OMGWTF the muppet who is currently the Mayor of Moscow has been acting like some kinda Mad Monk.
Luzhkov promises to prevent gay pride parade in Moscow
January 25, 2010Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov has again spoken against gay pride parades in Moscow.
“For several years, Moscow has experience[d] unprecedented pressure to conduct a gay pride parade, which cannot be called anything but a
act. We have prevented such a parade and we will not allow it in the future. Everyone needs to accept that as an axiom,” Luzhkov said at the opening of the 18th Christmas educational readings in Moscow on Monday.
In 2009, Luzhkov protested the idea of conducting a gay pride parade in Moscow at the opening of the Christmas educational readings as well.
Luzhkov says that, when it comes to certain social plagues, “it is high time to crack down on them with all the power and justice of the law instead of talking about human rights.”
“We need a social whip or something like that, not a liberal ginger cake,” Luzhkov said.
Among the “social plagues” Luzhkov named drug abuse, xenophobia and ethnic feud, and also “open propaganda of same-sex so-called love.”
A blast from the past:
In Russia meanwhile, poor old ex-pat Peter Tatchell has been bashed; first by local boneheads, then by the bizarros @ Sp!ked, all for the crime of being publically gay (see : Doug Ireland, POLICE BREAK UP MOSCOW GAY PRIDE, EUROPEAN POLS AND GAY LEADERS ARRESTED, May 27, 2007). Tatchell and others were assaulted by the usual muck, and then arrested by Moscow’s finest, in a repeat display of the reactionary authoritarianism for which the Russian state is justly famous.
A handful of lesbians and gays on Tverskaya Street won’t stop that. But they did speak out, and others heard. Sunday night I saw young Russians standing outside police stations for long hours, trying to get food in to those detained and to find them lawyers. Most of those defenders weren’t gay. Andrey Kozlov, a Green with an anarchist’s wisp of beard, worked heroically to help because he believes in democracy and dissent. “Obviously, this is about all of us,” he said.
For Dion — of course — and Chunga.
S hw d y prpse t frce yr Rvlsn n th mjrty trdtnl fmly ndy? Y knw th ns wth Mm, Dd, nd thr kds… f y cn’t cnvnc thm tht th dyllc lf thy s bvsly nd inncntly njy s mkng thm “nhppy” wht wll y d?
[Blh blh blh.]
As Bakunin said: “But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.”