March 21 is White Pride World Wide Day.
It also happens to be the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, against the apartheid “pass laws”. Proclaiming the Day in 1966, the General Assembly called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.
Alternatively, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is International Day for the Multi-racial Supremacists Who Support Minority Groups. And it’s an Aussie invention! Appalled at ZOG’s machinations:
…in the early years of 2000 [sic] there were some small groups of White nationalists around Australia who had already been holding social meetings and regular BBQs for White nationalist members. At one such [event] it was suggested [White nationalists] organize there [sic] own social meetings to escape the multi-racial oppression that would be experienced on that day in particular… several staunch White nationalists were discussing how to bring about awareness to the sleepers and cut through the mindset of individual White nationalists who feel they are unable to [do] anything [to] assist White victims by being outspoken [sic].
“If the United Nations can have this “Harmony Day” to get their ideology out there every year, then White people [can] have “White Pride World Wide Day” to get there message out there every year!” one stated.
White Pride World Wide Day is conceived.
And — like Stormfront BBQs — stillborn. (See Scumfront Brisbane : Comedy Central, September 7, 2006; I’d love to go for a walk outside now…, November 13, 2005.)
The walking abortion was, however, eagerly endorsed by the nutzis belonging to Canadian group the Aryan Guard, perhaps 40 of whom strolled about Calgary on WPWW Day last year.
This particular division of the Master Race has been profiled — extensively — by OPP, and Anti-Racist Canada has also published a three-part series on the boneheaded wankers. In addition, Anti-Racist Canada has details of the Guard’s plans for 2009. Local nutzis have become terribly excited about also stepping out this year, but Perth Pioneer Little European Paul Innes advises caution, not to congregate in groups, and perhaps merely sticks up one or two pieces of of his Fat Yanqui Controller Mister Don Black’s propaganda.
These foots were made for walking…
Um… no! Fags and muslims don[‘]t go around bragging that they are superior and start discriminating their opposites. They don’t violate [h]uman rights, unlike the supremacists.
If they do start forming and attacking, we better start picking sides.
Umm, well to be honest “fags” and Muslims do a fair bit of bragging that they are superior and discriminating against those that do not agree with them “fags” somewhat less so, I must admit, and I think a gay suicide bomber is a ways off yet.