Whites not all right! Anti-White Conference bad! Exclamation marks good!!!


Man of the People Andrew Nut Bolt (December 4, 2008) has noticed all is not well in crackademia: “On now! At Monash University! Come hear this exciting conference on”Re-Orienting Whiteness”. Some highlights…”

‘Highlights’ meaning brief biographies of three keynote speakers and their subjects: Ann Curthoys (‘White British, and Genocidal’); Aileen Moreton-Robinson (‘Writing off Indigenous Sovereignty: White possession within the United States’ Whiteness Studies literature’); Lynette Russell (‘Race Incarnadine: The Fluidity of Nineteenth-century Categories of Race, Colour and Competency’); and Matt Wray (‘Whiteness Studies and Boundary Theory: New Contributions and Future Research’).

Opines Andrew:

Wow. Trashing whites is a regular industry. No wonder people more white than black prefer to call themselves Aboriginal, at least in applying for uni positions.

Thanks to reader Michael Connor, who notes a persistant [sic] nagging sound at the conference as he goes through the papers…

Followed by a list of some conference papers, kindly assembled by Michael Connor (Whiteness Studies Uber Alles, Quadrant, December 4, 2008).

Fortunately for whites worldwide, the thoroughly reprehensible conference in question had already come to the attention of a small group of others also not sorry for being all white. As I noted in July:

…the brave men and women of Stormfront Down Under have not let ZOG‘s cunning plan slip under the radar, and are encouraging one another to protest this affront to White Civilization. ‘White_Australian’, a keen advocate of further education, proclaims “As Australian White Nationalists it is our DUTY to go to this conference”. Another racist meathead, ‘Prometheus’, whinges that “Our primary enemy isn’t the Islamics, or the Vietnamese, or the Sudanese, it is these whites who will attend this meeting to advocate deconstructing whiteness, that is, deconstructing our own race. This is a rare opportunity to attack the belly of the beast. Going there to argue intellectually would only legitimise their argument and politicize what is essentially an … issue of self preservation. Events like this can only be dealt with [by] protests and brute force.”

Similarly, ‘Kindred_Loyalist’ is of the opinion that “This is a Communist initiative. The war against the concept of race was largely initiated and sustained by Jews and Communists. Boas, Lewontin, and Gould were all Jewish anthropologists who made no secret of their hatred of “racism” and their belief that a scientist doesn’t have to approach his work objectively. Lewontin was also a Marxist. Many Jews working in academic areas outside anthropology have contributed to the destruction of race as a concept too. Professor and sociologist, Steven Seidman … stated “Whiteness is assumed… It is the default condition”. Noel Ignatiev is a Communist Jew and his site bears the heading “Abolish the White Race by any means possible”. Maurice Berger and Eric Foner, both Jews, are also active in “whiteness studies”. Kevin MacDonald‘s The Culture of Critique explains all this in much detail.”

Paul Innes, the US-appointed moderator of SFDU, reckons that repeating the nutty performance of the Aryan Guard in Calgary, Canada last year would be a neat idea (although Paul admits he may not have the opportunity to grace the event with his own presence).

Subsequently (September 29), a Melbourne bonehead states:

I’d be asking how they propose that “multiculturalism” could be even a possibility, when Islamic Muslims [!] CANNOT accept any other religion, and there [sic] qua’ran [sic] even states, we (the infidels) must be destroyed.

Plus, if it were caught on the 7 o’clock news, and they did show a group of skins laying boots into some of them, the country would at least wake up that we [sic] still here… I think we have become forgotten… the mainstream society sheep are dumb, cannot think for themselves, nor do they posses [sic] even the willingness to explore, research and make up there [sic] own mind. Sometimes I wonder why I even try to help my own countrymen…

Issues like this are infuriating, yet although not “legal” intimidation and violence isn’t easily ignored?

Sorry, I’m tired and now upset.


Another ‘White Australian’ ventures (November 24):

Well the so-called “Whiteness” conference will be happening very soon during the first week of December!

I encourage Pro-White people to turn up and peacefully protest how this event is bias [sic] and racist against White people! It does not give a “fair go” for White people and will mainly be a whole bunch of self-absorbed arrogant academics and other slime-balls talking about how “evil” the White race is. We need to make a stand against this.

Below this, the boofhead posts a photograph of members of the Aryan Guard marching through Calgary.

The conference is trying to tell us that the White race should be deconstructed and that it doesn’t exist. Whereas if they had the same conference questioning Jewishness or Blackness then there would be absolute uproar and outcry by Lefty/Pinko/Commies, various minority groups and the media. Can anybody else here see the double standards?

Andrew Bolt sure can. But then again, kicking The White Man when he’s down is a good way for tricksy half-castes to get gigs teaching at Universities, apparently.

‘White Australian’ continues:

As far as I know this Whiteness Conference will NOT be fair and unbiased. It will be a let[‘]s blame “evil Whitey” for everything propaganda fest. Of course, I can tell you what kind of filth and lies that some of the treacherous Pinko/Marxist so-called Academics will be spewing out of their mouths.

Here’s a disgusting example right here of the anti-White rubbish they will be spreading by a Communist race-traitor by the name of Tim Wise who discusses the fantasy of White “privilege”…

Perhaps Reds like Tim Wise and some of the so-called Academics who are talking about Whiteness being a “social construct” should go and live in South Africa or (Rhodesia) Zimbabwe and see what it’s really like? See how much of this imaginary White “privilege” they can get for White people over there now eh?

Yeah Tim. Go to South Africa or Zimbabwe or something.

‘RoadTrain’ asks:

So did anyone go? BTW, are we all aware of the Socialist Alliance conference this week? They have some choice speakers, all sorts of non White commie scum [link]. “Strengthening ties with the Migrant Left”… give me a break.

Another proud ‘Patriot08’ declares:

I’d love to go to this conference but unforunately [sic] can not make it to Melbourne. Sounds like a load of unnecessary jew bollocks to me and it’d be great to stir up some trouble.

Mission accomplished.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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7 Responses to Whites not all right! Anti-White Conference bad! Exclamation marks good!!!

  1. dj says:

    Oh noes Andy, don’t go using that Jewish bollocks (aka historical examination of European culture and Colonialism), it will come to no good!

  2. @ndy says:

    I know exactly what you mean dj!

  3. me brain hurts too says:

    Y’all posted that Wise viddie as if it doesn’t make sense. It does. In fact, it destroys all the “sense” you’re trying to make.

    Just because you don’t understand what white privilege is doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Whiteness is an oppressive, abusive, rapacious concept. That doesn’t mean that white people themselves are automatically bad, nor that they should be somehow elminated. As for the category itself, yeah, that’s definitely worth eliminating, as are other race categories, since the whole thing is a f-ing fiction.

    You’re condemning something without understanding it. Does it make your brains hurt because your brains are just too small to get what’s being said about “whiteness”?

  4. @ndy says:

    Um… not sure exactly who you’re directing your remarks to me brain hurts too…

  5. me brain hurts too says:

    I’m directing it to you, @ndy, since your appellation is attached to the original post. Why do you suggest that white privilege and white dominance in so many parts of the world aren’t worth addressing as abusive (and thus thoroughly dispensable) concepts?

  6. @ndy says:

    “Why do you suggest that white privilege and white dominance in so many parts of the world aren’t worth addressing as abusive (and thus thoroughly dispensable) concepts?”

    I do?!? I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick mebrainhurtstoo. Read my post again, and read it for irony. For the record, I think Tim makes some excellent points regarding the manner in which race, and in particular whiteness, functions in such a way as to obscure the common interests of poor and working class people of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. I’ve written a little more on the subject here (White Privilege // Whiteness Studies) and here (Anarchy 102 : Race).

    In summary, I believe the opposite of the view you attribute to me on the basis of what I can only conclude to be a serious mis-reading of the above post.

    That said:

    “Just because you don’t understand what white privilege is doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

    Um… I’m happy to admit the existence of lots of things I don’t understand; I don’t understand my friend Harry, and he’s imaginary!

    “Whiteness is an oppressive, abusive, rapacious concept. That doesn’t mean that white people themselves are automatically bad, nor that they should be somehow eliminated.”

    Er… kinda sorta. I’m not sure I agree that mere concepts can really express such qualities; concepts are embodied in practices. The distinction between ‘whiteness’, on the one hand, and ‘white people’, on the other, seems to me to be somewhat problematic. To put it another way: is there anything more to ‘whiteness’ than oppressive, abusive, rapacious practices? That is, is it possible for ‘whiteness’ to exist as something other than such objectionable practices (concepts)? Further, what does this imply about the existence of other ‘races’? Does the abolition of ‘whiteness’ imply the abolition of race as a whole?

    “As for the category itself, yeah, that’s definitely worth eliminating, as are other race categories, since the whole thing is a f-ing fiction.”

    Ah… yeah, again, I kinda agree, but lots of things might be classified as ‘fictions’, and the mere fact that something is fiction is not a sufficient reason to advocate or pursue its abolition. Which also leads into broader questions regarding the relationship between realisation and suppression, teh dialectic, and all that other baloney.

  7. AWHITMAN says:

    [Blah blah blah…]

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