A couple of people have recently expressed surprise at learning that I do a monthly radio show on Melbourne community radio station 3CR — so I thought I may as well blog about it.
The show is called ‘The SUWA (Squatters’ & Unwaged Workers’ Airwaves) Show’ and I share hosting privileges with my good friend Dr Cam Sexenheimer. We’re on the air every fourth Friday of the month from 5.30-6.30pm and have been (with a few interruptions) since about August 2009; every other Friday SUWA is hosted by other talented folk.
Our last program went to air yesterday when we spoke with the US-based investigative journalist Will Potter on the ‘Green Scare’ and our friend Bren0 on squatting in the UK. Last month, we spoke with Nate Thayer, another US journalist, about the weird partnership of American white supremacists and the North Korean government, as well as discussed recent antics by the English Defence League and Golden Dawn. Other guests over the last few years have included Aurelien Mondon, Belinda Hawkins, Ben Pobjie, Bree Blakeman, Errol Wright, Franklin López, John Safran, Karen Pickering, Kathleen McLeod, Rayna Fahey, Sarah Joseph, Tasneem Khalil, Valerie Morse and many more artists, writers, activists, scholars and troublemakers, discussing a range of topics from anarchy to (er) zoology.
As Dr Cam constantly likes to remind me: our political appetites are enormous but our ambitions are modest; our audience small in number but discerning in taste and beautiful in visage.
3CR has just finished conducting its annual radiothon, aimed at raising $220,000 to ensure the station stays on air for another year. The SUWA Show needs to raise several hundred more dollars in order to meet its goal. If you’d like to help us keep broadcasting, please donate or subscribe to 3CR and let the station know you’re doing it to support The SUWA Show…
NB. On August 1 (just a week or so prior to the Anarchist Bookfair), Will Potter will be speaking in Melbourne.
Green Is the New Red — Book Trailer from Will Potter on Vimeo.
[This post dedicated to Rhonda Jankovic, 1963–2012.]
People may be unsurprised to learn that the show’s actually really good. Good interviews that aren’t just half assed questions. Be good if andy spoke more though. U should plug it more!