On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Sabine Volk [Twitter] about PEGIDA (‘Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident’) and right-wing populism in Europe. Sabine is a doctoral fellow of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) and a member of the Working Group on Memory and Populism associated with the Memory Studies Association (MSA), and has recently published:
• ‘Germany: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakening the Far Right?’, in: Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right: Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories and New Narratives, ed. Tamir Bar-On & Bàrbara Molas;
• ‘‘Wir sind das Volk!’ Representative claim-making and populist style in the Pegida movement’s discourse’, in German Politics;
• ‘‘No borders, no nations’ or ‘Fortress Europe’? How European citizens remake European borders’, in European Studies and Europe: Twenty Years of Euroculture, ed. Janny de Jong, Marek Neuman, Senka Stanivukovic-Neuman, and Margriet van der Waal;
• ‘Commemoration at the Extremes: A Field Report from Dresden 2020’, in Cultures of History Forum.
See also : antifa notes (february 11, 2016) : PEGIDA, United Patriots Front, Aryan Nations, (February 11, 2016).
4.30pm, Thursday, February 4, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website
NB. The podcast version of the episode contains a longer discussion with Sabine.
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