I’ve made a few errors.
Two, in fact.
One : I contradict myself when I claim, first, that fascist sex toy sales-merchant Darrin Hodges has “got a sense of humour… which I imagine is quite a plus if you’re a neo-Nazi and you look like Hodges does”; then, a few paragraphs later, write that a sense of humour is something “that Hodges sadly lacks”.
Two : In my old blog I write that the Black Uhlans were “happy to lend [their] support to the struggle to free unionist (and Trinity Grammar graduate) Craig Johnston in 2004, as well to do what [they] could to help put an end to racial violence in Cronulla last year…”. While the Black Uhlans were indeed happy to lend their support to the campaign to free Craig Johnston, it was the Comancheros what sat down with the Bra Boys in the Cronulla aftermath.
(Oh yeah, the Boys are making a documentary about themselves.)
There are no other errors of fact on this blog… unless you, dear reader, can point them out to me…