Nationwide anti-terrorism raids, 14 arrested, New Zealand Herald
Major police anti-terror and firearms raids carried out, TV3
Area sealed off in anti-terror operation, Sunday Star-Times
New Zealand activists held in anti-terrorism raids: reports, AFP
Anti-terror raids in New Zealand, The Age
Armed New Zealand police seize weapons, make arrests in raids, AP, International Herald Tribune
Arrests in NZ anti-terrorist swoop, AAP, The Age
New Zealand police swoop on weapon training camps, Reuters
Exclusive footage of police raid on Wellington activist house, TV3
From the Department of Shit-I-Didn’t-Realise-There-Was-An-Election-Looming:
Early this morning there were simultaneous raids across the North Island, in Auckland, Whakatane, Wellington, Ruatoki, and Hamilton. Later in the morning, police came to at least four houses in Christchurch. Around a dozen people have been arrested so far, and reports are that up to 60 are being sought for questioning.
The raids were under the Suppression Of Terrorism Act and the Firearms Act. They have been targeted at people involved in the Tino Rangatiratanga, peace and environmental movements.
Check out Aotearoa Indymedia for more details as they come to hand.
1:43pm – The people arrested in Wellington will apparently appear in court at 2:15pm, and word is that cops will be opposing bail. It is not yet known what charges have been laid. Tame Iti will face arms charges in the Rotorua District Court this afternoon.
3:13pm – The four Wellington arrestees are still waiting to be heard in court, but we have received information that they are being charged with possession of firearms and ammunition at some point in the past.
3:52pm – It is now being reported that there have been around 20 arrests, including 10 in Auckland, 4 in Wellington and 2 in Rotorua.
4:19pm – From the corporate media: The operation “will probably be going on for a couple of days yet,” Jane Archibald, a police spokeswoman based in Wellington. It is also being reported that over 300 police officers were involved nationwide.
5:08pm – Just received word that the four Wellington arrestees have been denied bail, and will be back in court on Wednesday. No word yet on the arrestees in the other centres.
5:26pm – All four Wellington arrestees have received name suppression.
6:34pm – Reports are that 17 people were arrested in total today. In Auckland, there were apparently only 6 arrests (not 10 as reported earlier), 5 of whom have name suppression.
? – A copy of the search warrant served on [A Space Inside — not 128] is available for viewing here.
Source : Anarchia
- You Are Cordially Invited To Attend A Demonstration of Solidarity With Our Brother & Sister Activists In Aotearoa, And To Show Your Disgust At State Repression Of And The Attempted Criminalisation Of Political Dissent…
11 O’Clock ante meridiem, Tuesday, the 16th of October, in the Year Of Our Lords & Masters 2007
Consulate-General of New Zealand
Suite 2, North Level 3
350 Collins Street
For more information, please refer to this post.
“It [is] understood police had video of military-style training with live ammunition in camps deep in mountain ranges and expected to find machine guns and grenades during their raids.
Campaigners from various Maori sovereignty, environmental and “peace” groups were implicated.
“These guys are serious. They are talking of killing people,” a source was quoted as telling Fairfax.”
{ AFP – 15/10/07 }
Gee @ndy, nice friends you have there.
It’s called propaganda Dazza. Look it up in the dictionary.
The source is anonymous; the claim unverified and unverifiable. The police have not laid any charges of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, or — according to the garbled corporate/state media reports so far made available to the public — any charges beyond those concerning the alleged unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition at some point either now or in the past. Obviously, these charges are yet to be proven, and the nature and extent of the investigation itself is unknown.
As for those concerned being my friends, none, as yet, have been identified; in fact, according to IndyMedia, “All four Wellington arrestees have received name suppression”. I don’t know if that’s the case with others. Afaik, the only person to be named so far is Tame Iti, “the country’s radical Maori face”:
In brief, from what I can gather, a wide range of political activists from a range of social movements in Aotearoa/New Zealand have been arrested. Beyond that, only time will tell (the police have indicated that more arrests will follow). In the meantime, I respond to these events on the basis of my ongoing solidarity with all those targeted for state repression for their activism in the pursuit of social justice.
lol, careful @ndy, you’re starting to sound like Jamahl Salami.
Perhaps. I s’pose one difference is that, unlike yourself, I was never a member of his Party. Another is that, unlike Herr Doktor, I don’t have a criminal conviction for organising an actual shotgun assault upon a building containing a representative of the ANC, one in which pellets from the gun fired through the window of his house were discovered at the foot of his infant son’s bed… Oh, and actually being of 100% “White” stock is one more that immediately springs to mind. Not terribly interesting to me — or a good or rational basis upon which to build a political perspective — but kinda important to those who, like both yourself and Saleam, wish to construct a White Nation.
Website pledges support after arrests
15/10/2007 16:16:05
A website labelling itself as “Revolutionary Anti Colonialism and Anti Capitalism”, is pledging love and solidarity to all those arrested in police raids on Maori and environmental activists allegedly involved in para-military training camps.
It says treating indigenous people “with long standing and valid historical grievances” as terrorists is “bullshit”. The site has links to others that talk of freedom fighters in the Tuhoe – Bay of Plenty area.
Three hundred armed police swooped-in across the country this morning, arresting at least 14 people after a year long operation targeting military-style training camps in the eastern Bay of Plenty. A stash of guns and a variety of other weapons were found. There are local rumours of a guerilla-style weapons training camp in an area at the end of Ruatoki North Rd in the Ureweras. It is a remote area, accessible only by horseback…
“Revolutionary Anti Colonialism and Anti Capitalism”
So they are against colonialism, yet for multiculturalism?.
“It says treating indigenous people “with long standing and valid historical grievances” as terrorists is “bullshit”. The site has links to others that talk of freedom fighters in the Tuhoe – Bay of Plenty area.”
Didn’t you just finish lecturing about how ‘race’ is not valid for a political perspective?
Who’s “they”?
Click on the link.
It takes you a blog.
The blog is titled Whenua, Fenua, Enua, Vanua, and sub-titled ‘Revolutionary Anti Colonialism & Anti Capitalism in the Pacific’.
The author’s opinion on ‘multiculturalism’ is best provided by the author.
“Didn’t you just finish lecturing about how ‘race’ is not valid for a political perspective?”
I’ll repeat what I wrote:
“…actually being of 100% “White” stock is… [n]ot terribly interesting to me — or a good or rational basis upon which to build a political perspective — but kinda important to those who, like both yourself and Saleam, wish to construct a White Nation.”
“I don’t have a criminal conviction for organising an actual shotgun assault upon a building containing a representative of the ANC, one in which pellets from the gun fired through the window of his house were discovered at the foot of his infant son’s bed”
This is all true of course, Saleam is a criminal lunatic. We know what Jimbo did with his shotty, I wonder what your friends were planning to do with their automatic rifles and grenades? Seems your friends are taking after their hero Che in using the gun to enforce social justice. Viva la revolucion indeed.
When did you stop beating your wife?
Or to put it another way:
According to one source, one of the pieces of “evidence” being used against some of those arrested — shown on NZ TV show ‘Campbell Live’ — is a poster advertising for all “freedom fighters and supporters of Tuhoe” to come to a NYE party to be held on Tuhoe lands.
It was stated that some of those arrested were believed to be planning to attend the party.
Attending a party is one thing; planning to kill people, another…
Is that an anonymous source @ndy?, just checking.
@ndy, when you let off napalm bombs and keep a cache of automatic rifles and ‘nades, one is clearly planning one hell of a party.
ahhh, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
The source is Campbell Live. If you have persistent problems with reading and comprehension, there are numerous adult literacy courses available.
Dazza, I “let off napalm bombs and keep a cache of automatic rifles and ‘nades”?
Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts…
Siege leaves community in fear – Maori MP
Monday, 15 October 2007
Maori families living in the Ureweras feel “intimidated” and “harassed” by police anti-terrorism raids, Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell says.
Several people have appeared in court following a nation-wide police swoop this morning targeting Maori and political activists.
Police cited possible crimes under the Firearms Act and the Terrorism Suppression Act as the reasons for the raids.
Police Commissioner Howard Broad said the sting was the culmination of a year-long investigation into weapons training camps alleged to have been held in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
High profile activist Tama Iti is among those charged and Ruatoki residents are polarised by what is happening.
One woman who asked not to be named said “some people like [Tame Iti] and some think he is just an idiot.
“He is all mouth. I don’t think he is a danger in that sense but he is one of the idiots who fires his rifle off – he only has to slip. All the maraes have clamped down on him, he’s not to bring guns onto any of the maraes any more, they’ve had enough.”
Said another man: “It’s about time they sorted him out.”
Ameria Nuku said she was stopped at the way to work at 7.45 am by police.
“They were checking vehicles even under the bonnets looking for firearms or weapons of any sort. They had a list of people who had firearms but no licenses.”
Mr Flavell today questioned the manner in which police had carried out the raids in Ruatoki and the surrounding Urewera Valley.
He said at one point a school bus was stopped and searched as armed police swarmed over the area.
Some people were arrested by armed officers in front of their children. The community was left feeling fearful and under siege, he said.
“The real concern that’s been expressed to my office has been the impact on the young children and families and mothers who had to see officers running around with guns this morning,” he said.
“The Maori families living in my electorate feel unduly harassed by the number of search warrants imposed, the charges laid, and the intimidation they believe they have experienced this morning.”
Mr Flavell said most people in the area owned firearms as hunting was a popular form of food-gathering in the Ureweras.
He said it appeared as if Maori had been targeted, as had been a fear of critics when the Terrorism Suppression Act was passed in 2002.
While public safety was paramount, he hoped police had the evidence to back up their claims or their relationship with Maori communities would be seriously damaged.
Sam Buchanan, who lives at 128 Abel Smith St in Wellington’s Te Aro district, said he was mystified why his home was raided by police.
Police left the scene shortly before 1pm with various bags containing clothes and documents.
Mr Buchanan said he had not been involved in any training camps.
He would not say if he was involved with Greenpeace or any other environmental group.
There is a sign on the door of the house which reads The Mechanical Tempest.
Mr Buchanan said he and other residents ran a free bicycle repair workshop.
The house was used as a venue for numerous classes, including language and dance.
There had never been any firearms at the property but “millions” of people had been associated with this house, Mr Buchanan said.
The four Wellington accused have connections with the house, but none of them live there, and no one was arrested during the police raid.
Mr Buchanan said police told him he could not leave the house and that the warrant for the search was issued under the Terrorism Act.
Police had broken a glass door into the house and Mr Buchanan said he supposed he was expected to replace it.
“It’s been a very annoying morning,” he said.
An associate of the four Wellington accused, Arthur Price, said the community was in shock over the arrests.
“It’s just absolutely ridiculous. I’m almost positive none of them have been involved with anything to do with firearms.
“They’re all peace activists,” he said.
Green Party MP Keith Locke today said he too was sceptical of aspects of the raids.
It appeared different groups had been targeted in different parts of the country and it was hard to see how some of them could be related.
As well as the Wellington “community house” being among the raids, members of the anti-mining Save Happy Valley group in Christchurch had also been questioned by police.
“That’s exactly what I and other critics warned about when the law was passed in 2002,” he said.
“It just seems strange that all these different groups with different agendas seem to have been raided on the same day.”
Greenpeace New Zealand said it knew nothing about any of the alleged activities which had caused the police raids and denied any involvement.
New Zealand First MP Ron Mark linked the raids to criminal gangs.
“Police must be congratulated for their actions in heading off what appears to be a major threat to public safety,” said the party’s law and order spokesman Ron Mark.
“I am particularly concerned, however, as there is a strong smell of involvement by our established criminal gangs in today’s events.
Mr Mark, who has in the past called for gangs to be outlawed, said they were well known black market suppliers of restricted weapons – systematically raiding private arms collectors to obtain the arms.
– With NZPA and Sunday Star Times
How come my website didn’t get headline news?
They only become facts when they agree with your world-view @ndy.
All hail teh Che!
@ndy – the search warrant you link to was from A Space Inside, the anarchist social centre in Auckland, not 128, the activist/anarchist community centre in Wellington.
In the context of wide-ranging raids by armed police on a large number of people and the arrest of approximately 17 individuals Darrin, the facts are subject to dispute, especially legal dispute, over the course of what may be weeks, months or years. Nevertheless, it is possible, at this stage, to take note of the claims that have been made by police and others, and to weigh these against what is otherwise known. Leaving aside police allegations — allegations which will presumably be tested in a court of law — for a moment, some relatively uncontroversial facts appear to be these:
Prominent Tino Rangatiratanga activist Tame Iti was among the first arrested at his home at 4am Monday morning.
At 6am raids were carried out at A Space Inside anarchist social centre in Auckland and the 128 activist Community Centre in Wellington.
In Tuhoe Country, the town of Ruatoki was blockaded by armed police for several hours, with no cars allowed in and many searched.
14 of the arrestees appeared in court hearings in Auckland, Rotorua and Wellington this afternoon and were all refused bail. All but two received name suppression.
The four Wellington arrestees (2 women and 2 men) have received a total of 20 charges. On Wednesday they will be back in court as the prosecution attempts to move their trial to Auckland, while they will have an opportunity to apply for a bail hearing on Friday.
5 arrestees (1 woman and 4 men) in Auckland will remain in custody until Friday while a 6th, Jamie Beattie Lockett, who faces 3 charges under the Firearms Act, will have a bail hearing Tuesday morning.
An arrestee in the Hamilton District Court, facing 6 charges, will appear in the Auckland District Court on Friday.
In Rotorua, Tame Iti, facing 8 charges, will have a bail application heard Tuesday at 3pm. A woman in the Rotorua District Court, facing 5 charges, has been remanded in custody for 2 weeks, although she will be allowed to apply for bail during that time.
The police will make a decision in the coming days/weeks as to whether they will apply to the Solicitor General to allow charges to be laid under the 2002 Terrorism Suppression Act. If they do get permission, it would be the first time charges have been laid under the Act. There may still be more arrests and more charges as well.
Your talk of napalm bombs, caches of automatic rifles and grenades, is as entertaining as police talk of nationwide terrorist conspiracies; however, again, this is a matter for the courts to decide, not the media. Further, it is unclear at this stage whether police will actually lay charges for offences under the Terrorism Suppression Act. Presumably, the next few days will reveal more.
Thanks Asher — I’ve corrected the mistake.
It’s not my talk of “napalm bombs, etc, etc”, it’s that evil media thingy, you know, that thing you guys always like to gush to about ‘teh evil’ nationalists.
See –
Long live the resistant movements of New Zealand against capitalism. DOWN WITH THE REGIME.
“All hail teh Che!”
Although I don’t presume to speak for @ndy, given his political values I doubt he’d agree with you there, given that Guevara was a sexist cold-blooded killer who set up a system that repressed and murdered Christians, homosexuals, and pretty much everyone who didn’t fit in with his particular ideals for decades, and even still now to some degree.
“TV3 quoted a source as saying a Napalm bomb had been set off at one of the camps the weekend before last. Napalm is an incendiary gel developed during World War II.”
That’s the Herald quoting TV3 quoting an anonymous ‘security’ source. Thus:
Naplam [sic] link to terror traning [sic] camps
Oct 15, 2007 9:36 PM
“A napalm bomb at an alleged weapons training camp in the Bay of Plenty prompted police anti-terrorism raids on Monday…
A security source says they received information that people were using napalm at one of the camps in the Ruatoki area.
The source told ONE News that those involved were “not harmless fringe elements” and that police had not [sic] option but to move in quickly when they became aware napalm was being used.
Napalm is a highly flammable petroleum jelly used in bombs, rocket launchers and flame throwers.”
Elsewhere, AP reports:
“…Television New Zealand also said police had learned the group had napalm.
Broad did not mention napalm when briefing reporters, but said: “There was a significant risk and I deemed it prudent to act now rather than to allow this risk to continue.”
TV yes; police no.
Don’t be too harsh on Darrin; he is just a sleepy racist dragon (roar!) with poor reading and comprehension skills.
On Saint Che :
RevolutionaryLeft & The Cult of ‘Che’ | Sub Motorcycle Diaries
Darrin Hodges is Proud to be an Infidel
Yes Joe is a naughty boy. However unlike Jimbo, I’m not a criminal neo-nazi lunatic. At the very least, I’m not a hypocritical wanker that complains about the ‘teh evil!!!’ capitalist system whilst enjoying the benefits of it like you and your mates do. Nor do I know anybody who has a collection of automatic rifles, ‘nades or know people who like to play with napalm.
Well there you go. Never claim that we have nothing in common.
Darrin you are a racist ass whole. Nationalism is a capitalist conspiricy to divide and weaken the international proletariat.
Yeah Aaandy, Darrin has a point, unless you’re living on less than $1 a day, never buying new clothes and you’re not an exploited factory worker making sex toys in Asia for near-slave wages, then you’re pretty much not allowed to question the validity of Capitalism.
On the other hand, Darrin, I am interested in your Sex Toy business, where is this website? Do you sell those dildos that are marketed with names like “BigandBlack” and the like, or do you refuse to on eth(n)ical grounds? Don’t shy away from the tough questions lad.
are you saying that Darrin owns a sex business?
“Yeah Aaandy, Darrin has a point, unless you’re living on less than $1 a day, never buying new clothes and you’re not an exploited factory worker making sex toys in Asia for near-slave wages, then you’re pretty much not allowed to question the validity of Capitalism.”
That is total bull shit. Australian working class people are working for over 13 dollars a hour and about 6 days a week. Australian average family has both parents working but are struggling to survive. Cost of living is increasing and living standards are decreasing. Houses costs are going up. The capitalists are exploiting the workers even more thanks to John Howards new IR laws.
Sow why shouldn’t Australians have a right to complain about capitalism. They are being exploited as well.
He doesn’t own it, he just works for it. And yes, there is inter-racial and homosexual pornography on offer (but is there inter-racial homosexual pornography? That’s the worst kind, you know). I haven’t visited the site in a while, but I imagine you could pick up a black dildo at an affordable price.
Price: $29.62
Includes 10% G.S.T
Currency: AUD
Product Code: 1160
Or alternatively…
Price: $99.00
Includes 10% G.S.T
Currency: AUD
Product Code: 1180
“…keep one in your glove box”, but where will I store my gloves?
There is a part of me that secretly hopes Darrin is the one who writes the copy for the website.
Peter Watson aka Stalinist; I was being sarcastic, using the old reductio ad absurdum (kinda). I tried to make it obvious with the childish “Aaandy”, but i realise the interwab is not the best forum for statements which really rely on tone of voice to be interpreted.
Sorry about that misunderstanding, I fear that Darrin “Dildo” Hodges wouldn’t have picked it up either.
Nice topic derailment. Instead of discussing the racist attacks planned against whites in NZ, you instead take some asinine musings. I’m a IT contractor, they are one of the businesses whose network infrastructure I maintain. I do not approve of what they sell and they know this, however what people do with their fiddly bits is none of my business.
Anyhoo, it’s interesting to note that Tame Iti has spent time in Communist China and following the Black Panthers and appears to have built an ideology on the idea of “Maori-ness” or Maori Nationalism. Hmmm, I seem to remember @ndy lecturing on the evils of using race as the basis of a political position…
Alleged racist attacks, based on alleged plans. Further, at this stage, and irrespective of media reports, those arrested are facing firearms offences. Tame Iti, for example, was yesterday denied bail and “…three charges were laid with the court to add to the eight firearms and molotov cocktail counts Iti already faces. They related to the day he was arrested and alleged he was in possession of a Ruger .22, a MacTech .22, and a Siga 7.62-calibre firearm.” In other words, although arrested on the basis of warrants issued under New Zealand’s anti-terrorism laws, Iti and others have so far only been charged with possession of firearms.
An editorial from today’s edition of The Nelson Mail:
Jury out on police anti-terror raids
Armed anarchists about to launch an IRA-like war to press for an independent Tuhoe nation in the central North Island? Military-style weapons training camps? Arms dealers offering to obtain grenade-launchers for terrorists? IRA training manuals, napalm explosions, automatic weapons and threats against the prime minister and police? Dawn raids involving 300 police, some of them from the anti-terrorism unit known as the Special Tactics Group? Either the police have foiled a plot shocking in its implications or they are guilty of a massive over-reaction that threatens to undermine whatever credibility they have, the Nelson Mail said in an editorial on Thursday.
The raids are said to be the culmination of more than a year of surveillance. Various government intelligence agencies have been monitoring those involved in training camps in the remote and rugged Urewera mountain range in eastern Bay of Plenty. Much of the police evidence is apparently based on text messages between those who have attended the camps. Maori Party MP Te Ururoa Flavell accuses the police of placing small Maori villages in Urewera Valley “under siege”, with school buses stopped and searched on the outskirts of Ruatoki by heavily armed police and people being arrested in front of frightened children. As well as campaigners for Maori sovereignty, such as the distinctively tattooed Tame Iti, the police also targeted environmentalists and other activists. They seem to be suggesting they have foiled an imminent, coordinated armed uprising by a range of New Zealand agitators.
Were it not for the potential seriousness, it would read more like the plot for a B grade movie with central roles for Jake the Muss and Rambo than for a legitimate threat to society. There have also been elements of farce. In Christchurch, they were turned away from the homes of Save Happy Valley campaigners – best known for their efforts on behalf of West Coast snails – because they had not bothered to obtain search warrants. In central Wellington, they raided a house – frequently used for a range of activities, from yoga and film screenings to dance parties and meetings – which doubles as a bicycle repair shop.
Although the raids and surveillance were carried out under the controversial Suppression of Terrorisim Act, the charges that have been laid to date are mostly related to firearms offences. However, the police have suggested that some charges might yet be laid under the act, which makes terrorism involvement an aggravating factor under the Sentencing Act, meaning harsher penalties. The Act, a response to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, was criticised by civil rights groups and some opposition politicians as marking a significant legislative erosion of human rights and the due process of law. Mr Flavell says Maori predicted when the legislation was being passed that it was “only a matter of time” before it was used against them.
Police headquarters would have been well aware of the political sensitivities involved before giving the raids the green light. It is important to suspend judgment – both about the actions of the police and other authorities, and the guilt or innocence of the accused, who of course are innocent until proven otherwise. The unprecedented operation means that, when substantive court hearings finally take place, the police will be on trial every bit as much as Iti and his fellow defendants. Hopefully, due process will proceed without delay.
“…what people do with their fiddly bits is none of my business.”
Then why do you keep writing as if it were? You claim that an instance of (Muslim) men wearing women’s clothing, taking part in “gay” photo shoots, and having sex with goats “All goes to show that Islam is the religion of filth” (Jihadi’s in drag, August 28, 2007). Similarly, you claim that “While I do not care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes, I will not have homosexuality taught to four year old children, not mine, not anybody’s children. It’s clear the Greens have nothing to do with enviro[n]mentalism, they are merely a [M]arxist front group, whose agenda is all about destroying the very traditions and morality that built [W]estern civilization” (Greens MP Lee Rhiannon wants to pervert your children, March 15, 2007).
Can you spell P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D Darrin?
(I also suggest you examine the origins of Western Civilization a little more closely — they’re as fruity as a big bottle of mixed fruit juice… for sale… in a fruit shop.)
According to you, ‘Dr Pallotta-Chiarolli wants to pervert our children’ (March 30, 2007) because this ‘expert’ advises parents to talk to their children about gay relationships from a very early age.
In other words, what some — ie, non-straight — people do with their fiddly bits assumes a great deal of importance in your world-view, and — somewhat akin to Lex Steele’s penis in the world of pornographic film making — assumes E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S meaning and significance in your mind: namely, what some people do with their fiddly bits constitutes a dangerous form of sexual perversity, which should be allowed no public expression.
If this truly were ‘none of your business’, surely you’d shut up about it?
Yes but did the goat consent?
I do view homosexuality as a perversion and I will not shut up while it’s being pushed as an ‘alternative’ lifestyle or being used to violate the traditional family structure. If two blokes want to jack-hammer each other’s livers in their own home that is their concern, not mine. I only become bothered when such behaviour is foisted onto children as being something other than what it is: a perversion of human sexuality.
Here’s a suggestion for your next banner to hang [off] a deserted [factory] wall:
“No black nationalism
end racist violence.”
Since in your view, Tame Iti being a Maori nationalist makes him a racist.
It doesn’t sound any fun when you put it like that, you filth-monger.
‘(I also suggest you examine the origins of Western Civilization a little more closely — they’re as fruity as a big bottle of mixed fruit juice… for sale… in a fruit shop.)’
Andy I am glad you brang that up. Even the Spartans (the OG fascists) were putting their doodles in each other’s bottoms.
…and that shall be the last comment on that subject on this thread.
Police raids in Aotearoa, anyone?
Nobody mention Röhm and the throwing of cocks up arses.
(I think the meandering nature of this thread comes down to a lack of concrete info coming out of comp@s in NZ).
No, nobody wants to talk about it. Not because of the methods that were to be employed for their “revolution”, but because this site is sympathetic with the ideology involved.
Anarchists are not sympathetic with nationalist ideologies of any kind, be it black nationalism, maori nationalism or white nationalism. However, there is a huge difference between anarchists supporting nationalist ideology and having sympathies for certain struggles and those people involved in that struggle. As I think @ndy already pointed out.
Darrin: Patent nonsense.
I’ve made seven blog posts on the subject in the four days since the initial raids.
Like thousands of others, I’m happy to talk about it, and likely will do, at length.
As for the “revolution” and “ideology”, what revolution and ideology? To this point, the charges all relate to alleged firearms offences (none of which have been proven, obviously) or a full or even partial explanation offered to the court as to why these particular offences should have justified such a massive demonstration of state power. Instead, there are rumours, and allegations that… what? As best as I can discern, that a small group of individuals, Maori and Pakeha, had taken part in some kinda ‘para-military’ training, in preparation for some kinda assault against state institutions. Oddly, despite having utilised the provisions of ‘anti-terrorist’ legislation in conducting the raids and arrests (now apparently numbering 18), NZ police have yet to file charges under it. And until I know precisely what the ideology is of those charged, I can hardly express any emotion, whether sympathy or loathing. That’s just basic logic.
Waffle waffle waffle.
A quick search of your site reveals the following:
26 occurrences of the phrase “White Nationalist”
1 occurrence of the phrase “black nationalist” (and only because it appears in something you quoted)
18 occurrences of the phrase “Darrin Hodges”
3 occurrences of the phrase “Tame Iti” (only because the name is mentioned in material you have quoted)
Which leads me to believe that this site is sympathetic to the views of Tame Iti and his fellow travellers. You are nothing more than a middle class revolutionary wanker and as it turns out, you are as silly as you look.
Love and kisses.
I bow before your superior logic.
You are truly a supple and versatile thinker.
Seriously though…
You’re an idiot.
OK. So a quick search of my blog reveals that the phrase “White Nationalist” occurs 26 times, and the term “black nationalist” once. Note that, using Google, I find the first phrase occurs in 19 separate posts, and “black nationalist” not at all.
Further, you claim that the name “Darrin Hodges” occurs 18 times on my blog/site, and the name “Tame Iti” three times. Again, having used Google to search my blog for the name, I turned up several times that number of references to “Darrin Hodges”; a quick search for the term via the search function turns up three.
Therefore, ipso facto, “this site is sympathetic to the views of Tame Iti and his fellow travellers”.
Q. Have you fallen over and hit your head recently Darrin?
A quick search of my blog reveals that the word “dickhead” occurs x number of times.
Therefore, you are a dickhead.
ALL HAIL CHAIRMAN WATSON. Darrin Hodges is not real. He is a conspiricy made by the Anti Normal People’s Alliance to confuse anarchists as a conspiricy to fool the proletariat. It is a never ending conspiricy by the capitalists to keep controll of the world.
Darrin Hodges is simply a computer generated image created by a team of chained nerds based down at the science stuff room at the Warwick High School. Mr Watt is behind all of this. Because he is so a evil nerdish super nerd that he spends most of his time plotting against the proletariat.
Andy and slackbastard are just another part of a even bigger plot to fool people into thinking that there are really anarchists and nationalists fighting each other. Mr Watt is behind all of this. He even faked the moon landings.
We muste attack the science block before Mr Watt does even more evil things like giving me another formal detention for talking in class.