2009 Sydney Forum : This Weekend!

The Sydney Forum is the No.2 forum on the fascist calender in Australia. So if you’re truly interested in hearing James ‘110% White’ Saleam, Andrew ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ Fraser, John ‘911 Was An Inside Job!’ Bursill, Terrie-Anne ‘Fuck Off We’re Full’ Verney, David Astin and a handful of others prattle on about Race & Nation and many, many other issues — all under the watchful eye of Herr Welf Herfurth — BOOK A TICKET NOW.

All enquiries in relation to the Sydney Forum should be directed in the first instance to:

    Dr Jim Saleam
    Tel: 0407 732 868
    Email: [email protected]
    Write: P.O. Box N291, Grosvenor Place, NSW, 1220

And don’t forget ‘Day Two’ volk, as this is the more casual, uninformed, un-uniformed assembly, that allows White Nationalists from around Australia to swap ideas and form important alliances — all in a site of great historical importance to the volk.

Excerpt from Leviathan by John Birmingham, about a bunch of violent nutters in the ’80s, including a deserving case who comes to a sticky end:

[National Action] unexpectedly found itself called upon to explain its position. The party’s slack-jawed mouthpiece denied they were in any way racist. [They] didn’t believe in the superiority of one race over another. [They] simply believed that the Anglo-Celtic culture of Australia should not be endangered. As more people noted what they were saying… the party’s internal bulletin, announced that the time had come for taking it to the streets.

Student unions noted an escalating number of bashings of Asian students after dark, both on campus and in the clutch of inner city suburbs around the neo-Nazis’ favourite watering holes. There was a shift not just in the frequency of political violence, but also in its intensity and focus. The targets began to change. The party bulletin [Audacity?] featured a regular [column] in which critics of the party would find their name, phone number and address published with an invitation to the ‘curious and adventurous’ to dish out a little nationalist justice. Journalists such as Gerard Henderson, Andrew Olle and Adele Horin who covered the immigration debate or related topics in an unsatisfactory manner began to receive phone calls and death threats late at night. Academics and unionists found their car tyres slashed and graffiti daubed on their houses. Greenpeace and Community Aid Abroad shops were broken into and looted.

Violent overthrow of the dominant paradigm doesn’t come cheap, however, so in early 1984 the party leadership cooked up a scam to rip off the GIO and raise money to buy all the firebombs, balaclavas and nail-studded clubs they would need to make people understand the righteousness of their cause. A woman who rented a room at [National Action’s] headquarters came home one day to find the place ransacked, her jewellery gone and party fuhrer [James Saleam] shaking his head…

[NA] began working its way down the enemies list, widening their attacks from vulnerable students and the occasional journalist to gays, lesbians, Aboriginal, peace and anti-apartheid groups, academics, liberal congregations such as the Pitt Street Uniting Church, the Anti-discrimination Board, union activists and, somewhat recklessly, a couple of Special Branch cops who had been assigned to their case. Terrorising the wives and families of heavily armed secret police­men was not the Nazis’ first step on the happy staircase to success. After [NA] raided the meeting of a gay migration lobby group the hammer came down.

Having suffered through months of harassment the gays were ready for a fight. Their resistance seemed to unnerve the storm troopers and a handful of hysterical pansies and angry dykes proceeded to bitch slap them out of the room. Special Branch quickly obtained a search warrant and charged over to a house in Petersham used as an alternative headquarters by [NA]. They found a tape recording and photographs of the raid. Most of those who took part were arrested and charged. The cases were heard in Glebe local court and attended by observers from a resistance group called Community Alert Against Racism and Violence.

‘It was unbelievably pathetic,’ said CAARAV’s Betty Hounslow. ‘Shane Rosier, one of their big men, was just this really pathetic bloke in his late forties who was, you know, a bit chubby. He wore these brown trousers that kept riding up the back and an old yukko-looking brown cardigan. They found a lot of weapons in his house… coshs, chains, and studded balls. And his story to the magistrate was that the weapons were part of his collection. He’d always been interested in weapons, he said. His grandfather was a famous gun collector. He and his dad had always wanted to have a gun collection just like old Granddad’s, but they’d never had enough money to collect guns so they had to collect cheaper, working-class weapons. And this was why he had all these things. He said the tape of the raid was left on his doorstep one morning. Like a little abandoned baby.’

The pressure told and the Nazis turned on each other as deeply repressed suspicions and rivalries burst through to the surface. Everybody seemed to accuse everyone else of being police spies and sexual deviants. The final slide into ignoble collapse was marked by the gunshot murder of Wayne ‘Bovver’ Smith in [NA’s] headquarters at Tempe a few years later. It was an almost perfect example of the hapless farce which so often attended the adventures of Sydney’s neo-Nazi elite in the 1980s. Bovver, twenty-five years old and already weighing 108 kilos thanks to the three or four stubbies of beer he’d consume for breakfast each morning, was shot eight times with a sawn-off .22 rifle by Perry Whitehouse, ten years his senior but less than half his size, during a drunken, confused and basically pointless argument. When Whitehouse blew him away, Bovver was wearing a singlet bearing the message: Say No To The New Gun Control Laws.

David Greason, I was a teenage fascist, McPhee Gribble, 1994, pp.303-304:

On 20 April 1991 — Adolf’s birthday… — National Action member Perry Whitehouse gunned down fellow member Wayne ‘Bovver’ Smith at the National Action headquarters. What Whitehouse didn’t know, as he closed the hand of his bullet-riddled former comrade around a knife to make it look like self-defence, was that ASIO had bugged the place, and the whole sorry affair was down on tape.

Smith : What’s it say?
Whitehouse: Ask him, mate. Just ask him. He’s…
Smith : You’re the one that’s fuckin’ sayin’ this.
Whitehouse : Just wait here. Footsteps. I’ll show what I got to say.
Smith : All right.
Music. Pause in conversation. Six sharp noises in succession. Distinct sound similar to a gun being fired. Crashing sounds. Music.
Whitehouse : That’s what I got to fuckin’ say, you fuckin’ cunt.
Another member, Gregory Jorgensen, then speaks. His words are inaudible.
Whitehouse : I just killed the prick. You wanna know. Yeah, you wanna fuckin’ know. What’ya wanna know… to kill you too… I just shot the fuckin’ prick. Right. I just shot the cunt. Wanna know.
Music stops.
Whitehouse : Because he’s a fuckin’ arsehole, that’s why I shot him. Right. Do you think I’m fuckin’ scared of fuckin’ goin’ to jail. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not scared. Right. I shot the cunt dead. That’s what it’s all about boy, that’s what it’s all about, right. You ain’t got the guts to fuckin’ face up to that, you’re fuckin’ weak as piss. Right, he’s fuckin’ dead. Now we gotta get rid of that body or I’m gonna get rid of the fuckin’ body, right.
A gasp is heard.
Whitehouse : Shut up, ya fuckin’ prick.

Hope to see you all there kameraden!

See also : The White Baton Passes On To Australia First (September 17, 2009) | 2009 Sydney Forum (Again) (September 11, 2009) | The NPD in Germany (and Australia) (August 27, 2009) | Huzzah for the NPD! Huzzah for the Sydney Forum! (August 25, 2009) | 2009 Sydney Forum (July 6, 2009).

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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15 Responses to 2009 Sydney Forum : This Weekend!

  1. whitelawtowers says:

    Oh goody @ndy is coming. I thought you only led from the rear @ndy. I will try and keep an eye [out] for ya. Make sure you introduce yourself to everyone.

  2. @ndy says:

    Actually Jim, I’ll be observing events from one of the black helicopters the United Nations lends to ZOG for just these occasions, using a supercomputer linked to the tracking devices in the fillings in your teeth in order to trace your exact movements. Believe it or not, the only way of avoiding this surveillance is to wear a hat made of tinfoil: so don’t leave home without the one you use while you tap away at your keyboard, mmmkay?

  3. uni twat says:

    Haha. Classic photo of Jim Saleam and his bonehead sidekicks. Such nutcases.

    That nazi on the right looks at though he’s channeling Malcolm X with those glasses. What an identity crisis.

  4. @ndy says:

    The one on the (far) right is Ross ‘The Skull’ May. He still hangs out with Jim.

  5. whitelawtowers says:

    So you will be leading the charge from Victoria? Typical.

  6. Dr. Cam says:

    Hey Jim, you know when you’re doing your usual threesome thing you do this weekend, and the moonlight’s bouncing off your heads and your arses and everything, does that not get a bit confusing?

  7. whitelawtowers says:

    So I guess we will not be seeing you either.

  8. weez says:

    I’ve already directed the FDB greenie-pinko-Jew-vegan-anarcho-ray at Moonbase Adolf, turning all the nazi lunar miners into antifascist zombies, who will proceed to launch EscapePod™ 88 over teh weekend such that it will kkkrash into the Tempe deathbunker and subsequently tip over the BBQ. And maybe get sand in the potato salad.

    Yep. It’ll be a full-on assault, I’m tellin’ ya.

  9. The only gay (nazi) in the village. says:

    Oh look, they are celebrating ANZAC day in their pretty uniforms, how patriotic! And is that Arthur Smith in the picture? The homosexual fuhrer of the Australian Nazi Party standing next to Jim? Why yes, yes it is.

  10. weez says:

    “That nazi on the right looks at though he’s channeling Malcolm X with those glasses. What an identity crisis.”

    That could be Ross May, though it’s probably Mark Mothersbaugh having a bit of a lark.

  11. The only gay (nazi) in the village. says:

    “That nazi on the right looks at though he’s channeling Malcolm X with those glasses. What an identity crisis.”

    Looks like some kind of overgrown evil boyscout.

  12. The Glorious Fuhrer says:

    You anarchist terrorist Jews should get over your selves and move on. Comrade Saleam is not a Hitlerite any more but an Australian nationalist dedicated to the liberation of Australia from international capitalism and especially from foreign imperialism. You anarchists are secretly agents of foreign imperialism.

    Good on comrade Saleam for his hard work on organising this year’s Sydney Forum.

  13. redxanth says:

    g’day andy…give me an email…

    [will do.]

  14. JULIUS FELIX says:


    […et cetera…]

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