Last Friday, January 18, a young anti-fascist skinhead, 18 year-old Jan Kučera, was stabbed by a 20 year-old nazi after a short fight. Jan Kucera died in hospital on Sunday.
- [Video]
The nazi responsible for the attack has been arrested, but at this stage police are investigating the the incident as though it were the result of a regular pub brawl (the nazi has been charged with attempted murder).
Witnesses said prior to the stabbing, nazis attacked a group of anti-fascists in a pub, giving nazi salutes and shouting insults. Later they attacked Jan outside the pub. The attacker (a trained martial artist with more than 10 years experience in musado) stabbed Jan in the chest and in the back. Jan’s friends managed to stop the enormous bleeding from his chest before an ambulance arrived, but it was then discovered that he had been stabbed in the back as well. Jan lost a huge amount of blood as a result of the stabbing, and despite fighting, died two days later, losing his final battle on Sunday.
His favourite song was “Till the end of my life, I will be anti-fascist!” by the Slovak band RozpoR.
We will never forget!
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Thanks to Pete from Prague for the original text (slightly edited). See also:
Jan Kučera – Další oběť neonacistů : [Czech]
Odešel jeden z nás… [Czech]
Tschechien: Antifaschist von Nazi ermordet : [German]
Antyfaszysta zabity w Czechach : [Polish]
- NB. On Saturday February 9, The Beefeaters, Bulldog Spirit/Marching Orders, Napalm Hearts and The Worst will be playing a gig at local neo-Nazi venue The Birmy. As Ben (the bass player for Bulldog Spirit and Marching Orders) and Napalm Hearts says “fuck you stupid fucking anarchist pieces of shit. Fucking die already”. One down, but who knows how many to go?
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PS. Czech neo-Nazis had a march last weekend in Prague (Praha), after a planned demonstration in Pilsen (Plzen) got shitcanned by local authorities. The Czech press reports that:
Extremists march organised by Czech govt party member – server
January 23, 2008
Plzen- Vaclav Bures who organised the unauthorised neo-Nazi march in Plzen on Saturday was a member of the Czech senior government party, the Civic Democrats (ODS), at the time of the march preparation, server wrote on Tuesday…
The neo-Nazis wanted to walk through Plzen centre, but Mayor of Plzen Pavel Roedl banned the action that drew a wave of resistance on Thursday last week.
That is why the rightist extremists changed their plans and met in Prague. The demonstration of some 200 people lasted about one hour and was calm.
Strunc said the ODS did not know what Bures is doing. Bures, however, called a similar action last April already. Some 50 extremists then protested in Plzen on his initiative against the imprisonment of Vlastimil Pechance that they said was unjust.
Pechanec was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the racially-motivated murder of Romany Ota Absolon…
PPS. Contrary to the opinion of at least one punter on Bombshell zine Forum (from which I’ve apparently been banned and couldn’t be arsed re-joining), fascism is on the rise in Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union. But hey, what would all of the groups dedicated to monitoring precisely this issue know that a local yuppie wouldn’t?
Neo-Nazism on the rise in Eastern Europe dpa correspondents
January 24, 2008
Prague/Moscow (dpa) – Seventy-five years after Hitler came to power in Germany the baleful influence of his ideology lives on with increasing numbers of racist attacks reported, particularly in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
In Russia, one of the main hotspots for neo-Nazi activity, human rights activists estimate there are roughly 70,000 [boneheads].
Galina Kozhevnikova, deputy head of the Sova centre, an organization which tracks xenophobia and hate crime, said right-wing extremist organizations in Russia were “growing stronger.”
According to data from the Sova centre, 68 people were killed last year in racist crimes and 565 were injured in attacks. The number of attacks has increased by 20 to 25 per cent in recent years, the centre said…
Banned from Bombshellzine, atndy?! HA! Took their time, didn’t they? Is your account deactivated or your ISP banned? Cos if it’s the former, you could use mine.
That appears to be the most likely explanation you know. If correct, this would be the second time in about 14 years I’ve been banned from a list or forum (and on the first occasion I was re-instated).
So yeah, I could register again, but I really only wanted to check if dion had replied to my PM. He (she?) was the forum’s resident expert on fascism in Russia (and no doubt many other subjects). Point being, while in general I don’t like yuppies, yuppies like dion — who go out of their way to offend me with their ignorance and stupidity — I singularly fail to appreciate, and thus enjoy proving them wrong.
Ah well. It’s not like there was a surfeit of intelligent conversation on music there anyways, just the meanderings of a self-satisfied clique.
“just the meanderings of a self-satisfied clique”
Not to mention a certain crybaby by the name of Cleo who would wail and whine whenever he couldn’t come back with a comeback! HA! I still grin whenever I think how easy it was to antagonise him. I really should start picking on people my size.
Nah: they don’t to be important or intelligent to be useful for a change.
[Again. Why bother Mick?]
Because I have something regarding the article.