…they just go to Liège to make a racket:
Human Error, live @ Carlo Levi, July 16, 2008.
“We have pointed out nazis in the audience that called themselves “punk” (to quote one: “It’s so easy to be a nazi punk in Melbourne, no-one hassles you”). We changed that.”
Thanks for the clip…it was a spinout seeing the Human Error crew doing a gig over there, Phil and Dave and James are old mates, played in bands with both James and Dave, not together of course…tried to catch Phil online but must be a different time zone to here i suppose. Dave I catch on facebook every now and again, wrote to me while he was in Amsterdam…didn’t understand a fuckin thing he wrote…lol…Good bunch of blokes, representative of what I call punk…not the right wing yob fucksticks that are the poster boys of the haircut brigade these days. To quote one of my faves…”yes that’s right, punk is dead, it’s just another cheap product for the consumers head, bubble gum rock on plastic transisters, schoolboy sedition backed by big time promoters…CBS promote the Clash, but it ain’t for revolution it’s just for cash, punk became a fashion like hippy used to be, and it ain’t got a goddamn thing to do with you or me…”
The lyrics are 31 years old now…and more relevant now than ever. If you know of a drummer, let me know! i’m itchin to get giggin again!
Depravity comes in many forms and guises. Would never have guessed I’d find it here. So the singer of this band sabotaged our gigs in Europe by sending damaging information to the promoters. Some true, but most outrageous. I don’t know him personally, but many tell me he was a Nazi in Adelaide before coming to Melbourne in 1994. He’d know how to spot one then. And to think I didn’t even need to fabricate such a rumor.