The fascist creeps at metal label Australibus Tenebris — along with their good chums at Cyclonicon Productions, Oath of Damnation and Nocturnal Graves — organised a gig at the Northcote Social Club for February 22.
Past tense.
Sadly for the reich ‘n’ rollers, the gig was cancelled by NSC after the venue fielded some (((complaints))).
The cancellation prompted the usual whining about ‘Antifa pansies’, ‘snowflakes’, ‘little angry non binary sexless things’ and so on and so forth: ho hum.
Of course, this is the second time AT has had a gig cancelled, the previous occasion being in May 2018 when the label had assumed staging ‘Hellraiser’, a series of pop concerts organised by (formerly) Melbourne-based nazi Gareth Jack Sansom.
h/t : Cracks Appearing Distro (from which you can obtain the sweet sticker above, along with lotsa other kewl agitprop)
Bonus! Ustasha
On December 29, 2019, the (Croatian) Club Punchbowl organised a part-ay to celebrate the life of Ante Pavelić, founder and leader of the Ustaša, the genocidal Nazi puppet regime in Croatia. Pavelić was responsible for dozens of concentration camps (run by fascist Croatia, rather than Nazi Germany) including the Jasenovać death camp, the ‘Auschwitz of the Balkans’. Organisers first invited supporters to mass at St Anthony, Croatian Catholic Centre, Summer Hill Church (Pavelić was among Europe’s fascist leadership sheltered by the Vatican after the war).
This isn’t the first time somesuch celebration has occurred at the Club. In 2014, for example, an event to celebrate the establishment of the fascist regime attracted the enthusiastic support of Liberal MP Craig Kelly and received ‘best wishes’ from The Mad Monk himself, Tony Abbott.
• Holy Family Catholic church in Geelong also apparently held a special mass for Pavelić, organised by the Croatian Club Geelong: fascist war-criminals adorn the Club walls, and they display the official logo of the pro-Ustaša ‘Croatian Liberation Movement’. Their Facebook post promoting the event contained the Croatian equivalent of ‘Seig Heil!’ (‘Za Dom Spremni!’).
• According to JAF, ‘There’s a problem in Croatian community clubs they don’t want us talking about: the celebration of Nazi genocide. Several clubs celebrate April 10, the establishment of the fascist state in 1941. Several clubs have hosted Holocaust denial talks; staff at a Canberra club wear the fascist Ustaša logo on uniforms; the Bosna Croatian Club in Orchard Hills flies the Croatian fascist flag over their sports club; the Gippsland Croatian Club displays photos of Pavelić (with rumours of much worse).’
• The Croatian Club in Footscray has a building named for Pavelić and statue/bust they refuse to send to the tip, with the usual photos of Pavelić and others (including fascist clergy). The Club hosted the annual Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig organised by bonehead gangs Blood and Honour and the Southern Cross Hammerskins in 2007, and Croatian warbler Thompson: last year, the Victorian state government announced that there was nothing it could do to stop the 2019 memorial gig from going ahead. The gig was later declared to have been cancelled, which is incorrect and a great surprise to the nazis who attended it, but also typical of the substandard reportage on fascism and the far right by Australian meeja.
How are Oath of Damnation and Nocturnal Graves fascist ?
@Barry, the post didn’t say that Cyclonicon Productions/Oath of Damnation/Nocturnal Graves were fascist, just that they were friends of Australibus Tenebris which the blog has covered before.
Oath of Damnation I don’t think are fascist or racist (and I hope they’re not, as they’ve been a local favourite of mine for a long while), but their response to the cancellation was a bit lacklustre. Cyclonicon I’ve never heard of, but all I can see on their Facebook page is weak anti-anti-fascist stuff, so they could very well be fuckwits.
Someone told me NG are fascists, but I haven’t been able to get much specific evidence yet. They shared shit from Operation Werewolf on their page back in 2017, which is Nazi wank.
Also, @ndy, is there any statement from anyone about specifically what the complaints about the show were? Was it just the Aus. Ten. connection?
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