UPDATE (February 3) : Dandenong factory workers claim ‘significant win’ after four-day lunchroom protest, Nick Toscano, The Age, January 30, 2015 | In the factory and in the street, Labor [/labour] is learning again that there is power in a union, Van Badham, The Guardian, February 3, 2014.
On Saturday, January 31 there’s a solidarity BBQ/picnic/rally at #IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances) in Dandenong (310 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Dandenong South) from noon to 4pm.
#OccupyDandenong workers have been occupying the site since Tuesday morning — over three days now — following an attempted lockout by #IFF management.
Workers are demanding that they (and all other workers):
• receive a fair wage;
• do not have their working conditions degraded;
• be treated with respect;
• have the right to organise;
• enjoy job security;
• get their fair share of social goods;
• are free to express themselves;
• are able to express solidarity with other workers +;
• work without employer intimidation.
#IFF management reckon these minimal demands are excessive — at the same time, #IFF annual profit increased 28.24% to $354 million last reporting period + management are demanding Australian workers take a pay cut + endure worse conditions.
#IFF stink!
Call ’em up and support #OccupyDandenong strikers:
in the UK, phone: 44-208-392-4000;
in the US phone: 1-212-765-5500;
in AU phone: 61-2-9425-3100.
Sign the petition:
Australian workers at food flavours TNC fight lockout with lockin!
Keep up-to-date by following the #OccupyDandenong hashtag on Twitter or via the National Union of Workers Facebook page.
[Below: Super A-Mart workers w msg of solidarity for #IFF workers.]