A sign that you’re doing a good job…

[Update : On December 30, Lefty got his blogs back, but has pointedly refused to comment on rumours that the intervention of Chairman Meow and Poppy the Cat — via a conference call to Sergey Brin — was crucial to Blogger’s decision to restore them to his control.]

Rowan Atkinson look-alike Anonymous Lefty has been doing such an effective job of keeping the bastards (like Andrew Bolt) honest (well… marginally accountable?) that some silly wanker has hacked his sites. Blogger / Blogspot / Google has been extremely helpful, apparently, but not quite as helpful to Lefty as it routinely is to neo-Nazi stalkers.

The only upside to the story is that Lefty was forced to post a new photo of Poppy, his cat! Yay! Long live Poppy!

Just letting you know that the anonymouslefty and boltwatch blogs to which you link have been taken over by a hacker. [See hackedlefty for Lefty’s account of The Grinch Who Stole His Blogs.]

The blogs have been recreated at anonymousleftyinexile and boltwatchinexile.

If you would care to update your links, that would be most appreciated. (I’m very disturbed at the prospect of people visiting the hacked sites and thinking it’s me.)


About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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8 Responses to A sign that you’re doing a good job…

  1. He is indeed ruffling some feathers. I am glad he decided to continue writing. The more progressive voices out there the better.

  2. @ndy says:

    G’day Miss P,

    Well, there’s an *awful* lot of feathers out there what need ruffling, eh? Really, the world’s just one gigantic bird! The fact that some crank tried to sabotage his work should obviously be taken as a measure of its effectiveness. (Like death threats against anti-racist activists and liquid gets into this chalk.) Plus, he *is* actually a good writer, and as such — given the massive bucketloads of shite what passes for political analysis ‘out there’ — represents a refreshing change of pace.

    Plus plus he’s got a cool cat called Poppy.

    (Now, if only Lefty would link me up…)

  3. Wee Jin Suk says:

    He was ruffling nobody really..
    He fabricated the hacking incident..
    The corporate blog and email sites [are] usually very cooperative with hacking \”victims\” and only a phone call away.
    And so it goes once again like a copper bolt into ze Lotchen Lederhosen and you will have to clean it up Slack in order to pick up the carer\’s allowance supplement.

  4. Sorry, why exactly would he make it up?

  5. wee jin suk says:

    For hype purposes. His fairly moderate to inane commentary was getting him nowhere, so he decided to clear out his website and blame fatboy Landeryou. This fabricated occurrence received attention throughout the left and right Oz political blogosphere, thereby cementing his name as someone worth hacking, when nothing could be further from the truth.
    He is a polyp on the rectum that is Melbourne, but good on him for trying.
    Most of the political bloggers know very little about hacking as many were interfacing with the web at an email level only before blogs took off as they couldnt put code together to save themselves.

  6. MrLefty says:

    Thanks Andy. Very kind. As you’ve probably seen – I’ve got them both back now. Which is a great relief. Blogspot took a week to restore them, but then it did it very quickly and completely in the dead of night. And nothing’s been lost at all! Poor hacker.

    PS WJS – how tight’s your tin foil hat? Perhaps you should loosen it a little.

  7. @ndy says:


    I’ll be sure and correct linkages.



  8. Wee Jin Suk says:

    Jeremy Lefty,

    let’s see some verifiable communication from blogspot/google confirming that you have been “hacked” with IP logs etc and that they would take action in your favour.
    Otherwise, I see no reason to adjust my tinfoil.

    Also, as you see yourself on the left, you were corrected rather than “hacked”, if that is what indeed transpired (corrected meaning altered until right). In MacKenzie Wark’s Hackers Manifesto, the cultural/technological hackers are the left and those who are hacked are right. Wark was just trying to bring Marx up to date for his new job at the New School in NY.

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