Koalas sleep for approximately 18 hours out of 24.
About @ndy
I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
Affect is a psychological term for an observable expression of emotion.
A person’s affect is the expression of emotion or feelings displayed to others through facial expressions, hand gestures, voice tone, and other emotional signs such as laughter or tears. Individual affect fluctuates according to emotional state. What is considered a normal range of affect, called the broad affect, varies from culture to culture, and even within a culture. Certain individuals may gesture prolifically while talking, and display dramatic facial expressions in reaction to social situations or other stimuli. Others may show little outward response to social environments or interactions, expressing a narrow range of emotions to the outside world.
People with psychological disorders may display variations in their affect. A restricted or constricted affect describes a mild restriction in the range or intensity of display of feelings. As the reduction in display of emotion becomes more severe, the term blunted affect may be applied. The absence of any exhibition of emotions is described as flat affect where the voice is monotone, the face expressionless, and the body immobile. Labile affect describes emotional instability or dramatic mood swings. When the outward display of emotion is out of context for the situation, such as laughter while describing pain or sadness, the affect is termed “inappropriate.”
effect :
Definitions of effect on the web:
* consequence: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; “the magnetic effect was greater when the Fuehrer was alive”; “his decision to join Stormfront had depressing consequences for his social status”; “he acted very wise after the Cronulla events”
* impression: an outward appearance; “he made a bad impression with his idiotic posturing”; “I wanted to create an impression of having a tough online persona”; “she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original spirit of anarchy”
* (of a law) having legal validity; “the law is still in effect killing children”
* a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; “the effects of sleep loss did not explain his gross stupidity”; “the effect of the fascist anesthetic impaired his capacity for rational thought”
* produce; “The scientists set up a shock wave in the world of White supremacy when they concluded that minor variations in genetic patterns failed to explain social change and conflict”
* an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); “he just did it for effect, and the swastika was soon torn from his shabby uniform”
* the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
* act so as to bring into existence; “effect a radical change in social relations”
By calling it Invasion Day, I am referring to history. Namely, the day Captain Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet arrived at Port Jackson on January 26, 1788, landing at Camp Cove, in order that King George IIIs loyal servant might declare the establishment of a British penal settlement. Arfur arrived with 717 convicts on board (of whom 180 were women), “convicted of crimes in the Country of England since 1783 and … sentenced by His Majesty’s Judges to be sent to that part of New Holland known as New South Wales”, guarded by 191 marines under 19 officers. (NB. Accounts vary as to exact numbers.)
Three cheers and a loud huzzah for King George!
Long may He reign!
in·va·sion :
1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.
[Middle English invasioun, from Old French invasion, from Late Latin invāsiō, invāsiōn-, from invāsus, past participle of invādere, to invade.]
Every OTHER minority? What does THAT mean?
If you’re attempting to make a distinction between Australians of indigenous and non-indigenous descent… um, OK.
I can not see any problem with calling a spade a spade. There was an invasion and survival is extremely difficult. Both are apt descriptions to be honest.
Survival. Of the hundreds of indigenous peoples, languages and cultures existant in 1788. Like, say, the Eora. (Or not.)
What’s to explain?
Leaving aside a subsequent history of colonial expansion and conquest, the First and subsequent Fleets were “invaders” ‘cos they procaimed — both officially and simply by their (growing) presence in this part of the world — that the continent of Australia belonged to the British Crown, and was subject to British rule. So… they were “invaders” not merely by fact of their foreign origin, but by their actions upon their arrival (as mandated by King George II and the many Royal parasites who’ve followed in His flatulent wake). ‘Foreigners’ (such as peoples from what’s now Indonesia) had established trade relations with local peoples in Australia’s north long before Arfur came…
You’ve learnt Australian history while sitting at Saleam’s knee? ‘Splains a lot.
Miss P:
‘Call it whatcha want, just don’t call me late for dinner’ is my philosophy. And my tummy tells my brain that it’s working out fine thus far.
Mick just curious as to how anyone could see the arrival of British ships hell-bent on claiming the land on behalf of their King as anything but an invasion? Honestly, there is no other way to look at this. Or at least I cannot see any other way. Perhaps you would like to enlighten me?
There are a variety of resources out there for your perusal that will highlight the reasons why the day is also called Survival Day by many. You only need the desire to seek the truth: once this is achieved everything else will fall into place.
Those British ‘Invaders’ are actually settlers, there wasn’t a civilisation when they first arrived. Australia was made up of many nomadic tribes who were always on the run. Under their standards, the land wasn’t even classed as occupied. The so-called ‘Invasion’ was nothing more than the expansion of the British Empire.
Two Greek anarchists are making molotov cocktails. One says to the other: "So who will we throw these at then?" The other replies: "What are you, some kind of fucking intellectual?"
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haha that koala is completely slack.
By calling it Invasion Day, you’re affectively referring to every other minority as invaders.
no one :
i agree.
mick :
affect :
Affect is a psychological term for an observable expression of emotion.
A person’s affect is the expression of emotion or feelings displayed to others through facial expressions, hand gestures, voice tone, and other emotional signs such as laughter or tears. Individual affect fluctuates according to emotional state. What is considered a normal range of affect, called the broad affect, varies from culture to culture, and even within a culture. Certain individuals may gesture prolifically while talking, and display dramatic facial expressions in reaction to social situations or other stimuli. Others may show little outward response to social environments or interactions, expressing a narrow range of emotions to the outside world.
People with psychological disorders may display variations in their affect. A restricted or constricted affect describes a mild restriction in the range or intensity of display of feelings. As the reduction in display of emotion becomes more severe, the term blunted affect may be applied. The absence of any exhibition of emotions is described as flat affect where the voice is monotone, the face expressionless, and the body immobile. Labile affect describes emotional instability or dramatic mood swings. When the outward display of emotion is out of context for the situation, such as laughter while describing pain or sadness, the affect is termed “inappropriate.”
effect :
Definitions of effect on the web:
* consequence: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; “the magnetic effect was greater when the Fuehrer was alive”; “his decision to join Stormfront had depressing consequences for his social status”; “he acted very wise after the Cronulla events”
* impression: an outward appearance; “he made a bad impression with his idiotic posturing”; “I wanted to create an impression of having a tough online persona”; “she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original spirit of anarchy”
* (of a law) having legal validity; “the law is still in effect killing children”
* a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; “the effects of sleep loss did not explain his gross stupidity”; “the effect of the fascist anesthetic impaired his capacity for rational thought”
* produce; “The scientists set up a shock wave in the world of White supremacy when they concluded that minor variations in genetic patterns failed to explain social change and conflict”
* an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); “he just did it for effect, and the swastika was soon torn from his shabby uniform”
* the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
* act so as to bring into existence; “effect a radical change in social relations”
By calling it Invasion Day, I am referring to history. Namely, the day Captain Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet arrived at Port Jackson on January 26, 1788, landing at Camp Cove, in order that King George IIIs loyal servant might declare the establishment of a British penal settlement. Arfur arrived with 717 convicts on board (of whom 180 were women), “convicted of crimes in the Country of England since 1783 and … sentenced by His Majesty’s Judges to be sent to that part of New Holland known as New South Wales”, guarded by 191 marines under 19 officers. (NB. Accounts vary as to exact numbers.)
Three cheers and a loud huzzah for King George!
Long may He reign!
in·va·sion :
1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.
[Middle English invasioun, from Old French invasion, from Late Latin invāsiō, invāsiōn-, from invāsus, past participle of invādere, to invade.]
Every OTHER minority? What does THAT mean?
If you’re attempting to make a distinction between Australians of indigenous and non-indigenous descent… um, OK.
I assume you prefer the term ‘Survival Day’?
I can not see any problem with calling a spade a spade. There was an invasion and survival is extremely difficult. Both are apt descriptions to be honest.
Surviving what?
No… if you refer to the first settlers as “invaders” — because they were foreigners — then the newer migrants are EFFECTIVELY foreign, too.
… and I learnt a part of the Australian [story] from an article written by Dr. James Saleam.
Survival. Of the hundreds of indigenous peoples, languages and cultures existant in 1788. Like, say, the Eora. (Or not.)
What’s to explain?
Leaving aside a subsequent history of colonial expansion and conquest, the First and subsequent Fleets were “invaders” ‘cos they procaimed — both officially and simply by their (growing) presence in this part of the world — that the continent of Australia belonged to the British Crown, and was subject to British rule. So… they were “invaders” not merely by fact of their foreign origin, but by their actions upon their arrival (as mandated by King George II and the many Royal parasites who’ve followed in His flatulent wake). ‘Foreigners’ (such as peoples from what’s now Indonesia) had established trade relations with local peoples in Australia’s north long before Arfur came…
You’ve learnt Australian history while sitting at Saleam’s knee? ‘Splains a lot.
Miss P:
‘Call it whatcha want, just don’t call me late for dinner’ is my philosophy. And my tummy tells my brain that it’s working out fine thus far.
Mick just curious as to how anyone could see the arrival of British ships hell-bent on claiming the land on behalf of their King as anything but an invasion? Honestly, there is no other way to look at this. Or at least I cannot see any other way. Perhaps you would like to enlighten me?
There are a variety of resources out there for your perusal that will highlight the reasons why the day is also called Survival Day by many. You only need the desire to seek the truth: once this is achieved everything else will fall into place.
Those British ‘Invaders’ are actually settlers, there wasn’t a civilisation when they first arrived. Australia was made up of many nomadic tribes who were always on the run. Under their standards, the land wasn’t even classed as occupied. The so-called ‘Invasion’ was nothing more than the expansion of the British Empire.
“The so-called ’Invasion’ was nothing more than the expansion of the British Empire.”
Good call brother!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_invasions :
1788 invasion of Australia by England
Damn good call!
But @ndy, last time I was in Melbourne, you WERE late for dinner!
Lucky you! He never has dinner with me … Huh …