Gavrilo Princip: Serbian national-anarchist

Gavrilo Princip (1894–1918) is the man widely blamed for starting WWI (and thereby kickstarting the short twentieth century). How? Apparently, by shooting dead an Austrian aristocrat (and his missus) in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.

Long story.

Odd thing is, for some, Princip has gone down in history as an anarchist. For example, successful white filmmaker Michael Moore writes in Stupid White Men (HarperCollins, 2001, p.188) of the former Yugoslavia:

This godforsaken corner of the world has been the source of much of our collective misery for the last century. Its residents’ inability to get along — with Serbs fighting Croats fighting Muslims fighting Macedonians fighting Albanians fighting Kosovars fighting Serbs — can be traced to the following single event: in 1914 a Serb anarchist by the name of Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand. This incident kicked off World War I. Which led to World War II. Over fifty million people died from both wars.

More recently, an observant Peter Sain ley Berry comments (The criminal heirs of 28 June 1914,, June 29, 2007) that “The popular myth is that a young anarchist, Gavrilo Princip, fired the shots that triggered the First World War. As with all such myths, the truth is more complex.” An interesting version of which may be found in John Zerzan’s essay ‘Origins and Meaning of World War I’, Telos, No.49 (Fall 1981); as it happens, the first essay of his I ever read (also available in Elements of Refusal).

    “I am the son of peasants and I know what is happening in the villages. That is why I wanted to take revenge, and I regret nothing.” ~ Gavrilo Princip, reply when interviewed in court (October, 1914)

    See also : Museums in Sarajevo: Princip’s footsteps, The Economist, June 28 2007

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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12 Responses to Gavrilo Princip: Serbian national-anarchist

  1. anarchists are pigs and dumb idiots. they start wars [then] blame others for them. we need a socialist state not anarchy. but anarchism doesnt exist. it is just a smoke scream [er] for their real interests [in] the alliance isnt it. it is one big plot to continue world domination.

    its true isnt it that slack bastard is a puppet blog of the anti normal peoples alliance. it must be run by the national nazi hq at the school science block.

    you people never listen to reason and bash up people who dont agree with you. you worthless revisionists. fight dem back is apart of it [too].

    it is true that anarchists started both world wars as agents of the alliance. you [then], after WW1, blamed it on Germany and Austria. the alliance wanted the war so it could make profits by selling arms. how can you sleep at night?

  2. @ndy says:

    The other funny thing about jokes is that they wear increasingly thin over time.

  3. What I said @ndy is not a joke. I am very very right. Stalinist League does not joke or play around. Mmmmmm I can smell burning scum.

  4. "Drew" says:

    Andy, how can you call yourself an Anarchist: you don’t turn up to rallies, you are certainly not pro-active; and you are a ‘softy’?

  5. @ndy says:

    Dear Drew,




  6. Dr. Cam says:

    I have seen Andy at rallies in his stylish hunting jacket. I said, “Andy! What are you doing here?” and he said, “I’m just walking by on my way to the country club.”

    Then he enquired as to whether I was a shoe cleaner. I said, “Andy, you don’t remember who I am?” and he said, “I doubt we know each other – I don’t mix with the poorer classes.”


  7. any is a anarchist vagabon

  8. @ndy says:

    eithe that or a faggot anachist

  9. Lumpen says:

    Jeez @ndy, when did your blog start getting flooded by digital warriors?
    And wasn’t Smoke Scream the 2IC of the Decepticons?
    I can also attest to seeing @ndy at rallies. He’s the guy marching militantly on the predetermined route politely refuting policy in an orderly manner. You can’t miss him.
    “you people never listen to reason and bash up people who dont agree with you.”

  10. Viva Joseph Stalin. You anarchs and trots destroyed the soviet union and the socialist countries in eastern europe back 20 years ago. up yours alls

  11. lumpnboy says:

    Peter, I found the following in what appears to be a post by you on a forum of the Stalinist League of Australia:

    “Stalin was a mad man. He was a evil bastard old man who killed millions of his own people. As I said before Mao and Stalin are the must worst Socialist leaders the world has ever seen. They are a embarrassment. He back stab his comrades. Nice man wasn’t he.”

    The spelling and grammar, in general, are slightly above your usual standards, but close enough such that I suspect the text is yours, or a good imitation.

    So if the text is yours, what’s with all the dogmatic stalin-love now? And what’s with all this “anti normal peoples alliance” stuff? I hope it is an odd ‘joke’. Seriously.

    @ndy, sorry to use your blog to talk to Peter – I’m just unsure whether to think of him as playful and strange and a child of a family which includes unreconstructed stalinists, or whether he is actually in psychological distress manifesting in paranoid ideation etcetera, or both.

  12. I never said any thing like that towards the great leader. I really believe that the world is run by a alliance. It is not my text. I am a prud marxist-leninist-stalinist

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