- Martha Ann Overland, Neo-Nazi Gets University to Pull Master’s Thesis on His Views, The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 8, 2008
A former member of the New Zealand Nazi Party whose views on satanic worship were analyzed in a master’s thesis has persuaded the University of Waikato to remove the publication from its library and its online repository, The Dominion Post reported on Tuesday.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Mr Bolton told the Times. “He accuses me of being the biggest bastard in New Zealand. If I read that (about someone else) I would think that guy is `a right scum bag’.” Mr Bolton said he complained to the university in late August about “shoddy research and inept supervision and examination” of the thesis and pointed to several flaws. Waikato University director of communications Lisa Finucane said the thesis had been removed from the library and online repository while the university established a robust, fair process to deal with the complaint…
As you do.
See also : New Zealand university removes neo-Nazi thesis, JTA, October 7, 2008