick McKenzie (Far-right extremist troll pleads guilty to threatening journalist, The Sydney Morning Herald, February 24, 2022):
The charges relate to repeated threats he made in March 2018 against freelance journalist Luke McMahon, who had written an article exposing Mr Sykes as a notorious online troll. In one of the threatening recordings from March 2018, Mr Sykes allegedly threatened to “stamp your [journalist Luke McMahon’s] f—ing teeth into the sidewalk” and send associates to Mr McMahon’s house.
“I’m going to torture you to an absolute delight little Lukey Luke. Absolute delight. And I have people looking at you right now staring at you from across the f—ing street from where you live, enjoy this mother-f—er,” Mr Sykes was allegedly recorded saying.
“You’re dead, and baby, I’m catching up with you.”
Another threat issued by Mr Sykes said: “Pity you weren’t home, but at least we know where you live so, we’ll be saying ‘G’day’.”
• Seemingly TRIGGERED by the prospect of CARF’s rally, the EAM/NSN made minor nuisances of themselves ahead of the rally, with one member posing for a photograph outside the home of local comedian Sean Bedlam. This was apparently done in order to intimidate Sean, who is currently battling cancer, but whose major crime was YARDing at the boys at their demo to demand Lebensraum in May.
• Today, Simone Fox Koob and Ben Schneiders wrote about Croatian sporting clubs with fascist links promised millions in public money (The Age, July 31, 2023).
• John HoWARd has done the country proud again in the pages of The New York Times, with his batshit claim that Colonization Was the ‘Luckiest Thing’ to Happen to Australia (Natasha Frost, July 26, 2023). The former Prime Minister’s Boomerwaffen historical analysis has naturally been the subject of some derision but, in fairness to the warmonger, it could just as easily be recognised as the bedrock of Australian conservatism.
In its current mode, this ideology is reflected in the program of the Australian franchise of the Trumpist ‘Conservative Political Action Conference’, set to take place at Star Event Centre in Sydney next month, when it will be addressed by another former PM, Tony Abbott, who will be giving the keynote speech. Joining The Mad Monk at the carnival of reactionary stoopid will be the founders of Christian nationalist crowdfunding site GiveSendGo, which has happily raised tens of thousands of dollars for the NSN …
Tangling with the CFMEU – silly boys
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Pingback: Melbourne Nazis Say: No to The Voice to Parliament/Yes to Boxing Gyms in Sunshine West | slackbastard
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