On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to (Dr) Kaz Ross [Twitter] about China, the CCP, Falun Gong, the extreme-right, sovereign citizens and more. Kaz is a Lecturer and the Coordinator in Asian Studies, in Global Cultures & Languages, in the School of Humanities at the University of Tasmania, and has recently had published ‘Living people’: who are the sovereign citizens, or SovCits, and why do they believe they have immunity from the law? (The Conversation, July 28, 2020) and has previously written CPAC: Conservative lightning rod, or ‘alt-right white extremism’? (The Big Smoke, August 9, 2019) and was interviewed on ‘Mornings with Leon Compton’ on ABC Hobart about the attempted fashy infiltration of the NSW Young Nationals on November 1, 2018.
See also : 闯 Chuang — a journal and blog analyzing the ongoing development of capitalism in China and the revolts of those crushed beneath it | 7+ Times Avi Yemini consorted with Neo-Nazis, AJDS, June 11, 2018 | Queensland student Drew Pavlou’s suspension reduced but will remain out of university until 2021, The Guardian (AAP), July 13, 2020 | The (Australian) Anarchists on Chinese Labor (1887) (August 17, 2014).
*Please note there’s an extended conversation with Kaz on the podcats version of the episode.
4.30pm, Thursday, July 30, 2020 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website
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Hey, did Kaz say she has a facebook page? If so, I can’t seem to find it – do you think you could post a link? Cheers
I believe Kaz said she admins a page, but I’m unsure what it is.