antifa notes (march 29, 2010)


“We gird for total war against the Jews and the rest of the goddamned mud races of the world — politically, militantly, financially, morally and religiously. In fact, we regard it as the heart of our religious creed, and as the most sacred credo of all. We regard it as a holy war to the finish — a racial holy war. Rahowa! is INEVITABLE. … No longer can the mud races and the White Race live on the same planet.”
~ Creativity founder, Ben Klassen (1987)

OMGWTF. Bizarro White supremacist cult The Creativity Alliance has gotten a guernsey in the local press in Penrith, NSW. Apparently, ‘It’s Alright To Be White’ — which message comes as quite a relief to this Whitey, I can tell you.

White supremacists target Penrith
Omar Hamwi
Penrith Press
March 29, 2010

WHITE supremacists are targeting Penrith in a recruitment campaign for a group that first emerged in the US.

The Creativity Alliance has distributed flyers at Glenmore Park and Kingswood and posted a banner on the Kingswood Rd M4 overpass recently.

A Glenmore Park resident contacted the Press about the group, which has a Penrith postal address.

The resident, who asked for his name to be withheld, said he was “disgusted” by the group’s message.

“I saw the flyers and thought they were junk mail,” the 18-year-old said.

“Then I had a good look at one and thought, ‘What’s the point?’.”

He said the contents of the flyers didn’t have a place in Penrith.

After receiving about 10 in the past few months, he saw the banner while driving on the M4.

“I remembered the flyers when I saw the flag,” he said.

“I ripped it down and ditched it in a bush, but someone put it back up.”

On the group’s website, its NSW co-ordinator is listed as Chris Smith.

The Press contacted him by email and he responded to questions.

Mr Smith said the group hoped to educate white Australians about “what is really going on in the world”.

“(We are) helping them see through the everyday hypocrisy of a morally bereft society … rather than relying on a biased media and a corrupt government telling them what, how and where to think,” he wrote. “It is time white people awaken to reality and realise that doing what is best for the white race is best for themselves.”

Asked how many members the group had, Mr Smith refused to comment.


Actually, Creativity is pretty awesome. Its founder, Ben Klassen, committed suicide in 1993, while its last ‘Pontifex Maximus’, Matt Hale, currently sits in jail. Here’s a video of a March 24, 2001 meeting Hale and his followers organised four years prior to his receiving a life sentence (for soliciting an undercover FBI informant to kill Judge Joan Lefkow):

The story of ‘Creativity’ — which has undergone numerous schisms since Klassen’s suicide, Hale’s imprisonment, and numerous other, violent incidents — is summarised by the SPLC in its Intelligence Files. In Australia, there’s a bloke in Sydney, and others in Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne. The Melbourne representative is Patrick O’Sullivan, who gained fame in 2002 after being sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail (for stabbing another bonehead), but is otherwise known for plastering White Man Awake! stickers all over town.

In Sydney, followers of a similar (but even tinier) group, known as the ‘Christian Separatist Church Society’, function under the leadership of a bloke called Ken Cratchley. Cratchley, along with several score other racist froot loops, have joined the Humanist Society of New South Wales (Inc.), and in February 2010, one of their number, Mark Pavic, was elected Vice-President of the Association. His election took place after two small public rallies at the Association’s headquarters, Humanist House, in Chippendale last year to protest monthly meetings of racist kooks; a small amount of media reportage; and a rather larger degree of wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of non-fascist membership of the group. Finally, note that another Cratchley — ‘Syd’ — stood for the Australia First Party at NSW local council elections in 2004 in Sutherland, where he gained 289 votes.

Elsewhere, Mick Saunders, Australia First Party candidate for the seat of Lindsay in NSW, reckons that there oughta be less taxes on fuel (he works as a truckie), that the country needs fixing, that his Party is the right man for the job, and that the people of Penrith “need a hospital somewhere” (Libs silent on Lindsay candidate, as Australia First steps up, Caryn Metcalfe, Penrith Press, March 27, 2010).

Move over Patriotik Yoof League, here comes Eureka… Yoof… League

Several years ago now, the Australia First Party initiated a yoof wing, and called it the Patriotic Youth League. It had its moments, but ended with a whimper and having John Drew, a middle-aged gentleman and confirmed bachelor from Brisbane, as its sole member. Chris Smith — the Creative man cited in the Penrith Press — is a fan of the EYL, as is Robert Wills (one of the organisers of the rally AGAINST IMMIGRANTS AND ISLAM in Melbourne on April 9), neo-Nazi bonehead Murray Holmes, and numerous other racists, young and old. (Oddly, the ‘Patriotic Youth League’ brand has also been revived by another, seemingly separate, but overlapping, yoof group.)

Bonus !nataS

I’m beginning to think that Satan Is Real, and that Uncle Kerry Bolton is a man NOT to be messed with. Thus:


Council Meeting MARCH 2010

1. Kerry Bolton complains that an article in The Press, on 5 December 2009, entitled ‘A Right muddle’ was inaccurate and biased.

2. The complaint is upheld.

Now, if only Dr James Saleam could take a leaf out of Dr Kerry Bolton’s !cinataS Bible

Anyway, the Devil is in the detail, or so they say, and one detail of Kerry’s complaint I found fascinating is the following:

10. Its response to the matters raised in paragraph 7 above are:

(a) The initial source for its statement that Dr Bolton was a member of the Nationalist Alliance was a document from April 2008 The ANZAC Declaration: Australia First Party and New Zealand National Alliance: Declaration of Common Interest and Future Relations, signed by Dr Bolton. In response to Dr Bolton’s claim that he was not a signatory to the declaration, nor did he have any input into it, The Press says that the document when originally sourced on the “slackbastard.anachobase” website showed Dr Bolton as a signatory but a later document on another website does not show him as a signatory. The Press’s position is that the original page from Way Back Internet Archive shows Dr Bolton’s name as an active signatory on July 19, 2008 and it cannot speculate as to why the declaration has subsequently been altered or by whom. It stands by its statement that Dr Bolton was a member of the National Alliance.

The Press is correct. The original declaration was signed by Bolton; his name was subsequently removed. In addition to the text on my blog, the document also exists on the Australia First Party website. The archived version (July 19, 2008) includes Bolton as a signatory; the version AF currently publishes on its site does not. Obviously, Bolton’s name was removed from the text at some point after July 19, 2008, for reasons which are not provided on the altered document.

See also : The murky politics of the Right (in New Zealand/Aotearoa) (March 16, 2010) | Don’t mess with Uncle Kerry! !nataS strikes again in New Zealand (December 26, 2009).

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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6 Responses to antifa notes (march 29, 2010)

  1. Fascist Troll says:

    Wow, thats Funny

  2. Peaces N' Dreams says:

    One thing I have been wondering, but didn’t know where to put it, now that you actually reply I will ask here.

    What does the left and “ANTIFA” or whatever think about the Freemasons?

  3. @ndy says:

    The left and the “ANTIFA” think that The Freemasons are a front for The Bavarian Illuminati. Which is, in turn, a cover for The Gnomes of Zurich. The Gnomes of Zurich are in deadly competition with The Discordian Society, who are controlled by The UFOs. The precise role played by The Servants of Cthulhu — and the importance of The Bermuda Triangle in their plans — is another story.

  4. Peaces N' Dreams says:

    Yeah, that’s what I thought, just double checking. Thanks.

  5. Brother Sid says:

    How can the message that “It’s Alright To Be White” come as a relief to you? You are a vile, hate filled racist that applauds any attempt to destroy White culture and violence against White people perpetrated by your Black supremacist friends. You are a wretched excuse for a human being and a traitor to your own kind. Please do the Black and the White world a favour and cut your balls off so that you do not pollute either of our species with your putrescent progeny.

  6. @ndy says:

    G’day Brother Sid,

    It seems like I’ve upset you. You also appear to have difficulty with reading and comprehension. This fact presumably helps to explain your interest in Creativity.



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