daughter of the return of the son of more antifa stuff…

Despite vociferous protests by local Melbourne punk fashionistas, protesters and protesting have been been given an equivocal stamp of ‘normalcy’ by psychiatrist Dr. Marvin Monroe (author of I’m OK, So Why Aren’t You?), posing as the Swiss sociologist, Kurt Imhof.

Protestors are “normal youngsters”
October 12, 2007

Today’s youth has not become more violent according to Swiss sociologist Kurt Imhof. He says rioting, as seen recently in the capital Bern, is not a major problem. Last weekend’s violence was triggered by a planned right-wing march through the city. But Imhof tells swissinfo that the members of the Black Block group that caused so much trouble aren’t really motivated by ideology. The events left 21 people injured and caused more than SFr100,000 ($85,000) damage after protestors tried [to prevent] a right-wing Swiss People’s Party march from reaching the parliament building. The Black Block is a loose grouping of anarchists and extreme left-wing activists…

The rally by the racist People’s Party was joined by a small group of neo-Nazis. Last year, one of their teenage comrades in Belgium — where Blood & Honour faces the possibity for being outlawed as a terrorist organisation (it operates with complete impunity in Australia) — shot a woman and an infant to death in a racist shooting spree. This week, he was sentenced to life imprisonment:

Belgian bonehead gets life
October 11, 2007

Brussels – A 19-year-old was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday for killing two people and wounding a third during a racist, hate-fuelled shooting spree through the heart of Antwerp in 2006. A jury gave Hans van Themsche the maximum sentence of life for the murders of a black woman and the white toddler she was babysitting and for wounding a woman of Turkish descent as he prowled the city centre with a semi-automatic shotgun. The 12-person jury had convicted him late on Wednesday of racially motivated murder and attempted murder, rejecting a defence argument that Van Themsche had a mental ailment. “He deserves to pay for the crimes he committed and I hope this will set an example for all those who are racist,” said Demba Modibo, uncle of the Malian babysitter, Oulematou Niangadou, killed in the attack. “They must change. There is no place for them in the 21st century.”…

Yeah, well, that’s boneheads for you. Skinheads, on the other hand (with the possible exception of Melbourne reactionaries with very short hair) are a different breed altogether. Joining protesters against the huge success that was this year’s neo-Nazi Hammerfest in Portland, Oregon — the Antipodean equivalent of which occurs tomorrow — were skinheads of a different calibre, ones proving that ‘Not every skinhead in Portland this weekend was a white supremacist’ (Mary Christmas, Skin Of A Different Color, Willamette Week, October 10, 2007). For example:

Linton, a local resident who declined to disclose his last name out of safety concerns, says skinhead culture was originally “a working-class movement, and it still is.” A 38-year-old carpenter and father of two, Linton says he was drawn to anti-racism through the punk scene. “If you were a white kid in the scene in the mid-’80s, you got the crap kicked out of you if you said no to white power,” he says. “When the anti-racists came together, we were tired of getting beat up and tired of them trying to recruit us.”

…Andre, a baby-faced 19-year-old blond guy who uses the last name Aggro, wants people to learn the rude-boy roots of skinhead culture, and the difference between a skin and a Nazi. “That’s why we call them boneheads, because they think anyone who’s not a Nazi is a poser,” he says. “But they don’t even know where they came from.” He should know. After being raised “in a broken home” in Milwaukie, Andre joined up with one of the area’s largest white-power groups, Volksfront, when he was 13. He says the music and the sense of belonging drew him. “I always questioned the racism, but went along with it because if you didn’t, you were an outcast,” he says. At 16, he met anti-racist skinheads who inspired him to switch camps…

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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21 Responses to daughter of the return of the son of more antifa stuff…

  1. Asher says:

    Pfft, you failed! Now I don’t have to love you, not even for 24 hours.

  2. @ndy says:

    No no no no no. Next blog post.

  3. Asher says:

    Hrmf. We’ll see.

  4. mickel reyfeldous says:

    After reading your article, may I ask you, does Anti-Fascist = Anti-White?

  5. Dr. Cam says:

    You bigot, Andrew! We all bleed red, you know.

  6. mickel reyfeldous says:

    Aren’t you going to answer the question, Andy?

  7. Lumpen says:

    Curse his wily logic! Mick has discovered the forbidden knowledge; that if you’re white and don’t hate yourself, you have to be a fascist. I don’t know about you people, but if anyone asks anything like that again, I’m going to deny it.

    Crisis averted.

  8. mickel reyfeldous says:


    Define: Fascism?

  9. Lumpen says:


  10. mickel reyfeldous says:


    Well, you’re the one who refers to everybody that doesn’t agree with you as a fascist – so explain fascism for us.

  11. @ndy says:

    He can’t because he’s a fascist and that would be giving the game away.

    I think.

  12. mickel reyfeldous says:


  13. Lumpen says:

    Well, you’re the one who refers to everybody that doesn’t agree with you as a fascist – so explain fascism for us.

    It has been well established that fascism is exactly the same as naughtiness, which is why I have consistently used the terms interchangeably. For example, in my essay ‘Hitler’s Bad Boys: Watcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?’, I argued that the invasion of Poland was the result of unchecked fidgeting and backchatting. I do not think any further explanation is warranted.

  14. mickel reyfeldous says:


    “1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”

    Looking at point 2. You could say that the Anti-Racism propagand[a] is a form of [dictatorial] control of the majority – would you not agree?

  15. Lumpen says:

    Your mind is like a laser, cutting through the distraction of Reality to the core understanding that Anti-Racism propaganda controls the majority. It’s just like They Live, only I’m the bad guy forcing the population to turn over their daughters to gangs of refugees and to not kill Jews.

    Mick is right: we’ve become the very thing we feared most. We should all start paying lots of attention to him.

  16. “Your mind is like a laser, cutting through the distraction of Reality to the core understanding that Anti-Racism propaganda controls the majority. It’s just like They Live, only I’m the bad guy forcing the population to turn over their daughters to gangs of refugees and to not kill Jews.”

    More stereotypical, ideological [bullshit coming] out of your mouth!

    Where I live, in Victoria, there’s respect people have for each other, and this is without the need of multiculturalism.

    Your propaganda is ruining this country, it needs to stop!

  17. Lumpen says:

    Testify, brother!

  18. mickel reyfeldous says:

    That’s it, I am going to listen to some music!

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