Monthly Archives: June 2007

‘Home Sweet Squat’

Source : The Melbourne Times, May 9, 2007, pp.8–9 The number of squatters in Melbourne may be growing, and new groups are forming to help them and fight for their rights. Brigid Enis discovers what it’s like to live without … Continue reading

Posted in Media, State / Politics, Student movement | 4 Comments

The Birmy: now six times less hardcore

The hardcore show scheduled for this Friday @ The Birmy has been cancelled according to Choppaz from Tenth Dan, one of the six bands scheduled to play. Tenth Dan will, however, be playing in Melbourne on Sunday, June 24th @ … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Collingwood, Music | 9 Comments

A lesson in economics

Sheesh. Closet pro-Situ and former ALP student political hack Darren Ray seems to lurch from one corrupt business to another. After overseeing the collapse of the Melbourne University Student Union in 2002 and 2003, Ray has most recently emerged in … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, State / Politics, Student movement | 10 Comments

Yes, we have no oil!

June 14, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EXXON PROPOSES BURNING HUMANITY FOR FUEL IF CLIMATE CALAMITY HITS Conference organizer fails to have Yes Men arrested Text of speech, photos, video | GO-EXPO statement | Press conference before this event, Friday, Calgary … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Media, Poetry | Leave a comment

2007 Sydney Forum : Phantasy vs. Reality

Uh-oh, spaghetti-o. This year’s Sydney Forum — Australia’s premiere gathering of teenaged fascists, middle-aged white supremacists, elderly neo-Nazi pensioners, anti-Semitic lunatics, conspiracists, cranks and “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” racists of all … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 26 Comments

Green Scare Update

So, as I was saying: the Green Scare. At the bottom of my blog’s frontpage (is that what you call it?) there’s a list of names, websites and calls for support, many of which relate to the ‘Green Scare’, and … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, State / Politics, War on Terror | 5 Comments

scha·den·freu·de (shäd’n-froi’d?)

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German police surprisingly slow at tackling boneheads; cite Melbourne working class punks as inspiration

German police have further cemented their reputation for tackling fascism… very, very s l o w l y. Worse, German punks appear not to be taking their political cues from Melbourne working class punks™ and, consequently, German boneheads continue to … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism, State / Politics, War on Terror | 6 Comments

Bloggy stuff…

AnonymousLefty has drawn my attention to yesterday’s editorial in The Australian. And I don’t care what he thinks: I think it’s brilliant.* Editorial: Reality bites the psychotic Left By refusing to face modern realities, the Australian Left has dealt itself … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 4 Comments

Reading, watching, books, films, television…

Ha! Dazzling Darrin Hodges‘ blog Anglo-Australian National Community Council — er, that is, Hodges and his dog, who together maintain a watching brief on the Muslim menace threatening Orstraya — made a special guest appearance on Media Watch tonight, as … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Film, Media, State / Politics, Television | 15 Comments