
My back!

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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12 Responses to Aaarrrggghhh!!!

  1. Jamie R says:

    I know back injuries! Luckily we live in a nation that is wealthy enough to pay out such workers. I’ve seen some who play it up though, I saw a dude who was doin’ it on purpose and caught him stealin’, man, not good enough, I’d be worried if I were him. Not from me, but they get theirs.

  2. Dissembly says:

    Nicely put! What did you do?

    You made me think of The Simpsons doing George C. Scott, in Man Getting Hit By Football. “Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! My groin!”

  3. @ndy says:

    Aaarrrggghhh!!! I hurts my back! And was bed-ridden!

    Luckily we live in a nation that has acupuncturists and chiropractors.

  4. wee jin suck says:

    Two newly spelled/formulated words for your back health..

    fullonix colonix..
    available in Brunswick on concession

    and another ting..
    vitamin b12
    it has turned Nigel’s back problems around.

    email if you want to invest in the mega methyl-b12 not made in Australia which regenerates spinal neurons, otherwise vitamin shop for the ordinary stuff.

    from the ex-professor son of two medical doctors..

  5. Jamie R says:


    “I can haz workcover?”

    I’ve been doin’ the Icehouse throwback all night!! (yes, drinkin again)

    Head in the clouds
    The king of fools
    You’ve got a ribbon of rainbows
    The sun in your eyes
    Burning through…
    Could be I’m happy and sad
    Could be I’m losing my head…

    Well, you’ve gotta be crazy, baby!

    My fav Icehouse was Electric Blue, that was in a mine or some shit, well I tell you, our VHS rocked it. I told Dominic Knight on Twitter that I miss the days when Whispering Jack was our Thriller and Freight Train Heart was our answer to everything Luther Vandross ever did.

  6. Jamie R says:

    Jimmy Barnes was a monster, sometimes skillz can come out of the strangest places. Jimmy now sees where he grew up and sighs, but that’s what drove him. He don’t really know it, but it’s true. He also got a chance to achieve in a time when, wow, has Australian culture changed that much? Where are we? Who is popular? I knew in the 80s.

  7. @ndy says:

    Popular? Bureaucratic Drones, Lost Wails, Terrorised Shrieks.

  8. Jamie R says:

    Livin’ the dream!

  9. vents says:

    i hope this means you are following my exercise regime

    i am shouting the following motivational slogans at you: “work harder; master your arse; feel the burn; how bad do you want it?” and so forth

  10. @ndy says:

    does your exercise regime include eating lots of donuts?

    i sure hope so…


  11. Jamie R says:

    Popular? Bureaucratic Drones, Lost Wails, Terrorised Shrieks.


    Sorry dude, but you’ll usually get me not in the finest state of mind, I likes to drinks on weekends and the net is my nightcap. But sometimes I roll by sober and I do serious answers. So…


  12. wee jin suck says:

    ps dont be slack on the b12 and detoxing as mentioned above..
    it is also a cure for some of the other ailments I know you have suffered from for over 20 years, ya bas otherwise suffer clit

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