White Pride World Wide*


March 21 is the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’, but Angry Aryans claim it as ‘White Pride World Wide Day’ aka ‘People Of European Origin With Pale Complexions In Calgary And Christchurch Who Choose To Celebrate Their Wise Choice Of Parents By Waving Flags In Public Day’. Thus, of a global population of over 1,000,000 people, sadly, only 100 or so (one millionth of one per cent) decided to take to the streets of cities in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Canada yesterday.


About 30 people gathered in Christchurch on Saturday in a demonstration of white pride. The demonstration involved a silent march from Cathedral Square to Victoria Square. It was organised by the Nationalist Alliance. The majority of participants were boneheads wearing black tee-shirts, army pants, black boots and carried placards saying “equals rights for whites”. Chairman Kyle Chapman says white people are often subject to racism but his group has no negative feelings toward other ethnicities. The march coincided with the United Nation’s international day for the elimination of racial discrimination.


In Calgary, between 30 but perhaps as many as 60 (or even 85!) members of the Aryan Guard attempted to jackboot their way to the City Hall. In this effort, the neo-Nazis were aided by several score police. “Ultimately, the Aryan Guard made it just three blocks for their drop-off point before being put aboard city busses by police and returned to their transportation.”

Naturally, their ability to place one foot in front of the other for a sustained period is being hailed as another glorious victory for the Master Race.

Probably the best source of info on the gathering of racist schmucks in Calgary is provided by the smart alecky Anti-Racist Canada. It also got heap ’em big infos on the Aryan Guard. And ah AuntieFa has video.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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5 Responses to White Pride World Wide*

  1. Lumpen says:

    Naturally, their ability to place one foot in front of the other for a sustained period is being hailed as another glorious victory for the Master Race.

    I suspect this is part of the new strategy of not chewing bubblegum at the same time.

  2. wpww says:

    u hav martin luther king day
    u hav cesar chavez day
    u hav yom hashoah day
    u hav ma’uled ul-nabi
    u hav bet (black entertainment tele)
    u call each others niggers but if we do it u call us racists

    if we had wet (white entertainment tele) u call us racists
    if we had white pride day u would call us racists
    if we had white history month u call us racists

    i am white
    i am proud
    but u call me racist
    y is it only whites can b racists

  3. @ndy says:


    Instead of regurgitating white supremacist memes, may I politely suggest you harden the fuck up?

  4. Lumpen says:

    if we had wet (white entertainment tele) u call us racists
    if we had white pride day u would call us racists
    if we had white history month u call us racists

    We have Channel 10, 9 & 7.
    We have 365-days-a-year promotion of all things white through a mechanism called ‘privilege’.
    It’s true we don’t have white history month. Instead we have this thing called a “year” where white history is lauded throughout. You may be familiar with it.

    As a white man, I feel pretty well serviced.

  5. Pingback: Kyle McKee : An Angry Aryan with BONUS! Bombs | slackbastard

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