UPDATE (July 4, 2018) : Erikson has been charged under the CRIMES ACT 1900 – SECT 56, viz, ‘Obstructing member of the clergy in discharge of his or her duties’. If found guilty, Erikson ‘shall be liable to imprisonment for two years’. The charge has been laid in response to when Erikson and his d*ckhead mates invaded a church service in Gosford (scaring the wits outta some old folks) back in May. According to Erikson, Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic has also been charged with the same offence; it remains unclear if the other brave ANZACs who took part in the action — Paul Exley, Danny Peanna/Parkinson, and Lachlan/Logan Spalding — have also been charged.
No jail for Melb man for racist calls, SBS, February 12, 2014:
A man has avoided jail for abusing a Melbourne rabbi in a series of racially-motivated phone calls he tried to explain as a prank.
Neil Luke Erikson, 29, phoned Rabbi Dovid Gutnick of Melbourne City Synagogue on three occasions, telling him “Give me the money Jew or else I will get you” and abusing him for his faith.
He also spoke of circumcisions, blood money and Jewish sidelocks and told Rabbi Gutnick he knew his location and was coming to get him.
Magistrate Donna Bakos said she had no doubt Erikson’s calls were motivated by prejudice and found he had little remorse for his crime.
But she ignored prosecution pleas to jail Erikson, sentencing him instead to psychological assessment and treatment in the community.
“There is no other explanation except that they were motivated by prejudice, if not hatred, toward the victim because of his race,” she told Erikson …
Convicted racist and stalker Neil Erikson — who attended the True Blue Crew flagwit parade on Sunday — had a mention hearing in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today, accused of breaching a personal safety intervention order.
Erikson argued that he wasn’t subject to the order.
Unfortunately for him, the magistrate disagreed, and said there was sufficient evidence for a conviction relating to the order, stating he would face a fine if he entered a plea of guilty then and there, or would likely face imprisonment if he entered a not guilty plea and went to trial.
Undeterred, Erikson entered a not guilty plea, and faces trial on November 20, 2018.
The Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010, section 100, sets the maximum penalty for breaching an IVO as two years imprisonment.
Erikson was unrepresented at the hearing, and has given no indication he will seek legal representation.
Erikson is due back at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court again on Friday, July 6 for a mentions hearing arising from charges stemming from the MILO stoopid of December last year. His fascist comrades Garry Mattson (Soldiers of Odin), Ricky/Rikki Turner (28, Sunbury), Garry Hume (48, Eltham) and Richard Whelan (33, Surrey Hills) also face charges.
Erikson has been to court quite a few times of late, and is also due in Korumburra Magistrates’ Court on other matters on August 30.
Previously, Erikson attended court on the following dates:
29 May – Directions, Toll (no appearance, order for summary judgement)
15 May – Directions, Toll (ordered to seek pro bono barrister)
14 May – Contempt hearing, Toll (guilty $10,000)
(9 directions hearings RE: Toll between 7 December, 2017 and 11 May, 2018)
4-5 September – Contest, Bendigo CIU (guilty, $2000)
• In total, then, Erikson has been to court, or been called up, at least 17 times in the last 12 months. This rivals the number of Facebook groups/projects and blogs Erikson has cycled through over the last few years, which list includes (but is not limited to): Cooks Convicts, Patriot Blue, Nationalist Uprising, Australian Settlers Rebellion, Aussie Patriot Army, Ban Islam Party, European Australian Civil Rights League, Generation Identity Australia, Nationalist Republican Guard, Neil Erikson Media, NRG Media, OzConspiracy, Pauline Hanson’s Guardian Angels, Reclaim Australia, United Patriots Front, and United Patriots Front — Originals.
• The Federal Court has just released open documents software to the public, which was previously only available to court staff. For that reason, it’s possible to examine the Toll saga — AKA TOLL TRANSPORT PTY LIMITED & ORS v NEIL LUKE ERIKSON — in all its glory here.
• Considering that a breach of an IVO falls into the category of contempt (ie, ignoring a court order), it seems very possible that Erikson will be jailed come November: a documented history of ignoring court orders, particularly during the current year, is unlikely to endear him to the courts.
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Pingback: Neo-Nazi Serial Pest Neil Erikson Goes To Jail (Again) | slackbastard