Revolutionary Communist Party. Watch.


A new blog has emerged: “RCP/LM watch, an occasional blog keeping an eye on the activities of the organisation that used to be known as the “LM Project”, and before that the Revolutionary Communist Party (UK)”. It notes that George Monbiot has recently asked ‘How did Marxist class warriors end up fighting for the bosses’ right to fly?’ (The Guardian, January 13, 2009). Funnily enough, the RCP/LM’s former leader flew to Australia recently to address the neo-con Centre for Independent Studies.

Tom Switzer : Man of Letters (October 4, 2008):

Frank was in Australia in August [2008] at the invitation of the Centre for Independent Studies to address ‘The CIS Big Ideas Forum’, 2008 — on the theme of ‘Protecting the Legacy of Freedom: The Ideas of The Enlightenment in the 21st Century’. Frank spoke alongside Ayaan Hirsi Ali, currently a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Frank was also interviewed by Michael Duffy on ABC Radio (and prior to that, in 2004). Michael is a big fan of Frank’s, having previously described him, in the pages of The Australian in 2005, as “one of the most interesting thinkers in the humanities today”. Presumably, [Michael Durkin, producer of Swindle] is “one of the most interesting thinkers in the natural sciences today”. Of course, as well as being a most interesting thinker, close colleague of the barmy army at sp!ked, and a filmmaker, Durkin is also a writer. In an email to Simon Singh who questioned some of the science in Swindle, Durkin responded: “Why have we not heard [contrary facts] in the hours and hours of shit programming on global warming shoved down our throats by the BBC? Never mind an irresponsible bit of film-making. Go and fuck yourself.”

Go and fuck yourself.


Speaking of nutty right-wing gutter cranks:

Nothing’s off limits for Bolt’s pompous point-scoring, Scott Bridges, Crikey [Grods], February 9, 2009:

In July last year a newborn baby, umbilical cord attached, was found dead in a rubbish bin in regional Victoria. The traumatised local community and a stunned nation felt sadness for the child and concern for the unknown mother. There is an unspoken understanding in the media that such tragic events should not be the catalyst for political or ideological point scoring, but that didn’t stop Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt from callously using this child’s death as an excuse to lay the boot into environmentalists because the body was inside a green shopping bag.

    Planet saved, baby dead

    Utterly tragic, but in some ways a grim metaphor.


    In the hysteria to “save” Earth from a warming that’s actually halted, we ignore a true and growing threat to children.

Two weeks ago Victoria suffered through its worst heatwave on record, with the mercury hitting at least 42 degrees each day for three straight days. The state’s infrastructure groaned under the pressure and residents had to cope with public transport meltdown and electricity failures. Over thirty people died due to the heat and Bolt happily used those deaths to beat another of his ideological drums.

    Killed in a green frenzy

    More than 30 Victorians died in last week’s heat in one of the great scandals of green politics.


    Those who died last week were in less danger from global warming than from the deadly incompetence of green governments trying to “stop” it.

And two days ago over one hundred people died and nearly a thousand homes were lost in Australia’s worst ever bushfire tragedy. Andrew Bolt saw red as Greens leader Bob Brown linked the fire to global warming, accusing him of using the tragedy to score political points.

    Preaching over the dead

    At least 36 Victorians die in bushfires, and Bob Brown sees on (sic) opportunity to preach politics…

And as if that wasn’t hypocritical enough, without drawing breath Bolt went on to try and score some counter-points of his own by linking to a graph and an article that he believes disprove the theory of global warming.

Then only two hours later, Bolt used the devastation of the Victorian fires and the preceding heatwave, along with the Queensland floods, to attack the government’s proposed stimulus package.

    The stimulus package for these times

    Here is some free advice to Kevin Rudd that will be good for him and good for the country.


    Prime Minister, announce that you’ve had a change of mind, forced on you by this terrible tragedy in Victoria, and the flood devastation in Queensland.

    You will now spend $1 billion of your package on rebuilding in Queensland. You will spend $2 billion more on restoring the devasted (sic) towns on (sic) Victoria. There will be $1 billion on fire research and protection. Another $1 billion on air-conditioners for the pensioners whose lives were at risk in the heat wave. There will be $2 billion for a new dam in Victoria to not just secure water supplies for a growing population, or even climate change, but from a fire in existing catchment areas that could endanger water quality. You will invest another $2 billion on schemes to bring water from the flood-prone north to the south, if feasible. Another another (sic) $5 billion for helping state power networks operate in high temperatures.

Clearly Andrew’s political points are more important that others’ political points, and no death is too tragic to prove them.

On the goons of the RCP, see also : It takes one to know one (November 25, 2008) | Boris gets Spiked (May 23, 2008) | Pssst. Wanna Manifesto? Awesome new front group for LM (March 5, 2008) | On Bolt: Whites not all right! Anti-White Conference bad! Exclamation marks good!!! (December 5, 2008) | Andrew Bolt : Ten Years of Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Journalistic Excellence (July 6, 2008) | Andrew Bolt & the ‘anarchist/s’ (March 28, 2007) | Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at Andrew Bolt on S11 (March 8, 2007) and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at Andrew Bolt on S11 (Continued) (March 9, 2007) | G20: Bolt, the big girl’s blouse, at his brilliant best (September 22, 2006) | Robert Manne’s open letter to Andrew Bolt (July 3, 2006)

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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