Volksfront RIP?

Oh hai.

Rose City Antifa tell me that neo-Nazi skinhead gang Volksfront may have gone to Splitsville. That is:

Volksfront, the white supremacist group which was for many years the dominant neo-Nazi organization in Oregon, and which grew to be a nationwide and then international presence in the bonehead (white power “skinhead”) scene, has now disbanded its presence in the US, according to an online post. The organization’s former website at VolksfrontInternational.com has also disappeared from the web.

Curiously, so has the Volksfront Australia site.

VF Australia has its origins in the early noughties when a few yoof belonging to the Australia First Party’s yoof wing the Patriotik Yoof Laegue decided that being a bonehead was more fun than simply hanging out with Dr Jim and his mates. This early incarnation didn’t get very far, but the franchise was revived a few years later by a couple more boneheads belonging to Welf Herfurth’s circle of friends. Aside from Mr Welf, the chief propagandist for VF was a bonehead called Chris Smith: Chris is also responsible for the anti-antifa-australia blog and nazi distro Heathen Noise http://www.heathennoise.com.

Of course, the other reason VF didn’t go far in Australia was because the local franchise of the Hammerskins told them to stay in Sydney.

Speaking of Hammerskins, in the US the group has generated a little more media attention this week ahead of one of their annual shindigs in Boise, Idaho (which *s two of the bands the mass murderer Wade Michael Page played in prior to shooting dead six Sikhs — and then committing suicide). In Australia, the killer’s status as a Hammerskin was remarked upon in one or two news items but otherwise ignored, as was their recent gig in Melbourne. Prior to this, the Hammerskins caused a fuss in April when their moronic Happy Birthday Mister Hitler celebrations got some noses outta joint, one of their number was exposed as a mercenary in Afghanistan in 2011 and way back in 2007 the Melbourne Croatia Social Club was exposed as hosting a Hammerskins gig. Curiously, last month two men were charged with plotting to murder Matt Tomas, the man who in his capacity as Melbourne Knights spokesperson at the time, described the Hammerskins as scum. Matt’s a good mate of the Mayor of Melbourne, Mick Gatto, who can often be spied composing poetry in Paris.

Funny old world.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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17 Responses to Volksfront RIP?

  1. slopp says:

    skinheads arent the real enemy. nor are the protectionists.
    plainly you are working for the nwo, youre their lapcat. you keep throin up false flags to keep us distracted from whats really going on, quite probably you know whats really goin on, but we will never know cause you wont tell us the truth.

  2. slopp says:

    lm flattered by your lightning fast comment listing but you didnt address my point.

  3. slopp says:

    you continually attack nationalists but nationalists are a small beer target. nationalists are so few as to be an endangered species. so youre forced to range further afield looking for targets – you attack bogans. but bogans are what used to be described as the working class, theyre a poor substitute, more fun to attack nationalists hey what! oh but there arent many about. so you go around in circles like a dog chasing its shadow, shadow being the operative word. the people who are in control you wont attack. why will you not attack them? – because you are one of them or you are working for them.

  4. @ndy says:


    Skinhead is as skinhead does.
    Boneheads are wankers.
    I enjoy poking fun at the Protectionist Party.
    I also enjoy ridiculing White nationalists.
    I almost never refer to bogans.

  5. slopp says:

    Answer the question. Be as expressive and flamboyant as you please but answer the question. Nationalists dont have any power. Attacking people who dont have any power is a non event. You might continue doing it because its what youve always done but its meaningless if they dont have any power, so for you its just a habit. You dont attack the people who have all the power. Doubtless they are the ones who are responsible for the way the world is now. The people who dont have any power arent responsible for the way the world is now. Why dont you attack the people who have all the power now? Are you too afraid or are you working for them?

  6. @ndy says:

    Yr not asking qs yr being presumptuous.

  7. slopp says:

    not at all old boy, its logical to assume that those who have all the power are largely responsible – or more responsible for the way things are than those who have no power or little power. Therefore we should identify those who have all the power and, if we deem it necessary or desirable, we should seek to influence or alter their behaviour such that we will obtain what we consider to be ‘desirable outcomes’.
    Not once have l seen you criticise those who have all the power, and you wont name them. Consequently l am forced to assume you are on their team, that this anarcho crap is some kind of front – a grand deception if you like.

  8. @ndy says:

    You began:

    “skinheads arent the real enemy. nor are the protectionists.”

    The post concerns Volksfront and its seeming dissolution. It does not concern skinheads or the APP.

    “plainly you are working for the nwo, youre their lapcat. you keep throin up false flags to keep us distracted from whats really going on, quite probably you know whats really goin on, but we will never know cause you wont tell us the truth.”

    This is an exercise in question-begging: you assume what you (presumably) set out to demonstrate. Your following comments proceed in the same vein, and you continue to make obviously false claims. The closest you come to asking a sensible question — one which it might be possible to answer — is when you claim:

    “the people who are in control you wont attack. why will you not attack them? – because you are one of them or you are working for them.”


    “Why dont you attack the people who have all the power now? Are you too afraid or are you working for them?”

    According to You, Them is something You call The New World Order, and I am one of Them, afraid of Them and/or working for Them. Given that They have all the Power, why one of Them would want to publish a blog or pay someone to publish a blog is A Bit Of A Mystery, but then They work in Mysterious Ways amirite?

    In any event, your assumptions don’t concern me and nothing I write will alter them (or Them) in the slightest, so I’m not sure there’s any point in my alerting you to some basic facts: you’re obviously become very adept at not allowing them (not Them) to intrude upon your meditations.

  9. slopp says:

    l didnt name “them”. l certainly didnt mention the nwo. l have placed the protectionists and the hammeries and all the rest of them in the white nationalist category box. They have as much power as the groups that inhabit your TROT GUIDE. in fact the groups in your TROT GUIDE have more power than the white nationalists – even the dead groups. But even if the nationalists had loads of power its still nothing compared to the power of those who rule over us. Obviously you are an old hand, a skilled operator – you know things, why dont you name our rulers and why dont you attack them?

  10. @ndy says:

    yr v first comment reads:

    “plainly you are working for the nwo, youre their lapcat. you keep throin up false flags to keep us distracted from whats really going on, quite probably you know whats really goin on, but we will never know cause you wont tell us the truth.”

    nwo = new world order.

  11. slopp says:

    that is one accusation among many and quite a few entries back. the only game youre interested in is attacking white nationalists. everyone else gets off free – therefore l can accuse you of not being the man you would have us believe you are – which begs the question whose side are you on? And since you never ever ever attack those who really do have the power these days your blog and most of its entries serve only to distract the punters from whats really goin down, this in turn impacts on your credibility something shockin. you are the one who has tied yourself up in an outdated ideological straight jacket, no one did it to you! please answer my question

  12. @ndy says:

    that is one accusation among many and quite a few entries back.

    In your first comment you wrote that I was in the employ of the New World Order. When I subsequently noted that this was the only effort you’d made to further identify ‘Them’ you denied ever having done so. I’m not sure why you bothered as it’s obviously true. Now, apparently, you wish to argue that your assertion regarding my employment status (and subsequent denial) doesn’t matter as the comment was made a few days ago. Again, I’m not sure why you bother; given the level at which you’re seemingly happy to engage in a public discussion, I’m not sure I should either.

    the only game youre interested in is attacking white nationalists. everyone else gets off free –

    In plain English, one of the topics I address on my blog is white nationalism. This much is true. In fact, the post to which your comments are ostensibly a response concerns the seeming dissolution of Volksfront: a neo-Nazi skinhead gang established in a prison in the USA in 1994 and in Australia led by a bonehead from Penrith named Chris Smith (a man with convictions for assault and robbery). You’ve said nothing about this but for some reason want to take the opportunity of Volksfront’s supposed demise to express how upset you are at the alleged fact that someone should be employed by the New World Order to write about white nationalism.

    As well as offering no evidence of an employment contract and failing to explain why I and everybody else should ignore white nationalism, you also ignore the very obvious fact that I write about numerous other topics.

    therefore l can accuse you of not being the man you would have us believe you are – which begs the question whose side are you on?

    You’re free to accuse me of anything you like, from being an employee of the NWO to a resident of Papua New Guinea, of standing ten feet tall to living in a basement, of consuming a strict vegan diet to subsisting solely on steak and kidney pies.


    You may wish to consider the possibility that whatever you imagine I want you to believe is whatever you imagine I want you to believe — and you obviously have a very active imagination.

    And since you never ever ever attack those who really do have the power these days

    You appear to believe in the existence of Them: the New World Order. I invite you to start a blog or to post on Stormfront alerting the world to this fact and elaborating extensively upon it.

    your blog and most of its entries serve only to distract the punters from whats really goin down, this in turn impacts on your credibility something shockin. you are the one who has tied yourself up in an outdated ideological straight jacket, no one did it to you! please answer my question

    In reality, my blog is available to be read by anyone with Internet access. An extremely tiny proportion of Internet users do so. This has zero impact upon their capacity to read anything and everything else. My credibility rests upon the accuracy with which I write about things. Thus far you’ve pointed out no errors of fact.

  13. slopp says:

    you’re still shirkin’. you know the wn’s dont have any power. you know the anarchists dont have any power. so who has the power? voltaire said if you want to know who is in control of you simply identify those it is forbidden to criticise. well you wont criticise them – you wont even name them. instead you play this fantasy game that has but two players – you and the rightwingers/ wn’s. thats it. theres no one else in your political landscape. really weird. there was a fellow named begin who said in 2002 “we control america”. this fellow wasnt a wn. he wasnt a new ager and he certainly wasnt a decommissioned ira catholic. and yet he makes a bold statement reeking with the fulsomeness of conceipt [?] for everyone who isnt of his tribe! lol. but he doesnt get a mention in andys world. nope. but he controls america! the worlds only super power! for andy begin is invisible. and his friends are invisible too. andy sees nothing, only white nationalists. wow andy, really? yep. the us congress goes into recess on jewish holy days of obligation – but andy sees nothing, just rightwingers. really powerful rightwingers and wn’s – everywhere!

  14. @ndy says:

    A few points:

    1. We understand the concepts of power and authority very differently;

    2. You’re obviously unfamiliar with the contents of my blog outside of your own obsession with white nationalist politics;

    3. You still can’t bring yourself to address the question of Volksfront;

    4. Voltaire said lots of things;

    5. Until this point, you’ve been extremely reluctant to name those you believe are “the people who are in control”. First you nominated the New World Order; now you imply that Jews run the world;

    6. I don’t subscribe to this thesis and regard it as infantile (at best);

    7. I don’t know precisely what you mean when you refer to “begin”; presumably, you mean Menachem Begin, former Israeli PM. I can’t find any source for the claim: loon sites like rense attribute the remark (“we control america”) to Ariel Sharon;

    8. Begin’s name doesn’t appear on my blog while Sharon’s does once, in a post in which I re-publish an (extract from an) interview with Chomsky on the Israeli invasion of Gaza:

    CHOMSKY: There’s a theme that goes way back to the origins of Zionism. And it’s a very rational theme: “Let’s delay negotiations and diplomacy as long as possible, and meanwhile we’ll ‘build facts on the ground.’” So Israel will create the basis for what some eventual agreement will ratify, but the more they create, the more they construct, the better the agreement will be for their purposes. Those purposes are essentially to take over everything of value in the former Palestine and to undermine what’s left of the indigenous population.

    I think one of the reasons for popular support for this in the United States is that it resonates very well with American history. How did the United States get established? The themes are similar.

    There are many examples of this theme being played out throughout Israel’s history, and the current situation is another case. They have a very clear program. Rational hawks like Ariel Sharon realized that it’s crazy to keep 8,000 settlers using one-third of the land and much of the scarce supplies in Gaza, protected by a large part of the Israeli army while the rest of the society around them is just rotting. So it’s best to take them out and send them to the West Bank. That’s the place that they really care about and want…

    If you cared for anything other than perpetuating your own quite silly phantasies, you would read my blog for references to Israel, Palestine, Zionism and the like. You would then be in a position to address what I’ve actually written on the subject. Fwiw, and although it’s highly likely you’re chronically incapable of understanding it, here’s Uri Gordon on Zionism:

  15. Pingback: Sydney Forum 2012 : October 20/21 | slackbastard

  16. Pingback: When White nationalists attack! New Right @ Gaza solidarity rally, Sydney, November 24 | slackbastard

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