Monthly Archives: March 2007


“As I suspected. Student Trots who are either too young or or too dumb to know where the road to the gulag starts giving free publicity to scumbags. You poor, thick kids.” ~ Christian Kerr on FDB!, March 15, 2007 … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Music, Poetry, State / Politics | 2 Comments

G20: Police fight terrorism; arrest protesters

In George II‘s ongoing and everlasting War on Terrorism™, in a joint operation involving members of the Federal, NSW and Victoria police, and acting under the direction of the ‘Police Terrorism Investigation Squad’, five people were arrested yesterday in dawn … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, State / Politics, Student movement, War on Terror | Leave a comment

The KKK took my perspective away

Two recent articles from Crikey on the KKK and FDB! The KKK took my perspective away Cam Smith Crikey March 12, 2007 The news last week that a Ku Klux Klan group (The White Legion Knights of the KKK) was … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Media | 15 Comments

Greeks students are revolting

‘Arsonists attack Greek police station’ [AP] International Herald Tribune March 12, 2007 “ATHENS, Greece: Dozens of youths hurled petrol bombs at a police station near central Athens early Monday, damaging a patrol car and the building’s entrance, authorities said. No … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, History, State / Politics, Student movement | Leave a comment

Jared Taylor versus reality. Again.

Jared Taylor, the racist schmuck and self-described ‘race realist’ from Virginia, has had another crash-course in reality, his latest attempt to talk shit in Halifax, Canada at Saint Mary’s University, being cancelled by University authorities. The grinning idiot was scheduled … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Media, State / Politics | 10 Comments

S11: Lawyers eh?

Q. What’s the difference between an echidna and two lawyers in a BMW? A. An echidna has the pricks on the outside. Another lawyer joke: Secret S11 deal twist Chris Tinkler and Kelvin Healey Sunday Herald Sun March 11, 2007 … Continue reading

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Crazy anarchists in Greece… crazy anarchists in Denmark… crazy anarchists everywhere!

Megalo, megalo, megalo! Crazy crazy crazy Greek anarchists are up to their old tricks, setting fire to banks and cameras and throwing things at police: “ATHENS, Greece: Suspected anarchists destroyed three traffic surveillance cameras within 10 minutes in different parts … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, History, Media, State / Politics | 8 Comments

Traitors! Boo!

Australia First Spits The Dummy Over Australians Against Further Immigration: Another bunch of wankers decides to split racist vote in Cronulla and entertain the people of New South Wales Oh dear. While “Extreme Right party One Nation has been effectively … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 1 Comment

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at Andrew Bolt on S11 (Continued)

Investigation of police action at the World Economic Forum demonstrations, September 2000, Report of the Ombudsman, June 2001 [PDF] …for what it’s worth (is it worth writing?), here’s the second part of my reply to Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt‘s … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, History, Media, State / Politics | Leave a comment

Upcoming Events

All Ages Benefit Gig for G20 Arrestees : When : 8pm, Friday, March 16 Where : Irene Warehouse, 5 Pitt Street, Brunswick What : Pisschrist, DJs, food, drink Entry : $5 Latin American Solidarity Network / Red de Solidaridad con … Continue reading

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