Daily Archives: February 4, 2008

Bloggy February

Neo-Nazis? Shut up already! Here’s some non-neo-Nazi related blogs: 1) Andrew Norton : is a barking mad reactionary, or in his words, ‘Carlton’s lone classic liberal’. A little dull, occasionally worthy, but about the most coherent bloggy defence of privilege … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 15 Comments

Lech Walesa has a lot to answer for

Bah humbug! In terrible news for trainspotters, there’s been a reconsolidation on the Trotskyist left in Australia: the International Socialist Organisation (ISO), the Socialist Action Group (SAG) and Solidarity have agreed to join together in a new Party, imaginatively titled … Continue reading

Posted in Student movement, Trot Guide | 26 Comments

Yeah. Right.

Megalo Megalo Megalo! In Athens, CrazyGreekAnarchists have been fighting neo-Nazis and the police who protect them (and even provide them with sticks). Early reports suggest that two antifa were stabbed by neo-Nazis and as a result have been hospitalised but … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism | 2 Comments