Be careful what you wish for…

NZ race-hate website being investigated
Sunday News [NZ]
August 13, 2006

Police are investigating a race-hate website targeting New Zealand Jews.

Sunday News was alerted to the site – set up by Wellington-based national socialist Nic Miller – after personal details of four Jewish families living in the city were posted on it.

The postings were removed last night after Sunday News confronted Miller, 22, telling him we were going to publicise his… website blog, which still contains pages of derogatory comments about Jews and other minorities.

One of the four Wellington addresses posted on Miller’s website was the home of Professor Peter Munz, who escaped Hitler’s gas chambers…

Contacted yesterday, Lower Hutt aluminium machinist Miller said he didn’t know his website was being investigated by police.

Miller said he had posted details of people who had written letters to a newspaper regarding Israel.

He said he was not encouraging anyone to act against the Jewish people whose details – including names, photos, addresses and telephone numbers – he posted on his site.

“I distance myself from any harassment from individuals or criminal activity whatsoever,” he said.

He said his own privacy had been compromised by critics of his beliefs.

“People do flyer drops against me, saying I’m a Nazi and kick over Jew[ish] graves and ridiculous accusations like that,” Miller said.

He was unrepentant in his hatred of Jews.

“I’m anti-[S]emitic. I do not like the Jews, not one bit,” he said.

“They should have been exterminated.

“Jews being in New Zealand is harassment to me. They do not belong here.”

Miller said he was ready for any police action on his website.

“The police are welcome to look into it,” he said.

“I am ready to face whatever happens over this.”

All Heil the Fourth Reich… or not.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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4 Responses to Be careful what you wish for…

  1. weez says:

    You’d think ol’ Nicko would be offering up payment to the Sunday Times for all the publicity. He’d be about the most (in)famous face in NZ at the moment. If Nic can’t get down to the milk bar for an L&P without having abuse hurled at him, perhaps a new hairstyle is in order.

    But WTF is it with Blogger? How much does Google earn off of selling ads that depend on the numbers of hits generated by racist Blogspot blogs? So much for ‘Don’t be evil.‘ That’s got to change.

  2. @ndy says:

    Hey weez,

    I actually made a comment to that effect on Nic’s blog, but apparently it’s undergoing some changes…


    Apparently Blogger is owned by Google? And that damn Yanqui Murdoch has just added it to his pile?


  3. Liana says:

    nic’s hot

  4. @ndy says:

    Definitely among the Top 100 Hottest King Tut Impersonators Who Like to Desecrate Jewish Graves

    Jewish graves desecrated in New Zealand for the third time in 3 years
    The Associated Press
    November 2, 2007

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand: A government official and a Jewish leader spoke out Friday to denouce [sic] the third anti-Semitic attack on Jewish graves in New Zealand’s capital in three years.

    Nazi swastikas and slogans including “Hitler R.I.P.” and “Juden Swine” were daubed on Jewish graves three weeks ago, but the desecration only now has become public, Wellington Regional Jewish Council head David Zwartz said.

    The latest vandalism follows two attacks on Jewish graves in 2004, when headstones were smashed and daubed with anti-Jewish graffiti and a Jewish prayer house was torched.

    The 2004 attacks were described as the worst anti-Jewish acts in New Zealand’s history. Nobody has been arrested over those incidents.

    The latest “outburst of anti-Semitism, making dead Jews responsible for events in the Middle East … is classic anti-Semitism,” Zwartz told The Associated Press.

    Zwartz, honorary Israeli consul in New Zealand, said the Jewish community has responded with “shock and a feeling of great depression that this should happen … in New Zealand.”

    Ethnic Affairs Minister Chris Carter said he was appalled and disgusted by the latest “mindless act of stupid vandalism and desecration.”

    “This type of vandalism is particularly offensive when we think of events such as the Holocaust and all that the Jewish people have suffered,” Carter said in a statement.

    New Zealand society “prided itself on tolerance, fairness and (valuing) other cultures and communities,” he said, calling for people who might know those responsible to contact police.

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