Is it something in the water?
For a town its size (140,000+), Newcastle seems to have been blessed with more than its fair share of neo-Nazis — whether it’s Douglas Schott and the boys of Blood Red Eagle warbling Viking tunes at the Hamilton Hotel, teenage fascists (and their considerably older partners) organising BBQs for fellow members of teh Master Race, or Saleam’s mob pestering locals about the dangers of blackfellas doing what they do best (y’know… stealing jobs and women from under the nose of The White Man) — there appears to be no shortage of nutty racists in town. Now some real estate agent called Nathan Clarke has been exposed as being a net-Nazi: FDB! having just published the alleged profile of yet another user of the white supremacist Stormfront website, one using (although probably not for much longer) the pseudonym ‘nafe’. Ironically, this same person only recently denounced the Jew (sic) Joe Hildebrand for writing on the subject of a supposed plot for Race thugs to hijack Australia Day (January 9, 2008).
Mr Clarke said (October 17, 2007):
We are delighted to be joining Australia’s fastest growing real estate group. Harcourts are a modern and progressive company who place great emphasis on training and systems and we feel these will be of great benefit to our clients.
Mr Clarke also said (January 10, 2008):
Just a little misrepresentation. He [deliberately] misquoted the man. He [blatantly] lied to the whole of The Daily Telegraph [readership]. He has not [substantiated] the [article] and it would be tough to find anything truthful in the whole ****ing article.
Joe [you’re] … scum, [you’re] a typical [J]ew, [you] try and stand over anything that doesn’t fit your agenda. Trying to ruin a man[‘]s life, career, friends, family is a low act.
If you were [truly] wanting to write a piece on white “nationalism” with some truth, come here and discuss [it] with us, not write your hate filled [J]ew[ish] bull****.
I’m going to stop right here before [I] take my coments [too] far… misquote that you scum ****.
So if you’re in the market for real estate in Newcastle, be sure and contact Nathan Clarke on 0402 674 815 or Harcourts New South Wales State Office, Level 11, 100 Williams Street, East Sydney, New South Wales on (02) 9380 8665.
Just don’t be a bullying, hate-filled scumbag Jew, because Jews are bad, mmmkay?
Haha Fight Dem Back kick arse so hard.
Alas Mister Hater, Ultimate, not everybody agrees. nafe himself, a financial supporter (“Friend”) of ex-KKK Grand Dragon and convicted terrorist Don Black’s Stormfront Internet business, certainly doesn’t think so…
Stay tuned for more reich ‘n’ roll!
Hunter Christian School – the difference is DEFINITELY here!
“Thankyou for your interest in Hunter Christian School. We are a Kindergarten to Year 12 school, with Prep to commence in 2008. As our name suggests we are a Christian educational community. All school staff are evangelical Christians committed to a local church. We take the Bible as the basis for matters of faith, belief, values and conduct. We express this through the teaching programs, routines and traditions of our school. And hating Jews. Well, some of us. OK, at least one.”
“Just don’t be a bullying, hate-filled scumbag Jew, because Jews are bad, mmmkay?”
It’s hardly a pleasant religion that effuses brotherly love for all “God’s” creation is it ? Surely you know that to be true. It could be said that it exemplifies religious “Fascism” replete with all the exclusions that the Anarchist “Jews” feign to protest. Why won’t you touch “it”.
A reading of “it”, the symbiote, will prove “it” to be a vicious, nasty, proactively prejudiced and slippery creed that spits venomous contempt for everyone who refuses to acknowledge that they/us Goyim, have a place in the religion of the “Jews”. Willingly or Unwillingly, we are to be obedient and worshipful beneath the JackBoot of its racio/religious subductions.
Is it unreasonable for those of us who have a little knowledge of “its” core precepts to be wary when dealing personally with the “Jewish” victim of “it”?
“It” has managed to achieve a measure of immortality in that viral “It” is passed from one generation to the other intact. It Lives and is Alive !!!!!! in some of us who prefer to call themselves “Jews”.
A slick real estate salesman as a net-Nazi? Geez, it gets surreal!
Curious about the apparent concentration of Nazis and Nazi-esque types in Newcastle. Any idea why that may be?
Have you *been* to Newcastle, Changeling?! Get thy self there someday and check out the locals.
Interesting – just tried to find Nathan Clarke on the Harcourts search people function. Nada.
Yeah. nafe appears to have struck out on his own. Maybe there were too many Jews in the Harcourts’ office? Can’t be too careful. They’re everywhere!
The Nazis in Newcastle is kinda obvious, yeah? Blue collar town, decimated by job losses with no real prospect of getting them back, abandoned by the reformist Left as a casualty of progress…
If I was bored, not very bright and up for a laugh, I’d probably think Australia First or hours on Stormfront might be a way to pass the time. I suspect Nathan reckons he’s really pushing the envelope by blaming Jews and would never repeat that shit outside of the Interbutts. I wonder who he blames for stuffing the Chico rolls down his gullet? On the bright side, it’s nice to see the haircuts pioneered by homosexuals have permeated net-Nazi culture at last.
It should be pointed out there is also a disproportionate amount of amazing shit in Newcastle for similar reasons. The arts scene there is well documented (Octapod is pretty inspirational). I’ve met more than a few ace people from Nova Castria. And holy shit, they have alcoholic ginger-fuckin’-beer there ON TAP. Talk about the unevenness of revolutionary development!
P.S. True story: one of the worst things I ever ate was a McDonald’s vegieburger in Newcastle. The burger tasted like burnt and the chips were like salted wax.
Before I read this post I was gonna answer that the thing with Newcastle is all the out of control crazy land speculation leading to massive vacant land ghettos and crazy social problems as a result.
And then I read the dude in question is a real estate agent.
So go figure.
It’s the Jews?
Andy, what do you have to gain by being an activist?
Yourself, being white, should be showing more support towards White australian’s.
i’m glad to see you’re doing your part tony … as a FUCKING IDIOT you’re doing your bit supporting other FUCKING IDIOTS
Many have pondered as to how the punktured appearance of the archetypal anarchist/punk devolved.
On passing by a heavily metalled “Monk”, who could well have been a disciple, an AnarchistPunk, the Irish friend of mine concluded that he must have been in a fishing and tackle shop when a bomb went off.
You Anarchists, Jews and Punks are Fucking Nutz.
“i’m glad to see you’re doing your part tony … as a FUCKING IDIOT you’re doing your bit supporting other FUCKING IDIOTS”
What’s with the anger?
Why aren’t you supporting White Australians?
“Andy, what do you have to gain by being an activist?”
Heaps of chicks.
“Yourself, being white, should be showing more support towards White australian’s.”
Yourself, having a brain, should use it. Try constructing some kind of argument. I barrack for Collingwood, which is black and white. What have you got against Leon Davis anyway?
Why aren’t you supporting this White Australian?
1. sorry about the anger tony its part of a medical condition i suffer from daily. i have this acute allergy to morons and exposure to stupidity makes me break out in laughter and anger … mostly anger
2. why aren’t i supporting white australians …. well i guess you ask that cause you think of me as a white australian … which makes sense as i was born here and am pretty fucking pale … but at the same time my passport says “Bundesrepublik Deutschland” on it and i’m not sure if you would count me as white as i’m a dirty mongrel who is part jewish … but i guess if you want a real answer and not a smart arsed one: i don’t believe in nationalism (actually i have no nations tattooed on my forearm) and as far as race goes i just couldn’t give a toss, it makes no difference. racism is the business of rich people who want to divide to maintain control of mental midgets. you see douchebag, i support white australians as i support people, and believe it or not white people from australia still count as people THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE … i know this has fallen on deaf ears and you’re probably confused by now so i guess i should simplify it
I support white Australians who support Dio over Ozzy. If that makes me a bigot, I’m happy to wear that label.
Tony, could you give me a few examples of how the likes of Stormfront have made life better for White Australians? Or could you address why it is I feel that the existence of groups like those haunting Stormfront have tarnished the image of White Australians and cast a shroud of suspicion over multicultural relations in Australia?
Thanks Tony.
I support White Australians like Nathan Clarke learning better spelling and grammar:
Liam: ” Tony, could you give me a few examples of how the likes of Stormfront have made life better for White Australians?”
Stormfront is no more than just a webpage.
In my opinion, it gives guys a central base to work with.
“Or could you address why it is I feel that the existence of groups like those haunting Stormfront have tarnished the image of White Australians”
If you go to Storm Front, you’ll see a lot of avatars depicting Hitler … BAD! (Referring to African’s as N!!!ers.)
“and cast a shroud of suspicion over multicultural relations in Australia?”
How does Multiculturalism support White Aussies?
It’s used against the White population.
“why aren’t i supporting white australians …. well i guess you ask that cause you think of me as a white australian … which makes sense as i was born here and am pretty fucking pale … but at the same time my passport says “Bundesrepublik Deutschland” on it and i’m not sure if you would count me as white as i’m a dirty mongrel who is part jewish ”
Is that as an Sephardic, or Ashkenazi Jew?
Either way, do you feel more connected to your White side or Non-White side?
“racism is the business of rich people who want to divide to maintain control of mental midgets”
How is that so?
It’s not about RACISM.
Andrew: “Tony, Why aren’t you supporting this White Australian?”
Some ways I do, and some I don’t.
“Some ways I do, and some I don’t.”
“Either way, do you feel more connected to your White side or Non-White side?”
Oh my god. There are so many things wrong with this question, I don’t even know where to start cataloguing them.
Dumb stupid fucking cunt.
“Oh my god. There are so many things wrong with this question, I don’t even know where to start cataloguing them.
Dumb stupid fucking cunt.”
Adam hasn’t answered back, yet.
We may of came to an agreement.
I’m amazed by you guy’s patience seriously why da hell would u waste ur time answering that brainwashed Tony dude, he obviously is a little fucked-in-the-brain and is NEVER gonna understand what’s wrong with his racist views. what a fuckhead.
Patience? Really?
It seems to me like everybody hear [sic] except Tony is full of hate. The reaction against Tony has been bigoted. That is, you seem to hate him (or at least, you act like it) because he belongs to a certain group (white nationalist).
I wonder, if he was a Chinese nationalist (which is a significant and growing problem), if there would be this much hate ag[a]inst him. That’s rhetorical. I know the answer.
On [sic] contrast, Tony has been quite tolerant in this discussion.
Most people here reocognise that it’s not good to be bigoted against somebody because of their race. However, the problem with “racial bigotry” isn’t the “race” part… it’s the “bigotry” part. And people on this forum are still hate-filled bigots if they feel it’s appropriate to hate somebody (or act like it) because of their group.
Bigotry can be racial, but it can also be religious, sexual, based on sexual orientation, based on philosophical groupings, cultural, country-based, nationalistic and many other sorts.
I’m not saying you can’t have opinions about these groups. I also disagree with national socialism. But bigotry means hating (or thinking you’re better than) a person BECAUSE they’re in that group. If you hate white nationalists or think you’re better than white nationalists, BECAUSE THEY’RE WHITE NATIONALISTS, then you’re being a bigot.
Tolerance people. Tolerance.
Now for Tony. Hi. I think you’ll find that Adam doesn’t identify with either “whiteness” nor “jewishness”. He doesn’t disagree with you because he’s part-jewish, but because he doesn’t think race matters.
Please don’t mistake my defence of you as meaning I’m a white nationalist. I am white, but I don’t believe there is a “white nation”. There are certain cultures to which I feel bonded, but they are no longer defined by race. And even then, I do not hate or necessarily think inferior those people from other cultures, and I like the idea of people from different cultures mixing freely. That’s why I travel so much.
That’s presumably very different from your worldview, so I’ll start small. My argument to you is that you should firstly consider shifting your allegence [sic] from “white nationalism” to “australian nationalism”, which is colour-blind but culture-aware.
From what I’ve seen: When an anti [sic] posts on a WS/N [?] site, the attacks are usually directed at his/her beliefs – however, vi[c]e-versa, [this has] more often… lead to personal attacks. If you research my comments, I have never written something that represents hate.
“Now for Tony. Hi. I think you’ll find that Adam doesn’t identify with either “whiteness” nor “jewishness”. He doesn’t disagree with you because he’s part-jewish, but because he doesn’t think race matters.”
I can understand that being the common Jewish mentality. It seems that even if a Jew keeps to himself, he is still frond [sic] upon in many civilizations.
“Please don’t mistake my defence of you as meaning I’m a white nationalist. I am white, but I don’t believe there is a “white nation”. There are certain cultures to which I feel bonded, but they are no longer defined by race. And even then, I do not hate or necessarily think inferior those people from other cultures, and I like the idea of people from different cultures mixing freely. That’s why I travel so much.”
If you are interested in different cultures, then that’s great for you. What I oppose is mass non-white immigration [to] predominately white countries, because of the negative impacts it potentially creates [for] white Europeans. If you don’t agree…would you say society support[s] Europeans more so now then [sic] 50 years ago?
“That’s presumably very different from your worldview, so I’ll start small. My argument to you is that you should firstly consider shifting your allegence [sic] from “white nationalism” to “australian nationalism”, which is colour-blind but culture-aware.”
The problem with that is, culture is always changing – it can change for the good, or the bad. As much as I admire Andrew Symonds, I still see the white ethnic population under threat. This is happening not only in Australia…but all over the world.
Why [are you so clever and why] do you always have to edit my comments?
Because I know how to write and you don’t.
A few points.
Strictly speaking, this is not a forum, but a blog, maintained by one person: myself. Those who post comments on it speak for themselves, and nobody else. ‘Tony’ / Mick / Timmy / WR / (and so on) is constantly trolling this blog. Generally speaking, trolls are not tolerated on most forums, and regarded as being the nuisances that they are. The question that Nile raises — ‘Why bother?’ — is a legitimate one, especially as ‘Tony’ / Mick / Timmy / WR / (and so on) can’t argue his way out of a paper bag, and is impervious to rudimentary forms of logic and reason.
‘Bigotry’ is irrational prejudice. Obviously, this can take many forms, and does. Repudiating racism and fascism, however, is not one of them. By the same token, neither is repudiating ‘white nationalism’ insofar as ‘white nationalism’ is a product of irrational prejudice, which it is.
Tolerating the political expression of racial bigotry is neither big nor clever.
What Adam thinks is what Adam thinks: he’s more than capable of expressing himself as he sees fit. So too, the manner in which he self-identifies as being Jewish or non-Jewish, 1/2, 2/3, 4/5, 1% or 99% Jewish — or as being anything else, for that matter. A more important question, as far as I’m concerned, is “Does he disappear when it’s his shout?”, and I’m happy to report that this does not seem to be the case.
My suggestion to both you and ‘Tony’ / Mick / Timmy / WR / (and so on) is to take your conversation where it belongs: somewhere else.
[Blah blah blah…
If RevLeft isn’t coming to the party, Temujin is obviously very keen.]
Full-wit Mick / ‘Tony’ / Mick / Timmy / WR / Mick Reyfield (and so on),
Temujin is a ‘libertarian’. Libertarians live in order to respond to commenters such as yourself. Comment on his blog, and also:
In the wonderful free market of ideas, all of the above bloggers would LOVE to engage in discussion regarding your favourite topics…
Mick — I can’t see how Andrew Symonds is a threat to anybody in Australia. Of course cultures are always changing, and I don’t see any problem with that. I’m not sure what you think is threatening white people. I don’t know what you mean by “society supporting” any group of people. The ethnically non-white people that I meet in Australia don’t harm or undermine me in any way. And the non-whites that I don’t meet certainly don’t impact on me.
@ndy — I’m not saying you should bother. I was responding to the idea that the people responding to Tony (or whoever) were being tolerant.
I didn’t say arguing against ideas was bigotry. I clearly said it wasn’t. But hating somebody because they are a part of a group is bigotry. And you and I both know perfectly well that some people hate people because they’re fascists. Hating ideas is fine. I hate some ideas too. But hating people because they’re a part of a group is bigotry. And even if it makes somebody feel good to abuse somebody, I don’t think it helps to foster tolerance and acceptance.
Tolerance does not mean only accepting people that you agree with or like. Even Stalin did that. Importantly, it means tolerating those who you disagree with. Whether you choose to associate with fascists is an entirely different topic, and I don’t dispute your right to ban fascists from your blog.
OK. I think I’ve been very “tolerant” of “Tony” in his many guises: he’s published many dozens of comments on my blog, all quite inane. Others have suggested that I’m far too tolerant, and that engaging in any fashion with “Tony” and his ilk truly is a waste of time. For now, I agree. Whether commenters are being “tolerant” of him or not… I’m not sure I care all that much. You also stated that “It seems to me like everybody hear [sic] except Tony is full of hate”, which I think is rather tenuous.
On ‘hate’ itself: from my perspective, it’s a human emotion, quite common. Secondly, while I agree that — all things being equal — ‘hate’ is probably best avoided (a ‘negative’ emotion), it can have a rational basis; or at least, as rational a basis as any other emotion. But that raises another issue: the relationship between human reason and emotion.
I ‘hate’ fascism, but I do more than this (and I don’t believe ‘hate’ adequately describes my writings on this subject). I study it: its history, evolution, and contemporary manifestations. I also ‘oppose’ it, or at least insofar as my meagre abilities and resources allow me to. Beyond which, I engage in a collective effort of monitoring (organised, political) expressions of racism and fascism, largely — but not exclusively — those on the fringes of the contemporary Australian far right.
I disagree with your definition of bigotry, as well as your understanding of the relationship between bigotry, hate, and oppositional politics.
I also don’t believe I fully understand — let alone agree with — your notion of tolerance, and the meaning and significance of ‘association’. Thus I often ‘tolerate’ the comments of barking mad racists on my blog, but I don’t ‘tolerate’ fascism as an ideology or political/social movement.
More later maybe…
Very interesting blog however there is need for some home truths to be said: The Bible declares that we all brought NOTHING INTO THIS WORLD and WE WILL TAKE NOTHING OUT OF IT.
Why all the hate and stuff? When you die all the land you will own is a plot where you are buried then you become dust again.
What happens to all the hatred, bigotry, racial nonsense? Death does not distinguish between Black or White, yellow or red. You came with nothing and will go out with nothing.
What’s the FUSS then? You own nothing not even your breath!
Get real! The Creator owns the earth not you!
Boneheads gonna stamp you silly antifa bastards out. sieg heil 88
Dear boneheads…where are you hiding when in Sydney?
Real skinheads
You people are quite cowardly. Posting pictures of men whose ideology opposes yours. The thing is, everybody knows who you are. You are always the skinny unkempt guy who cannot stand up for himself in a real-life situation and thus slithers around the internet, leaking information about others. Please, cease and desist and go back to your homemade maquarie [sic] valley juice bottle bong, where all your ‘bright ideas’ probably come from.
Who are you calling skinny?
Slackbastard antifa(t) boys are back!