Monthly Archives: January 2007

Stormfront Down Under on Tamworth: Not. Happy. Adolf.

“If this is racist, well so be it. Call me a racist then.” — James Treloar, Mayor, Tamworth Council, in Damien Murphy, Tamworth tainted by small minds, Sydney Morning Herald, December 23, 2006 Racist twats on Stormfront Down Under are … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 7 Comments

(Under pressure from anarchists) Police end fascist demo: South Moravia, Czech Republic

The Prague Daily Monitor reports that Czech ‘Police terminate demonstration of right extremists’ (January 13, 2007) in the town of Otrokovice in Zlín, South Moravia (incidentally, playwright Tom Stoppard‘s place of birth), allegedly as a result of fighting between the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Anti-fascism, State / Politics | Leave a comment

Paladin persecutes Australian photojournalist in Malawi

pal·a·din n. 1. A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion. 2. A strong supporter or defender of a cause: “the paladin of plain speaking”. 3. Any of the 12 peers of Charlemagne’s court. 4. A Perth-based uranium mining company, winner … Continue reading

Posted in Media, State / Politics | Leave a comment

G20: Media, ‘particularly the Herald Sun’

An article in today’s Herald Sun (Australian Open chiefs slam brawl, Ellen Whinnett and Mark Buttler, January 17, 2007) — regarding local youths’ impromptu re-enactment of the Balkans War at the Australian Open — confirms what has been known for … Continue reading

Posted in Media, State / Politics | Leave a comment

New(ish) documentary film on Sacco & Vanzetti

On this day: Rosa Luxemburg murdered by the Freikorps, 1919; fascists form coalition in European Parliament, 2007. Red Rosa now has vanished too, Where she lies is hid from view, She told the poor what life is about, And so … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Film, War on Terror | Leave a comment

Robert Anton Wilson : 1932–2007

Author Robert Anton Wilson, once alive, is now dead.

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Greece vs. America?!?

[Update : The activities of naughty Greek anarchists (in smashing state-sponsored police CCTV cameras) is further mentioned in an AP report, U.S. experts examine footage of Athens embassy attack caught on camera, International Herald Tribune, January 16, 2007. According to … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, War on Terror | 4 Comments

Blockbuster Video: Wow! What a difference!

[Update : Hoon hunt targets ringleaders, Catherine McAloon, The Age, January 15, 2007: “Police say they are determined to catch 40 to 50 ringleaders of a violent rampage that followed an illegal burn-out meeting in Melbourne’s south-east early on Saturday… … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, State / Politics | 4 Comments

Louis Adamic, Dynamite

CHAPTER ONE : Impudent Conduct The struggle of the have-nots against the haves in the United States was first referred to as ‘class war’ in New York City by Frances Wright, “that bold blasphemer and voluptuous preacher of licentiousness”, as … Continue reading

Posted in History, State / Politics | Leave a comment

What are you, Deaf or something?

On Leftwrites, Jeff Sparrow has drawn my attention to an article by Lennard J. Davis, ‘Deafness and the Riddle of Identity’ (The Chronicle Review, January 12, 2007). It raises a number of interesting questions (see below) in relation to notions … Continue reading

Posted in Film, State / Politics, Student movement, Television | 13 Comments