#ReclaimAustralia “Burn the national flag = death by gang rape” ~ Dean Luland


Above : Iconic img of confrontation between a neo-Nazi skinhead and a counter-protester at Reclaim Australia rally in Melbourne.

On Facebook, one Reclaim Australia supporter has opined that the appropriate punishment for burning the Australian flag is death by gang rape:


FWIW, Dean Luland works @ Period Home Brick Restoration [Facebook page], so if you live in Sydney and would like to hire someone to restore your house, it may be worthwhile taking your business elsewhere.

In other news, a Melbourne man by the name of Rod Mathers has vowed that he and his mates will be attending the rally to ‘Stop the forced closures of Aboriginal communities’ on Friday in order to assault members of the Socialist Alliance, a group he holds responsible for an alleged assault upon a Reclaim Australia supporter on Saturday:


It’s obviously unknown how srs Mr Mathers is, but those attending the rally should prolly keep an eye out for ‘patriots’ intent on attacking the rally and march …

MELBOURNE Stop the forced closures of Aboriginal communities
5.30pm, Friday, April 10
Flinders Street Station

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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27 Responses to #ReclaimAustralia “Burn the national flag = death by gang rape” ~ Dean Luland

  1. iloveoz says:

    There are dickheads that say stupid shit everywhere in every group. It doesn’t change the fact that Islam has an agenda when it comes to the Western world.

  2. PzKfw III says:

    They have to focus on the one or two dickheads, because they have nothing else. It was a huge loss for the left. A massive fail, and embarrassment. Videos of them flinging horse shit, assaulting elderly, burning flags. They highlighted themselves as the problem.

  3. Dopes Against Racism (DAR) says:

    Dude, we had an awesome time waving placards and shouting. Anyone who says that that just consolidates the prejudices of the Reclaim supporters is probably thinking too much.

  4. Sossle says:

    Yeah death by gang rape is a bit harsh, just use Sharia law. Beat them, hang them, behead them or maybe just amputate their hands. It seems you’re quite fond of a Muslim type justice judging by your diligent attacks on anyone protesting against it and would have no issue advocating the implementation of Sharia law to punish these offenders?

    I guess it is an anarchist’s platform these days to outrightly defend groups [whose] ultimate goals are to strip people like yourself of the right to education and the right to freedom of expression and put into place an Australian caliphate. Confusing for anyone looking from the outside to understand but I am sure it all makes sense to yourself.

    This is such a misguided story, the real story is that there are people who have such a lack of respect for their own country that they feel that burning its flag is a legitimate form of protest.

    It shows how far to the left you have strayed, that you feel that this story is a legitimate form of defence against such a gross act of disrespect. Pure misdirection.

    How do you end up with “Man rapes woman” but make the story “Father of woman says he would like to pour petrol on and burn attacker!”?

    Also why is that you hide behind a pseudonym @ndy while feeling it is your responsibility to name and shame others. Smacks of cowardice to me.

    If only your writing was as insightful as your spell checking then maybe this blog would have more of a following.

    It really makes me wonder why I’m bothering to comment here really. I’m also really confused how you can mix anarchist viewpoints with most of the ideas expressed in this blog. They actually seem to be in direct opposition.

  5. SirLolalot says:

    Lol, thank you to these girls for helping to show how misguided the left really is on this one.

    What’s their next trick, showing how learned and worldly they are by having a book burning party to destroy “racist” literature.

    Lol, unbelievable. Seems pretending to take up a noble cause is no cover for outright contempt of Australian cultural values.

    Let’s leave the gang rape out and just export these girls to Yemen.
    Maybe they will learn to love their new flag more than their old one which they just left as a pile of ashes trampled in the gutter.

    Sure burn the Australian flag, but in that small act your are also forgoing all of your rights as an Australian citizen and should be treated accordingly as a non citizen and held outside of those rights.

  6. Dopes Against Racism (DAR) says:

    You flag fetishists need to engage in a bit of self-analysis in order to discover what it is that you’re spiritually lacking and thereby seeking to compensate for. Your projection of almost religious qualities upon the flag is ridiculous beyond words. Wake up and live your lives without all the nonsense!

  7. Sossle says:

    DAR, a flag is a symbol of national identity it’s a rally point for those with shared ideals united under a common symbol with common goals. It really is at base to what is a nation or a country.

    I personally don’t hold the flag above all else and would have no real issue with discussions on changing the flag or similar issues etc. But I do have strong issue with symbolically burning the Australian flag in a misguided attempt to make a point. Whatever the point is.

    A flag is an idea like nationhood or dare I say it spirituality. If no one believes in it, then it means nothing, but for those that do it means everything. I’m sure you would take strong issue with an individual waving a burning cross or a swastika flag or even stamping a swastika tattoo on their noggin. Even though these are also just flags and symbols too right?

    Pls try to understand it’s not just a piece of material with a pattern on it, it’s a symbolic part of national identity or common cause, whether its association is benign or malignant in nature.

    There is a great need for a wakeup call in this nation but it isn’t by so called “flag fetishists”. It’s good to see you have firmly embraced the misdirection inherent on this blog. By attempting to change the argument to “What so important about a stupid flag anyway?” and throwing in some personal attacks for good measure.

    Whether you value or embrace the flag is irrelevant, the point is millions do and millions were offended by the actions of people burning it. That’s what tolerance is about right, respecting the beliefs of others?

  8. Southern Birth-Northern Soul says:

    Spoilt kids being led by a vile agenda, cannon fodder for anti-white cowards.

  9. Southern Birth-Northern Soul says:

    Check out the video of Antifa spitting at Muslims at the rally, pure gold!

  10. Dave Deth says:

    Oh and I guess someone named ‘PzKfw III’ is pretending to not be a Nazi dickhead?? Give me a break.

  11. Dopes Against Racism (DAR) says:

    Sossle, there is no such thing as national identity or nationhood. These are mirages created by paranoiacs and bullshit artists seeking to manipulate people for their own ends.

    In reality there are many social identities, and many individual identities. They are based on such things as social class, ethnicity, gender, occupation, age, religion, political outlook, and, yes, national allegiance, too, plus a whole lot more, as well as combinations of many of these. Those who seek to define and legitimise only a single homogeneous ‘national identity’ are attempting to bash square pegs into round holes. They do what all totalitarians and similar scoundrels do, i.e. peddle their own interests, predilections and prejudices as the ‘general interest’ while tolerating no deviations.

    Sossle, forget about flag burners. There are so few of them as to be of negligible significance. Instead, concentrate on decolonising your mind of all this noxious, meddlesome bullshit. Get on with establishing and living a good life.

  12. Sossle says:


    I never suggested that the Australian flag was a symbol of a single templated national identity that everyone needs to match or fit. That’s your negative slant. In fact to me Australian National Identity is more about multiculturalism, tolerance of others and celebrating difference in the modern age. At heart your opinion of the flag and nationhood is irrelevant to the issue.

    Tolerance is about respecting others beliefs and not telling them it’s noxious bullshit and insulting them while stomping on (or burning) their beliefs or symbols. Talk about whacking square pegs into round holes.

    I find it strange that you come to the defence of burning the Australian flag, in the name of a religion that murders people indiscriminately for drawing pictures of a guy that died over a millenium ago.

    Speaking of bashing square pegs into round holes I think you need to look a little closer at some of the Muslim states around the world, where being different is not tolerated on pain of death.

    I think you have things flipped ass about mate. And if it’s not hard to tell where the noxious and meddlesome bullshit emanates from. Maybe you should consider a holiday to northern Pakistan and share your gems of wisdom there. I’m sure you will receive nothing but love and tolerance of your ideas the same as you do here in Australia. Maybe you could ask the Taliban if it’s okay to build a multi faith church in the mountains with some lovely scenic views for all to come and worship in peace…

    So you’re a humanist not an Australian? Now I can really smell bullshit… Or is that you DAR burning an Australian flag?

    And you’re right the issue is bigger than a few burnt flags. But the action still speaks volumes of the participants and those that endorse them.

  13. Sirlolalot says:


    So people who believe in national identity are naive?

    Yet you’re protesting to defend a faith that labels 98% of the australian population as infidels and that their own “holy” book demands that good muslims seek out infidels where ever they are hiding and chop off their heads and fingers or risk being labeled a hypocrite and sent to hell. In all there are over 100 verses in the Quran that tell muslims to go to war with infidels or risk their souls being sent to hell. Hardly embracing difference or individualism. Seems like hypocrisy to demand tolerance from others while offering none themselves.

    Sure a flag is just a flag, what’s next the constitution is only a bit of paper?

    You think an Australian flag is a symbol of totalitarianism? Maybe have a look at what caliphate means to non muslims. I don’t see any mention there of peace and freewill for all, I see suppression and obedience or death. I’m just thankful I’m not a minority living under sharia law as the muslims are a minority living here in Australia.

    So go and buy something halal and show your support mate, I’m sure that it’s appreciated.

  14. PzKfw III says:

    Not the brightest pencil in the box are you Davo?

  15. Dopes Against Racism (DAR) says:

    The only thing you morons will achieve with your ridiculous conspiracy theories and overt displays of religious hatred is the continuing alienation of the vast majority of Muslims who just want to live ordinary lives and practice their beliefs in private. You will also deepen the fanaticism of the tiny number of Islamist fascists that exist in this country, and you will create a few new Islamist fascists. Pretty fuckin’ stoopid, eh?

  16. Neo nazis are dumbfucks with a nasty attitude…either that or their fists are just permanently itchy

  17. PzKfw III says:

    Dopes against Racism, it sounds like what the left are doing to the ordinary Aussies that attended the rally. You are branding them all racists, yet you just said it was “Religious Hatred”. If you haven’t looked yet some Muslims joined us at the rally too. You lot spat at them (video on youtube) and were also manhandled by them. Oh dear what a confusing time for you lot.

  18. password92 says:

    Am I the only one who gets distracted by penis outline and loses all conflict context of this pic?

  19. Rashid says:

    >>”…their own “holy” book demands that good muslims seek out infidels where ever they are hiding and chop off their heads and fingers or risk being labeled a hypocrite and sent to hell. In all there are over 100 verses in the Quran that tell muslims to go to war with infidels or risk their souls being sent to hell.”

    Sirlolalot, I LOL’d a lot too when I read this. And whilst I appreciate from this spurious offering that you apparently don’t want to be taken seriously, clearly not everyone gets your whimsical sense of humour. Perhaps a better punch line would help?

  20. Dopes Against Racism (DAR) says:

    PzKfw III,

    If you take a look at my first post you’ll see that I was actually having a go at the socialists and anti-fascists who believe that a display of aggression towards you numbskulls was sound politics. Of course, none of you right-wing knuckleheads picked up on my little ruse so I found myself in the unintended situation – and isn’t life full of these? – of responding to you dimwits seriously.

    For the record I wasn’t at the counter-demo and I think, as I stated in my first post, that the actions of the socialists and anti-fascists had the effect of just entrenching the prejudices of the Reclaimers even further. Of course, most of you aren’t fascists, you’re just ill-informed, gormless halfwits, so less aggressive methods would’ve been more appropriate. I personally think it would’ve been better if there was no counter-demo so that you dunderheads would be left to just stand in the rain. That would’ve dampened your enthusiasm a bit and would’ve been a far better outcome.

    All I can recommend to you is that you read widely and try to see the world as it actually is, not as it appears through prejudices and false beliefs. Remember, ignorance is curable.

    Yours very patronisingly,

    The Futilitarian.

  21. Sossle says:

    Your [sic] right quoting the Quran is maybe a little out date, let[‘]s go with some modern headlines. These blokes must be reading a different Holy Book I guess.

    It’s been a busy month I must say…

    • Afghan protesters kill woman over burned Quran Kabal – 19 Mar 2015 …

    [SNIP (list of crimes committed by Muslims)]

    Tip of iceberg…

    Yeah DAR, I would hate to risk pushing Muslims to extremism and reading helps clear up any false ideals… Does the expression head sand mean anything to you?

  22. Sossle says:

    Muslims in Australia: Share a faith and ideology with radicals overseas currently responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and a legal system that condones beatings, amputations, child brides and executions. Want to establish total Islamic caliphate and global domination.

    Australian neo-Nazis: Share a common ideology with radicals overseas that over 70 years ago were responsible for the deaths of countless people and administrating a brutal dictatorship responsible for ethnic cleansing and mass murder. Wanted to create a Third Reich and global domination.

    Australian Muslims = Innocent and misunderstood = Not affiliated.

    Australian neo-Nazis = Guilty by association = Public enemy number 1.

    Just as a disclaimer I am not affiliated with any far right groups or neo-Nazis nor condone the actions of any fascist dictatorships. I just find the situation to be slightly hypocritical.

    What’s more likely to be happening in Australia in 50yrs time attempts at establishing the 4th Reich or attempts at establishing Islamic caliphate?

    To me it seems similar to why people are more afraid of sharks than cars. Neo-Nazis look threatening and quite intimidating, Muslim extremists look like everyday people.

    I do have quite a few Muslim friends and I have nothing against any individual personally.

    I do have issue with systematic Violence against Women, Slavery, Slaughter of Innocents, Stonings, Hudud, Child brides, Repression of free speech, No right to freedom of religion or belief, Sharia law… wherever it is found.

  23. Sossle says:

    [SNIP (list of crimes committed by Muslims)]

    Andy this edit is terrible. When you remove content from a post that changes or lessens the impact of a statement it’s not editing, it’s censorship. What’s wrong, is the internet running out of space? Or you just didn’t feel it was relevant to the context?

    “list of crimes committed by Muslims” is your description for over 50 references in the last month, from major news feeds like Reuters, major newspapers and internet news sites, of acts like desecration and destruction of ancient cities and artifacts, stonings, major terrorist acts killing thousands, female genital mutilation, child brides, sharia Law in effect etc.

    On another note, DAR says “try to see the world as it actually is”.

    Where should I start this journey of discovery? Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, East Timor, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cyprus, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Egypt, Libya, Kenya, Tunisia, Mali, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Uganda or as Andy may put it [List of places where Muslim violence occurs]

    If being well read is important to you why don’t you take a look at the Muslim Brotherhood’s manifesto “The Project” or have a look at current conflicts around the world?

  24. Rashid says:


    >>”Muslims in Australia: Share a faith and ideology with radicals overseas currently responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and a legal system that condones beatings, amputations, child brides and executions. Want to establish total Islamic caliphate and global domination … I do have quite a few Muslim friends and I have nothing against any individual personally.”

    ? Why or how are you friends with persons who believe in “child brides” and all manner of barbarity? How does your personal friendship work with such persons who you claim are intent upon your eventual forced domination? I don’t get it … I know I wouldn’t want to be associated with such people, let alone maintain friendships with them.

    Hands up any Jews or non whites who have nothing at all personally against their individual neo Nazis friends, but nonetheless do ‘have issue with’ neo Nazi ideology …

    To say that the comparison of Australian Muslims with Australian neo Nazis is false, is somewhat of an understatement. Australian neo Nazis are not segmented into diverse communities based on ethnicity and sect. Australian neo Nazis do not have a majority portion who defy both perceived stereotypes, as well as the resultant assigned and generalised negative characterisation given to them by opponents.

  25. Sossle says:

    @ Rashid

    Context is everything.

    If you read my statement it says radicals overseas participate in these types of acts. Not the majority of Muslims.

    But if you want to go down that track are you saying there are no Muslims overseas that are involved in this kind of activity? Or are they not Muslim? Or just disconnected from the majority of Muslim beliefs? Really how is it justified?

    My meaning is in I have no problem talking to a priest but I will have a problem with a pedophile priest from whichever sect. If my Muslim friend was marrying his 14 year old daughter off to a foreign national they would not be my friend for very long. And there have been cases of this happening in Australia not just overseas. Are you saying this doesn’t happen? Can you tell me is it a crime under a Sharia legal system?

    I really have no issue if my friends are outright Satanist as long as their beliefs don’t harm or impinge on other’s rights. They can worship an Invisible Pink Unicorn for all that I care.

    Let’s switch things up a little, for conversation’s sake, if Australia was predominantly a Muslim population. What type of laws would we have here, perhaps Sharia law would be possible do you think? Do you think it would be possible to have a conversation like this under those conditions? How much do you think Australia and the minority white Australians would need to change to be more in line with a Muslim type belief system, a little or a lot do you think?

    None of the Muslims I know have child brides and in fact are mostly moderate. Some have an occasional drink of alcohol too. Which I guess makes them bad Muslims to a degree. To my knowledge they haven’t overtly used Taqiyya with me. None of them actively pursue or engage in Sharia law that I am aware of. Which is why I consider them friends.

    I will repeat myself:
    “I do have issue with systematic Violence against Women, Slavery, Slaughter of Innocents, Stonings, Hudud, Child brides, Repression of free speech, No right to freedom of religion or belief, Sharia law… wherever it is found.” If my neighbour practiced these things I would speak out against him to.

    In response to comparison of Muslims and neo-Nazis again you have slightly missed the point. But let’s push a little further with the idea.
    So when the Allies bombed Germany they killed millions of innocent women, children and elderly right? How do you think this is justified? Why were they not spared as they have no direct connection to the German war machine. The Nazi army and administration was a small percentage of the entire populace of Germany. Yet the greater population suffered massive devastation. How many civilians do you think were sacrificed to destroy the Third Reich, I believe the number was around 5 million. Why were they judged as guilty even though they never picked up a gun, never killed anyone, had no control of the Nazi regime that governed their country. Can you explain why it was justifiable to kill all of these people? I have a pretty clear idea but why do you think Rashid?

  26. Futilitarian says:

    Hey, right-wing idiots,

    In order to understand something about current human behaviour you need to understand something about the historical process that has led to the present. You don’t just look at a phenomenon at face value and make a judgement without any historical understanding of what brought the situation about. When you do this, and mindlessly attribute the blame for violence and backwardness in the Islamic world to Islam itself, and acknowledge no other causes, you are being, yes, you got it, an idiot.

    Islamist fascists are using Islam as an ideology for the achievement of wider aims. The various brands of Islamist fascism are really the latest historical manifestation of Arab nationalism and re-unification. They are movements that are attempting to deal with the legacy of colonialism and the dismemberment of the Arab lands (by, primary, European powers and, more recently, the U.S.) in a hyper-authoritarian manner. Secular Arab nationalism, and socialism, during the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s didn’t work so the religious fascists are now taking up the slack. Arguably, the solution for the Arabs, as for anyone, is self-determination, economic viability and a modernisation of their religion (i.e., a Reformation), not fascism.

    The small number of Islamist fascists who create outrages in the West, or anywhere, should be dealt with as are any run-o’-the-mill criminals, or, when they’re in large numbers, like I.S., dealt with militarily, preferably by the people they’re trying to oppress. There’s a long historical process still ahead of us before all the problems associated with unfulfilled Arab nationalism are sorted out, and a lot more agony to go through as well, and the ends are not at all foreseeable.

    You idiots are not contributing to any solutions. By ascribing all the blame for Islamist fascism to Islam itself you are creating bad vibes between Australian Muslims and non-Muslims. It’s quite possible that the modernisation of the Arab world may be assisted in some ways by modernised elements of the Arab diaspora in the West. What we don’t need is to have you idiots alienating Australian Muslims and putting a kybosh on that potential process.

  27. Rashid says:


    Belated apologies for a belated response. Work and family commitments etc…

    >>”If you read my statement it says radicals overseas participate in these types of acts. Not the majority of Muslims.”

    I take you at your word that you distinguish between Muslims according to what they do or don’t do, however I still think you’re engaging in inaccurate generalisation when you say,

    “Muslims in Australia: Share a faith and ideology with radicals overseas currently responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and a legal system that condones beatings, amputations, child brides and executions. Want to establish total Islamic caliphate and global domination.”

    Whilst as an Australian Muslim I do share the same faith in name as “radicals overseas”, my Islamic ideology is markedly different to them in ways which matter.

    On the matter of a sharia legal system, it depends entirely on what your interpretation of sharia is. And that’s the point – there is no one definitive blueprint of sharia accepted and followed by all Muslims globally. Because sharia is derived from Islam’s primary sources: Quran, Hadith and Sunnah, there are at least as many versions of sharia as there are of Islam.

    The implication that a consensus, or even large minority of Australian Muslims, not only share the same interpretation of the punishment branch of sharia as the beaters, amputators and beheaders seen overseas, but also actively wish for that branch’s implementation here, is a charge for which I’ve personally seen no evidence.

    >>”If my Muslim friend was marrying his 14 year old daughter off to a foreign national they would not be my friend for very long. And there have been cases of this happening in Australia not just overseas. Are you saying this doesn’t happen? Can you tell me is it a crime under a Sharia legal system?”

    Whether marrying your 14 year old daughter off to a foreign national is compliant or not with any particular interpretation of sharia, is somewhat beside the point in the Australian context. A fundamental, i.e. Quranically sourced, ruling of sharia is that Muslims must obey all laws of a land in which they live, on the proviso that such obedience doesn’t contradict their faith. Since Australian law doesn’t permit 14 year olds to be married, and since marrying at 14 is not a requirement of the Islamic faith, the question of the permissibility or impermissibility according to someone’s understanding of sharia is irrelevant.

    Personally I’m quite happy with current Australian law that reflects the broad contemporary culture of this country, sets the minimum age at 18, and 16 (with judicial approval) for those marrying an 18+ person.

    But I take it Sossle that you are similarly outraged by current laws in the US state of Mississippi which allow female residents to marry at the age of 15 with parental consent?

    How about some of that moral outrage for current law in the US state of New Hampshire which allows female residents to marry at the age of 13 with parental consent and a judicial waiver?

    And Arizona, California and Colorado have no set legal minimum age for marriage if parental consent and a judicial waiver are obtained.

    How do you like them legal apples?

    Let me know if and when you plan to ‘reclaim’ the site of the US embassy in Canberra…

    >>”Let’s switch things up a little, for conversation’s sake, if Australia was predominantly a Muslim population. What type of laws would we have here, perhaps Sharia law would be possible do you think?”

    So currently, Australian Muslims are a minority of the Australian population, following sharia as their faith dictates, and (as individuals) democratically voting for and supporting a wide range of major and minor political parties.

    I predict that if Australian Muslims ever become a majority they would… follow sharia as their faith dictates, and (as individuals) democratically vote for and support a wide range of major and minor political parties.

    >>”In response to comparison of Muslims and neo-Nazis again you have slightly missed the point…

    The Nazi army and administration was a small percentage of the entire populace of Germany. Yet the greater population suffered massive devastation…

    Can you explain why it was justifiable to kill all of these people?”

    ? Ok, so I think I understand your analogy as it relates to collective punishment. I’m not at all clear on what that’s got to do with contemporary neo Nazism.

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