Kinda sorta. Actually, Uncle Joe is using the Higgins by-election (December 5) to draw attention to other matters. His policies are set out in his campaign literature. They include:
- 1. establishment of a “people’s bank”;
2. improved workers’ compensation;
3. a treaty between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians;
4. Mabo Day (June 3) to be declared a public holiday;
5. adoption of the Eureka flag as the national flag of Australia;
6. reform of the housing sector (in the interests of low-income earners);
7. an end to public subsidies of private skools and health care providers;
8. decriminalisation of drug use;
9. reform of immigration policy (with preference being given to family reunions as opposed to skilled migration);
10. increased taxes on polluters (as opposed to financial compensation — with such compensation as exists being aimed at workers, not employers);
11. constitutional reform (allowing for citizens’ initiated referenda);
12. use of superannuation funds to subsidise the establishment of workers’ co-operatives in non-polluting, socially-useful industry and;
13. legal recognition of same-sex marriage.
I think the above used to form part of what was once known as ‘social democratic’ politics, of the sort that experienced widespread support among previous generations of Australian workers, and for which the ALP was once, at least theoretically, committed to advancing (and to which a tiny, ‘left-wing’ fringe within the party still retains some adherence — and consequently experiences political maginalisation and irrelevance). Or to put it another way: Bump Me Into Parliament, Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs… and Working Families Working Families Working Families Working Families Working Families Working Families Working Families.
The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) interviews Uncle Joe on climate change and related matters:
The area which interests me the most is the area of finance and have heard Joe Toscano’s ideas about setting up a people’s bank.
Lots of people know where babies come from but how many know where money comes from?
Sadly, not many, and if they did many things would be clear.
When a loan is made, the two parties, the banker and the borrower come to the meeting with comparitively [sic] little in their pocket. The instrument which creates that digital fiat principal is the signaure [sic] or the ‘promise to pay’.
It has been suggested by Ellen Brown an attorney in the US and a leading expert on the banking system who is unembedded [sic], that each state needs to create its own ‘state bank’.
The example of North Dakota which is the only state in the entire US which owns its own bank to create credit for farmers and infrastructure [sic]. It competes with independant [sic] banks and works very well alongside them.
Today, North Dakota has the lowest unemployment in the US and has ‘none’ of the systemic economic problems (housing bubble) which are occurring in other states. There is no housing bubble there.
It is the only US state running a surplus!
Australia also had a similar solution in the past during difficult economic times, and I am in agreement with Mr Toscano that it should belong to the people so it can not be sold again.
It is a shame there are not ‘more’ who are involved with politics like Joe Toscano, or a counterpart in the US with a similar insight into the banking system like Ron Paul, congressman for Texas.
Quite frankly, nearly all Australian [politicians] have either no idea about banking, or are in bed with the banking system and deluded.
Joe Toscano for Higgins would go a long way to addressing this gaping lack.
Maybe, Mike from Moe, but the election has done come and gone.
1 Liberal Kelly O’Dwyer 36,421 54.57 0.96
2 Greens Clive Hamilton 21,628 32.40 21.65
3 Democratic Labor John Mulholland 2,572 3.85 3.85
4 Sex Party Fiona Patten 2,144 3.21 3.21
5 Democrats David Collyer 1,531 2.29 1.08
6 Independent Stephen Murphy 1,145 1.72 1.72
7 Independent Joseph Toscano 523 0.78 0.78
8 Liberal Democrats Isaac Roberts 336 0.50 0.50
9 Independent Peter Brohier 236 0.35 0.35
10 One Nation Steve Raskovy 211 0.32 0.32
Andy, G’day! It is no use waiting for a spill. Or being faced with having to give up a Greek island or two before someone talks about it (banks).