The fascist ‘Australian New Nation’ forum (neo-Nazi and Australia First member Jim Perren’s favourite haunt), has been h4x0r3d. The hack may well be related to the fact that today is the beginning of Ramadan…
| Hacked by SaF1-CasaNOva |
Ramadan Mobarak Karim
GRETZ TO :: | DarKMaSTer | InJEcTioN-MasTeer | AlQaISeR |
| AnGE-78 | User_Masken | GeSs-InjecT0r |
| And | All Muslims |
Cvs TEam
The ANN site is maintained — appropriately enough — by a foreigner, the Kiwi Alex Fogerty (AKA Delos). According to Alex, Alex is a hardened ex-military man, his favourite workout is sex, and he thinks that one day a world government will have to happen if we are to take to the stars; his only real concern is who will run it. Probably not the National Party — although Alex may well disagree with me on that.