Sir Fred Goodwin home attack applauded by anarchists
Auslan Cramb
The Daily Telegraph
March 27, 2009
The attack on Sir Fred Goodwin’s home was widely applauded on anarchist websites as police investigated possible anti-capitalist links to the incident. …One activist celebrating the incident congratulated those responsible for the early morning attack with the words: “Top f***ing work comrades”.
The day the world changed forever
The Observer
March 25, 2009
On the morning evening of 11 September 2001 25 March 2009, two civilian planes some bricks and stones hijacked by the al-Qaeda terrorist group anarchist terrorists ploughed into the World Trade Centre towers and levelled them into the dust of their own stone smashed some windows in the luxury house in Edinburgh owned by Sir Fred Goodwin. Another plane slammed into the Pentagon in Washington attack was launched against his luxury Mercedes S600.
No one quite knew, as those towers windows crumbled into what would become known as ‘Ground Zero’, that the world was about to change, that it too had reached its own ground zero. All that week, the pall of smoke and the stench of burning flesh sound of glaziers repairing windows hung heavy in the autumn spring air. The President was in Florida that morning, talking to schoolchildren. For a day, he disappeared from view, skipping across the country from one air force base to another. Staff at the White House and its surrounding offices left their desks in panic and evacuated. Finally, Bush O’Bama got through by telephone to Cheney Biden: ‘We’re at class war,’ he said.
Source : Whitechapel Anarchist Group
March 28th, the day the Crows beat the Pies at the G!!!
I’m still calming down, had to pace around the last 3 minutes of the game.
@ndy, that was a very clever post.
Jamie R : No comment. (We was robbed!)
sparx : Thank you. You are a very perceptive person.