Periodically I check my blogroll to see who’s still kicking and who ain’t. Also, to remind myself who I haven’t included but should. So…
AntiCopyright (lotsa rad films and vids for free d/l) City Is Ours (new-ish group addressing Melbourne’s housing crisis) Червоно-синя революція (‘Class War on the Terraces’ /// Russia Ukraine) Facta Non Verba (new local @ zine) jew on this (local left-wing troublemakers) left flank (local left-wing troublemakers) Melbourne Freedom Club (local @ troublemakers) New Mandala (‘New perspectives on mainland Southeast Asia’) Poumista (@ and left-wing histories and polemics) ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY (‘a project of decolonization’) are all worth having a look at. And if you have a blog and you’d like it to be included here, drop us a line or make a comment.
Special mention: the Revolutionary New Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist). The new and only real vanguard of the British labour movement.
Class War on the Terraces is Ukrainian.
Thanks Pak. Your special bonus question. In which language is the following soundtrack?