Athens bomb blast kills one and badly injures two writes David Batty (The Guardian, March 29, 2010). Nobody appears to have claimed responsibility for the blast, but the death is the first for some time from such an explosion. The victims have been identified as Afghani and the location a building housing the National School of Public Administration (EEDE) in the neighbourhood of Patisia, but there are few other details. Most reports place the bombing in the context of anarchist and leftist actions such as those conducted by the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei/Nuceli of Fire Conspiracy (the most recent of which occurred only last week). One thing worth adding which does not appear in corporate/state media accounts is the fact that Greek fascists have also been utilising explosive devices in their struggles.
See : #226 | Bomb explosion outside the National School of Public Administration in Athens; 15-year old Afghani boy is dead; was there a warning call?, After the Greek Riots for moar.