
is brilliant.

Part philosopher, part comedian and all heart, Kenny is one of the cogs in society’s machinery; a knight in shining overalls taking care of business with his faithful “Splashdown crew”. Kenny juggles family tensions, fatherhood and sewage with charm, humour and unflinching dignity…


Go see it!

SHANE JACOBSON: The cameras would just roll. They would honestly just roll. And interacting with people in real situations, you know? I’d be there at the festivals, and things would just happen. Honestly, the film crew – if you follow anyone long enough, you’ll find an interesting story. And they filmed me for two years. I don’t know if that makes me dull, Margaret. You could probably film someone else for a week and get a full feature.

So people kept saying, “That’s exciting”. And I thought, “They filmed me for two years to get enough interesting stuff to get a movie out of it”. In a lot of films people go to cinemas and they get to see… at the end of the film, they win Tattslotto, they get the good-looking girl and they drive off in a sports car and they get off on a boat that none of us could ever wish to afford. And that’s how it all happens.

But life’s not like that, you know? And life is small victories, you know? And I think for all of us if… I’ve got a son, and I could live to be 700 years old and not experience anything as fantastic as witnessing the birth of him.

And life is small victories, I think. It’s not about winning Tattslotto. If we all wait for that and it doesn’t happen, should we be disappointed? But if you can sit on the beach with a partner or your children and have a wine or a picnic with the kids, I mean, that’s as good as it gets, you know?

And the people who get bedridden with illness, or people who find themselves on death’s doorstep, you know, or people that find themselves in jail, they soon realise the things they miss are the things they ignored, which is all the simple stuff around us, you know?

See also : The Age review by Jake Wilson (August 16, 2006)

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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