1. An article about imprisoned anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman appeared in the Fairfax press on the weekend. You can read it here.
2. Belinda Hawkins, the author of the article, has written a book about Jock’s case: Every Parent’s Nightmare. It’s being launched at the end of February/beginning of March.
3. An open letter from Jock (see below) has been circulating, describing the reasons for his recent hunger strike and appealing for support.
For general information on Jock’s case see the Free Jock site or elsewhere on this blog (The Hair of the Dog : Jock Palfreeman in Prison, November 11, 2012).
G-day guys! All at ABC,
Well, first of all, the Director stopped me from my Uni degree! See I’ve been helping other prisoners, obviously part of the union and solidarity with fellow convicts. So to punish me, for my solidarity ie legal advice! the Director of the prison cut me off from the computers where I write my essays. It happened several days ago after 10 guards badly beat a prisoner with batons. I helped the prisoner get legal advice and explained to him the procedure for how to instigate a criminal investigation into their attack. For that I’m being punished in that they are stopping me from my studies.
So on the 13/1/13 I started a hunger strike, I have not eaten since then, I am only drinking water drinks eg mint tea (without sugar) and normal water. I have lost a lot of weight in 9 days but I don’t know how much as the prison refuses to send a doctor to me. I don’t plan on stopping until I am returned to my studies, but I don’t think this director will allow me, so prospects look dim! To help me, please send letters of complaint to:
Ministry of Justice
Diana Kovacheva
No. 1, Slavanska Street
Sofia 1040
BulgariaI recommend writing as individuals.
22nd January 2013
Hunger strike… not happy, the worst is that I’m getting bad heart burn from my stomach acids!
Be good guys!
Comrade Jock Palfreeman
Please sent letters of support & solidarity to:
Jock Palfreeman
Sofia Central Prison
21 General Stoletov Boulevard
Sofia 1309
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