On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Tom Tanuki. You may remember Tom from such comedic moments as the Million Flag Patriots (still the most prestigious, unbashable & patrioty neo-patriot group in Australia) or when he was Yelling At Racist Dogs. More recently, Major Tom has launched a podcast, The Poor Can Feed The Birds, and of late has taken a big breath, cashed his cheque from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and on behalf of The Vril Society gone on a deep dive into The Wonderful Worlde of Conspiracy …
• Note that the podcast version of this episode is longer than the broadcast one, and reveals the troof about Tom’s role as an emissary for the Gates Foundation, Cam’s vision of the world as seen through Lucifer’s Telescope, my own love of Spirit Cooking, and much, much moar. Educate yourself, sheeple!
• Note also that this Saturday, May 30, there will be further anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne and elsewhere across the country. The last such event in Melbourne gathered something in the order of 100 (or more — some suggest 2 or 3) individuals and 10 arrests. Since then, police have issued a number of fines to participants.
Arrest Bill Gates! Arrest Bill Gates!
• Much more can be learned about this particular plot in bizarr0 land by listening to the QAnon Anonymous podcast and via Cam’s Hypothetical Institute, especially Episode 122: Coronavirus, Episode 124: Good Heavens Pete Evans & Episode 125: Lockdown, Plandemic & Lucifer’s Telescope.
No Consent! No Consent!
• Our radio show/podcast is featured in the latest 3CR newsletter, CRAM Guide: ‘The CRAM Guide is 3CR’s annual magazine printed each year in May. It includes news, program profiles, station updates and the latest program guide’.
• Cam and Tom have been following The Adventures of the Anti-Lockdown Gang reasonably closely: follow Cam on the tweets for moar and watch Tom on the Youtubes.
• Paleo Pete Evans has jumped on the conspiracist bandwagon, and to that end the scientician has agreed to be interviewed by right-wing YouTube e-celeb Claudia Benitez (‘Dia Beltran’). The Grauniad (May 24, 2020):
As my colleague Elias Visontay mentioned earlier, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has taken a swipe at radio broadcasters Kyle and Jackie O for their interview with Pete Evans today.
Evans, we know, has some, erm, non-mainstream views about, well, a lot of things.
But the (former?) celebrity chef isn’t so high and mighty that he’ll only appear on the big commercial radio stations.
Dia Beltran, an anti-abortion, far-right personality with links to former United Patriots Front members Neil Erikson and Blair Cottrell, is also spruiking an interview with him this coming Wednesday. According to Beltran, Evans will appear on her show on the same day as the hard-right Russian nationalist Alexander Dugin.
We can only assume that Evans plans to denounce the far-right and offer some tips on avocado preparation, but still, it’s quite a line-up.
(Thanks to Cam Smith for the heads-up on this).
You may remember Benitez from such church invasions as that which took place at the ‘f*ggot’ church in Hawthorn in May last year (following which, sadly, she lost her jerb). Benitez was joined on that occasion by neo-Nazi serial pest Neil Erikson. While Benitez ESCed charges over the matter, Erikson heads to court in November, seemingly for that incident but also for disrupting a Muslim prayer service in Fed Square a month earlier. If convicted, the most likely outcome is that he’ll get another slap on the wrist and Carry On LARPing.
See also : Why Are Australians Chanting “Arrest Bill Gates” At Protests? This Wild Facebook Group Has The Answers, Cameron Wilson, Buzzfeed, May 11, 2020 | Former TV Chef Behind Australia’s Anti-Lockdown Uprising, Josh Butler, 10Daily, May 12, 2020 | Why are Australians smashing their TVs? And what does it have to do with 5G and coronavirus?, The Guardian, Josh Taylor & Steph Harmon, May 13, 2020 | Under financial pressure and slipping into conspiracies, why Instagram influencers promote coronavirus lockdown protests, Oliver Gordon, ABC (PM), May 15, 2020 | The Prophecies of Q: American conspiracy theories are entering a dangerous new phase, Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic, June 2020.
4.30pm, Thursday, May 28, 2020 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website
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