In Belgrade, Serbia, five anarchists — Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (24), Ivan Vulović (24), Sanja Đokić (19) and Nikola Mitrović (29) — have been arrested and charged with the crime of ‘international terrorism’ by Serbian authorities. (Another person, Ivan Savić (25), is wanted by police but remains ‘at large’.) Police accuse the six of throwing five Molotov cocktails at the Greek Embassy in Belgrade on August 25 — an action later claimed on behalf of a previously-unknown group called “Black Elijah” (?). The group stated that the action was taken in solidarity with Greek anarchist Thodoros Iliopoulos, until recently on a hunger strike in a Greek prison, one of the last of the individuals arrested as a result of the uprisings in Greece in December 2008. (Note that protest and resistance continues in Greece, as do attempts by authorities to repress dissent: the blog After the Greek Riots provides an excellent source of infos in English.)
All six of those identified by authorities appear to be members of the anarcho-syndicalist group ‘Anarhosindikalističke inicijative’ (ASI), a member of the anarcho-syndicalist international, the International Workers’ Association (AIT-IWA). Further, the ASI has been functioning as the IWA Secretariat for the previous few years, and one of those arrested, Ratibor Trivunac, as its General Secretary.
All five are currently being detained for a period of 30 days while police, presumably, assemble the case against them — such as it is. The accused deny the charges, and the ASI have stated that the group’s focus is upon (re-)building a radical labour movement in Serbia, not throwing stuff at Embassies.
The Serbian state has no official representation in Melbourne; the Embassy is located in Canberra, and there is a Consulate in Sydney.
More generally, while the ‘ideological state apparatus’ has almost invariably regarded ‘anarchism’ as being synonymous with ‘terrorism’ (see : ‘Daggers, Rifles and Dynamite: Anarchist Terrorism In Nineteenth Century Europe’, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.16, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.116-153 for background and Nightmares of Anarchy: Language and Cultural Change, 1870-1914, William M. Phillips, Bucknell University Press, 2004 on the early evolution of this propaganda, especially in North America), the War On Terror™ has provided a very useful political context in which to further extend already routine, and occasionally violent, repression of ‘progressive’ social movements in the West. (Violence and repression which forms a routine part of daily life in the Majority World/Global South.)
See also : Anarchism and Terrorism (In the Real World) (May 6, 2009) | Al-Qaeda and Anarchism: A Historian’s Reply to Terrorology by James L. Gelvin (Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.20, No.4, 2008 (563–581)) (May 6, 2009)
Statement of Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative on arrests of their members (September 6, 2009) | IWA-AIT Secretariat arrested by Serbian authorities (September 4, 2009)
Anti-fascists attacked in Belgrade (June 14, 2009) | Kosovo, Serbia… and Melbourne (with BONUS! swastikas) (February 27, 2008) | Fascism in Serbia, Russia… (April 18, 2007).
Protest zbog hapšenja anarhista
Blic Online
September 6, 2009
Oko 20 pristalica Anarhosindikalističke inicijative okupilo se danas na Platou ispred Filozofskog fakulteta da bi izrazali solidarnost sa uhapšenima za napad na grčku ambasadu i zatražilo njihovo puštanje na slobodu.
Jedan od članova te inicijative Milan Stojanović kazao je novinarima da je od pet uhapšenih pod optužbom za međunarodni terorizam, četvoro članova te inicijative. On je naveo da metode koje su korišćene u napadu na ambasadu nisu metode te inicijative i da ne veruje da su njihovi članovi to uradili.
Okupljeni su na protestu raširili transparent na kome je pisalo “Neće proći”.
Na protestu je pročitan i proglas u kome se navodi da optuženi za paljenje ambasade SAD 21. februara “nije prošao sa tako oštrim kvalifikacijama za koje se terete njih petoro za bacanja Molotovljevog koktela na ambasadu”. Dodaje se da se oni “terete za međunarodni terorizam koji je po krivičnom zakonu Srbije u istoj grupi sa genocidom, zločinima protiv čovečnosti, ratnim zločinom protiv civilnog stanovništva, organizovanjem i podsticanjem na izvršenje genocida” i slično.
Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je ranije danas da je policija uhapsila osumnjičene za napad na zgradu grčke ambasade u Beogradu na osnovu dokaza i da nema razloga da zbog toga bilo ko protestuje. Povodom protesta povodom tog hapšenja, on je rekao novinarima “da svako ima pravo da mu se nešto dopada ili ne ili da protestuje, ali da niko nema pravo da baca ‘molotovljeve koktele’ na strane ambasade”.
Dačić je u bazi SAJ-a u Batajnici rekao da je policija spremna da prizna da je pogrešila ukoliko se u sudskom postupku pokaže da je tako.
Policija je pre dva dana uhapsila petoro osumnjičenih za napad Molotovljevim koktelima na zgradu Ambasade Grčke u Beogradu.
Uhapšeni su aktivisti Anarhosindikalne inicijative Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (24), Ivan Vulović (24), Sanja Đokić (19), Nikola Mitrović (29) dok je, takođe osumnjičeni Ivan Savić (25) u bekstvu.
“Istražni sudija Okružnog suda u Beogradu pokrenuo je istragu i odredio pritvor do 30 dana petočlanoj grupi osumnjičenoj za napad na zgradu Ambasade Grčke u Beogradu”, izjavila je juče potparolka tog suda Ivana Ramić i dodala da je osumnjičenima pritvor određen zbog postojanja opasnosti da bi boravkom na slobodi mogli uticati na svedoke.
- [machinetranslation Serbian -> English]
About 20 supporters Anarhosindikalističke initiatives gathered today in front of the Faculty of Philosophy to izrazali solidarity with the arrested for the attack on the Greek Embassy and requested their release.
One of the members of these initiatives Milan Stojanovic told reporters that the five arrested on charges of international terrorism, the four members of the initiative. He said that the methods used in the attack on the embassy are methods and initiatives that do not believe that their members do.
Gathered at the protest spread a banner on which was written “not pass”.
The protest was read and declarations in which according to the accused for burning the U.S. Embassy 21st February “is not passed with such a sharp qualifications for which they are charged for throwing five [Molotov] cocktails at the embassy”. It adds that they “charged with international terrorism is criminal law in Serbia in the same group with genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes against the civilian population, organizing and encouraging to commit genocide” and the like.
Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said earlier today the police arrested the suspects for the attack on the building of the Greek Embassy in Belgrade on the basis of evidence and no reason why anyone protest. Regarding the protests on the occasion of the arrest, he told reporters that “everyone has the right to be anything like it or not, or to protest, but no one has the right to cast a ‘[Molotov] cocktails’ at the embassy”.
Dacic the SAJ base in Batajnica said that the police is ready to admit that a mistake if the court proceedings show that is so.
Police arrested two days ago five suspected Molotov cocktail attack on the building of the Embassy of Greece in Belgrade.
Anarhosindikalne activists were arrested initiatives Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (24), Ivan Vulovic (24), Sanja Djokic (19), Nikola Mitrovic (29) while also suspect Ivan Savic (25) on the run.
“Investigative judge of the District Court in Belgrade launched the investigation and detention up to 30 days petočlanoj group osumnjičenoj attack on the building of the Embassy of Greece in Belgrade”, said yesterday that court potparolka Ivana Ramic said and added that the suspects detention determined by the existence of risk to stay at large could influence the witnesses.
Zašto Koštunica nije procesuiran zbog huškanja na paljenje američke ambasade
IP Novine Borba – Online izdanje
September 6, 2009
pita se advokat ASI posle pritvaranja njihovih članova zbog sumnje da su međunarodni teroristi
Apsurdno je da članovi Anarho-sindikalističke inicijative (ASI) leže u pritvoru pod sumnjom da su učinili krivično delo ‘međunarodnog terorizma’, bez posledica po zgradu grčke ambasade, dok je za paljenje američke ambasade, pa i jedan smrtni slučaj, tokom protesta ‘Kosovo je Srbija’, čovek bio osumnjičen za ‘teško delo protiv opšte sigurnosti’, ocenjuje u izjavi za Borbu advokat Dragoljub Todorović.
Posle noćnog napada molotovljevim koktelima, zapaljenim flašama s benzinom, na ambasadu Grčke u Beogradu 25. avgusta, za koji je odgovornost preuzela nepoznata anarhistička organizacija ‘Crni Ilija’, u Beogradu su uhapšeni aktivisti ASI Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (24), Ivan Vulović (24), Sanja Đokić (19) i Nikola Mitrović (29), dok je Ivan Savić (25) u bekstvu.
Nepoznata anarhistička grupa „Crni Ilija’ zahtevala je oslobađanje anarhiste Todorisa Iliopolusa, uhapšenog u Atini.
‘Zanimljivo da su iz dela pod nazivom ‘međunarodni terorizam’ izostale posledice, odnosno da je ambasada ostala čitava, da je delo učinjeno noću s očiglednom namerom da žrtava ne bude, te da još uvek nisu poznati svedoci. U istoj zemlji, isto javno tužilaštvo nije insistiralo na procesuiranju premijera (Vojislav Koštunica) koji je huškao na paljenje ambasade SAD’, objasnio je Todorović koji zastupa Ratibora Trivunca.
Trivunac, koji se za sada brani ćutanjem, zadržan je u pritvoru kako ne bi uticao na svedoke od kojih, tvrdi Todorović, nijedan nije poznat.
‘On je, dakle, zadržan u pritvoru kako ne bi uticao na potencijalne svedoke, što je još jedan apsurd jer se ne može uticati na eventualne svedoke’, kaže Todorović koji je uložio žalbu na odluku istražnog sudije Okružnog suda u Beogradu o tridesetodnevnom pritvoru članovima ASI, izrečenu 4. septembra.
Podsećanja radi, Milan Živanović, protiv koga je Okružno tužilastvo u Beogradu 10. aprila ove godine podiglo optužnicu zbog sumnje da je sa više nepoznatih lica učestvovao u paljenju američke ambasade u Beogradu, posle mirnog protesta ‘Kosovo je Srbija’ u centru grada 21. februara 2008. godine, branio se sa slobode, a na teret mu je stavljeno krivično delo ‘teško delo protiv opšte sigurnosti’ jer je zajedno sa više nepoznatih lica izazvao požar u ambasadi SAD i doveo u opasnost život ljudi. Tom prilikom je nastradao Zoran Vujović (20) iz Novog Sada.
Članovi i simpatizeri Anarho-sindikalističke inicijative, međunarodnog udruženja radnika i radnica, sa sedištem u Beogradu, kako su ranije najavili, juče su protestovali na Platou ispred Filozofskog fakulteta u znak solidarnosti sa uhapšenim članovima jer smatraju da njihovi drugovi nisu odgovorni za ono za šta se terete.
Nešto pre održavanja najavljenog anarhističkog protesta oglasio se ministar policije Ivica Dačić i poručio da je policija uhapsila osumnjičene za napad ‘molotovljevim koktelima’ na zgradu grčke ambasade u Beogradu na osnovu dokaza i da nema razloga da zbog toga bilo ko protestuje.
- [machinetranslation Serbian -> English]
Why Kostunica Incitement is not processed due to burning of the U.S. Embassy asks the lawyer ASI after the detention of their members for suspected international terrorists
It is absurd that the members of Anarcho-sindikalističke Initiative (ASI) lie in custody on suspicion of committing a crime “international terrorism”, without consequences for the building of the Greek Embassy, while the ignition U.S. embassy, and one death during the protest “Kosovo is Serbia”, the man was suspected of “hard work against general security,” the statement evaluates to fight lawyer Dragoljub Todorovic.
After a night attack Molotov cocktails, burning bottles with gasoline, the Greek Embassy in Belgrade on 25 August, which took over the responsibility is unknown anarchist organization “Black Elijah”, in Belgrade activists were arrested ASI Ratibor Trivunac (28), Tadej Kurepa (24), Ivan Vulovic (24), Sanja Djokic (19) and Nikola Mitrovic (29) , while Ivan Savic (25) on the run.
Unknown anarchist group “Black Elijah” demanded the release of anarchists Todorisa Iliopolusa, arrested in Athens.
“It is interesting that the part called ‘international terrorism’ going consequences, and that the embassy remained whole, the work done at night with the apparent intention of the victims not, and that is still not known witnesses. In the same country, as public prosecutor’s office has not insisted on prosecuting the Prime Minister (Vojislav Koštunica) is huškao the burning of the U.S. Embassy, “explained Todorovic representing Ratibora Trivunca.
Trivunac, who now defend the silence, was detained in custody in order not to influence witnesses of which, says Todorovic, none known.
“It is, therefore, retained in custody in order not to influence potential witnesses, which is more absurd, because one can not affect any possible witnesses,” said Todorovic, which appealed the decision of the investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade to arrest members of ASI for thirty days, imposed on September 4.
Reminiscence work, Milan Zivanovic, against whom the District Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade 10th April this year filed an indictment because of the suspicion that with more unknown persons involved in burning the American Embassy in Belgrade, after a peaceful protest “Kosovo is Serbia” in downtown 21st February 2008. year, with defending freedom, and the burden he placed a crime “against the hard work of general security” because, along with several unknown persons caused a fire at the U.S. Embassy and brought life in danger. On this occasion, hurt Zoran Vujovic (20) from Novi Sad.
Members and supporters of Anarcho-sindikalističke Initiatives, international association of workers, based in Belgrade, as previously announced, yesterday protested in front of the Faculty of Philosophy in solidarity with the arrested members because they believe that their comrades are not responsible for what is charged.
A little before the announced anarchist protest Listed in police minister Ivica Dacic, said that police arrested the suspects for the attack, “Molotov cocktails” at the Greek embassy building in Belgrade on the basis of evidence and no reason why anyone protest.
More infos : Belgrade: Anarchists face terrorism charges, denverabc, September 6, 2009 | Serbische AnarchosyndikalistInnen verhaftet und unter „Internationaler Terrorismus“ Anklage – Solidarität notwendig!, syndikalismus, September 6, 2009 [German]
The name of the group claiming the Belgrade attack means “Black Sun”.