Dick, you’re a wanker. Piss off.

In the past few days, Australian / US Vice-President Dick Cheney came, saw, and conquered Australia. Or, at least, avoided being assassinated in order to receive the fawning compliments of local satraps during the course of his brief visit (February 22–25) Down Under. Central Sydney was placed on lockdown in order to accomodate the war criminal‘s visit, and state legislation amended so as to allow his bodyguards to carry weapons. As for the financial loss imposed on taxpayers, authorities are understandably reluctant to publicly disclose its full extent. However, in an EXCLUSIVE! for The Daily Terror, Joe Hildebrand (February 23) reveals that “MORE than 1200 police are being pulled off the streets to protect visiting US Vice-President Dick Cheney, causing shortages at almost every Sydney police station and costing taxpayers up to $2 million”.

    Above : With pride, integrity and plenty of guts, NSW Police ensure Dick’s visit is a pleasant one.

Unfortunately, Dick rudely spurned the Sydney Welcoming Committee, and NSW Police announced (February 23) that eight people were arrested during the course of police attempts to stop public protest regarding the war criminal’s unwanted presence in Sydney. “Timmeh!” Blair and Joe Hildebrand even complained about a handful of protesters dressed as cops… Tranny Cops! (SEE! Tranny Cops @ G20.) And in the same level-headed article, ‘Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd yesterday branded some of the protesters as “ferals”. “Among the protesters we see a bunch of violent ferals and they should expect absolutely no sympathy,” Mr Rudd said’. But Kev the Head has oodles of sympathy for multi-millionaire Dick, apparently, who made just one, 23-minute long public address during his flying visit, to the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue at the Shangri-La Hotel.

Choice quote by Dick:

…And it is they, the terrorists, who have ambitions of empire. Their goal in the broader Middle East is to seize control of a country, so they have a base from which they can launch attacks against governments that refuse to meet their demands. Their ultimate aim — and one they boldly proclaim — is to establish a caliphate covering a region from Spain, across North Africa, through the Middle East and South Asia, all the way to Indonesia. And it wouldn’t stop there

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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