Darrin Hodges (above) is Grand Poobah of the NSW branch of the ‘Australian Protectionist Party’, a micro-party on the far right that models itself upon the ‘British National Party’ (BNP). Hodges is standing in NSW for the Australian Senate, along with Nick Folkes (aka Nicholas Hunter-Folkes). The photo above was taken while Hodges participated in a ‘black bloc’ organised by neo-Nazis belonging to a group called the ‘New Right’. The perhaps 20 or so fascists who assembled on September 8, 2007 to form the group were drawn from a range of tiny, far-right political formations (see: All Heil the New Reich*, September 18, 2007).
The ‘New Right’ still ekes out an existence, but the ‘national anarchists’ who gathered alongside of Hodges have almost completely disappeared. Thus on the one hand, their chief ideologue, Welf Herfurth, is still active, organising the local franchise of US-based neo-Nazi group Volksfront: in September, Herfurth will be welcoming Canadian Holocaust denialist Paul Fromm to Australia to speak at the annual fascist gathering known as the Sydney Forum. On the other hand, Herfurth’s most excitable follower — a teenage boy from Geelong called Scott Harrison — has abandoned him and ‘national anarchism’ to become a Creatard and a Reverend in a nutty white supremacist cult called Creativity. Others who gathered together in Sydney on that day have gone in different, if similar, directions, including into APP and their arch-rivals the ‘Australia First Party’ (APP blames Muslims for the world’s problems, AF, the Jews; both despise leftists, homosexuals, and all the usual suspects).
Folkes (pictured above with climate change denialist Lord Monckton — His Lordship thinks global warmening is part of a plot to destroy the world economy and establish a communist world government) is an extremely abrasive fellow, and would make a fine Tory — if he had the bRanes. Sadly for Nicholas, he doesn’t, and is thus stuck with the APP, and must content himself with bemoaning the presence of “muslim rapists” in Australia, greedy Filipinos in the UK, and denouncing me as a “Marxist Nazi turd”, an “anti-Semite” and so on.
Chances are, neither will be addressing the Australian Parliament any time soon.
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