A pseudonymous member of the fascist demonstration at APEC has written an entertaining and informative account of his experience confronting the Communist hordes in Sydney last weekend, which is available for your outraged (or bemused) perusal at the New Reich Australia/New Zealand blog. His caustic commentary is actually quite amusing — especially in his characterisation of the various types (screeching leftists, media vultures, loud-mouthed but hopelessly ineffectual ‘anti-fascists’, etcetera) always present at events such as these — and is relatively well-written, if obviously ill-informed in parts.
I’ll respond to it later.
I think the New Right really exposed themselves with this article. The anarchist presence on the day was enormous- true, we only had four flags, but symbols aren’t important. There were many @s wearing black bloc gear, but dozens more not wearing that uniform. The NR reckons such gear challenges ‘liberal society’ by ‘erasing individuality’.
Well that about does it hey? While the real anarchists were diverse, un-uniformed and unrestricted in all ways- clothes, ideas, sexuality (as opposed to the nonsensical article on the evils of homosexuality the NR published on their so-called ‘anarchist’ blog), the posers obsessed over uniforms, codes, symbols, smear campaigning and intimidation. And they wonder why we think they are fascists?
What this entry to the NR blog demonstrates, exactly as Nick Griffin (not to be confused with the BNP leader) of Fifth Estate wrote in National Anarchism- A Trojan Horse for White Nationalism…
…the whole concept of National Anarchism is a sham aimed only at recruiting left-wing types to racist politics (however unsuccessfully) and at discrediting anarchism as an ideology. This is just yet another trend that the Australian WP movement has been experimenting with in desperation, having failed in all other spheres. It is going to be a failure, simply because their politics promote death, violence and hatred, while our movement promotes life and freedom. Nobody will fall for their sham, and it’s up to us to distribute material whenever they rear their boneheads to smash any such illusions. Remind them that Anarchism as an ideology has many Jewish ideological leaders, such as Emma Goldman.
Dime to a dollar, the bastards go home having played fancy dress as black bloc’ers, put their boots and braces and aggressive faces back on and stick Skrewdriver on the deck before tucking into their bratwurst.
It is going to be a failure, simply because their politics promote death, violence and hatred, while our movement promotes life and freedom. Nobody will fall for their sham, and it’s up to us to distribute material whenever they rear their boneheads to smash any such illusions.
Why not start now? What do you make of this?
You just can’t stay away, can you boofhead? Still, trust a fascist lickspittle to cite a corporate lobbyist as a reputable source of information on ‘multi-culturalism’.
Is that the best rebuttal you’re capable of?
Seriously, mate, who gives a flying fuck about all this shit you’re going on about? You’re irrelevant. Face it, noone cares. It’s only when people start identifying themselves in large numbers being different to other people, whites included. Muslims, Asians, Lebanese stick to themselves because arseholes like you force them to with your sick racism and xenophobia. Pull your finger out.
Value Meals:
My butt’s fine. In fact, you can kiss it if you like (and you shower first). By the sounds of it, you’re very lucky you didn’t get yours kicked, not kissed, on Saturday — but I guess having several thousand police on call is kinda handy when you’re in a tight spot eh? Anyway, I’m not interested in dissecting corporate propaganda on the perils of multi-culturalism, especially as the ostensible subject of this post is, in fact, the neo-Nazi presence at APEC. And on that subject, the best I can do, for now, is available here:
Btw, I do have at least one appreciative reader:
Muslims, Asians, Lebanese stick to themselves because arseholes like you force them to with your sick racism and xenophobia.
Nothing to do with conflicting value systems then?
“By the sounds of it, you’re very lucky you didn’t get yours kicked, not kissed, on Saturday”
talking tough again andy puss. Even with the threats you can never silence us, we will keep marching and voicing our opinion.
Western Values keep up the good work mate.
Value Meals,
Talking to a fascist about ‘values’ is like talking to the taxman about poetry.
I’m not threatening you (whoever you are), merely noting the fact (as has Peter Middleclass) that the neo-Nazis were lucky not to have been assaulted.
I take it you disagree?
So you’ve got nothing… again!
Now try that again, only this time, in English, mmmkay?
Hey, go right ahead. Just don’t think that anyone will figure you New Reich mob for anything other than neo-nazis. Already sussed.
Do thank Welf & Fraser for the fancy banners- cos they’re already so last season.
Of course we will pass on your appreciation of our fine banners to Welf and Fraser. They will be most chuffed considering they had nothing to do with either their design nor creation. In terms of the banners being so last season. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Anarchists are not dictated to by the fancies of fashion. No, the banners will certainly do the rounds in true Anarchist anti-capitalist style, used until their both moth ridden and frayed. Fear not my comrades.
That’s “they’re” not “their”.
I hope Welf puts you over his knee for this elementary mistake.
I’d suggest a ton of anarchists dress up as fascists just for the irony value in retaliation, but then people’d confuse us for police…
They’re already fascists, Sophia. Rather than ramming Jews in the oven they want to steal the life’s work of anyone who is willing to work hard (i.e. not a ‘slack bastard’), or deny the freedom of association for anyone who wishes to choose what sort of community they want to live in. In other words, take control of anyone’s life who is not willing to be reduced to the lowest common denominator.
[Nazis] are the fascists who believe in shit like high standards, efficiency and scientific progress. Anarchists are the fascists who believe in sponging of others, not changing their underwear and generally living at the expense of better people than themselves.
“Do thank Welf & Fraser for the fancy banners- cos they’re already so last season.”
So last season …??? You sound gay or mentally stuck in the 10th grade.
Give it up you old fart, no one takes you serious.
Catch your breath and don’t have a heart attack.
Value Meals,
“Ramming Jews in the oven” eh? Classy. One point of correction: while I’m not necessarily opposed to the sponging of others or to the removal of their underwear — although, more often than not, and simply for the sake of convenience, in the reverse order — I generally only consider doing so in the context of an already-existing and intimate relationship. The rest of your characterisation, however, is, as usual, superbly accurate, and not at all similar to the rantings and ravings of a talkback caller named ‘Dave’ from Bumfuck West.
I’m not used to such high-falutin’ rhetoric. Can you dumb it down for me a little?
…or deny the freedom of association for anyone who wishes to choose what sort of community they want to live in.
Great, so does that mean I can be friends with anyone of any race so long as they are white?
There are plenty of different communities in the world. Why don’t you choose one outside of Australia that is closer to your anarcho-commie leanings.
Because I’m working class, my parents are working class, as were their parents. My grandparent’s brothers and friends died fighting fascism and my family gets worked into the ground by greedy bosses. So I’m going to stay and fight wankers like you because I have a stake in this community. I’ll share it with whoever I like, be friends with whoever I choose and make mixed-race babies until you cry.
[Nazis] are the fascists who believe in shit like high standards, efficiency and scientific progress.
Which part of that applied when Hitler’s girlfriend was doing a shit on his face?
Ukraine famine. Khmer Rouge. Stasi. KGB. Berlin Wall. Prague Spring. Millions of people have perished under or resisting the disease called socialism.
Millions of people have perished under or resisting the disease called capitalism too…
The famine in the Ukraine (1932/3) was the product of Stalinism. It was, in part, an act of genocide intended to punish a population resistant to Stalinist rule. The Ukraine did, after all, produce Nestor Makhno and the Makhnovschina; a peasant army which fought against both Reds and Whites. A resistance which, incidentally, is why the anarchist Makhno remains a folk hero in the Ukraine…
The Khmer Rouge were also Stalinist, and their rise to power, in part, attributable to the US carpet bombing of Cambodia (Kampuchea) in the early ’70s.
The Stasi and the KGB. Yeah. Secret police. The KGB was the mature version of the CHEKA (The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Speculation), established by the Bolsheviks in 1917. One of the main targets of the CHEKA was the Russian anarchist movement, which it annihilated, most spectacularly at Kronstadt in 1921.
Berlin Wall. Uh-huh…
Prague Spring… 1968. Workers’ uprising, celebrated by anarchists around the world.
What’s yr point Dazza? I know this history a hundred times better than you do.