Monthly Archives: January 2007


Hey Tessa!

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Granddaughter Of Upside-Down Corpse Heils The Dawn Of A New Europe

Fascist parties in the European Parliament have declared their intention to form a bloc on January 15, called “Identity, Sovereignty and Transparency (IST)”. According to the EUObserver: “Under EU rules, there need to be at least 20 MEPs from six … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, History, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics | 7 Comments

Deregistered Political Parties

Huh. The death of political parties is good news in the context of a social revolution; not-so-great news in the context of a constitutional monarchy / parliamentary democracy… On Crikey, Stephen Mayne reports that the AEC has recently de-registered a … Continue reading

Posted in State / Politics | 7 Comments

Harry Roberts, Harry Roberts, Roberts Roberts, Harry Harry

Why they chant the cop killer’s name Ryan Kisiel icSarfLondon January 9, 2007 AFTER four decades in prison, a human rights group [?!?] is campaigning for the release of infamous cop-killer Harry Roberts. Jailed for the murder of three police … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, History, State / Politics | 21 Comments

G20: Three more arrests

Three charged over G20 protests in Australia Associated Press International Herald Tribune January 9, 2007 MELBOURNE, Australia: Australian police arrested three people on Tuesday for participating in violent street protests that marred last year’s meeting of global finance chiefs in … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, State / Politics | 5 Comments

Racism, rednecks, and if only these were brains

Lisa Pryor has written an article (‘Flying the flag for an upside-down kind of patriotism’, Sydney Morning Herald, January 6, 2007) decrying racism, in particular that which she assigns to ‘rednecks’: the kind of people who — in addition to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media | 20 Comments

Anarchist U!

Most of the time, in a wowserish city in which most amusements closed on Sundays, the Yarra Bank simply provided a form of free entertainment. For those interested in ideas, though, the forum offered what Labor Prime Minister John Curtin … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, History, Student movement | 3 Comments

It’s The Extreme Left, Jim!

Australia First Party leader Dr. James Saleam has uncovered a shocking truth! The extreme left is noisy! Extreme Left Makes Noises On Confronting Australia First In Sydney: Forewarned, Forearmed Dr. Jim Saleam January 5, 2007 Two different extreme leftist groups … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism, Media, State / Politics | 3 Comments

Moffat, AFP, and those BLOODY FOREIGNERS!

Aged-care worker and veteran bigot John Moffat is standing for the seat of Cronulla in the upcoming NSW state election on March 24. The fifty-something(?) Moffat is standing as an ‘independent’, but is campaigning with the endorsement and full support … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 8 Comments

“War on terror” consumes apples, pork, US$650 billion… pretty much everything, really.

From Planet Tron: An all-consuming ‘war on terror’ Ian S. Lustick Baltimore Sun December 31, 2006 PHILADELPHIA — The official mantra is that we fight in Iraq because it is the “central front in the War on Terror.” The exact … Continue reading

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