While there’s been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over Kyle Sandilands’ latest dickheaded commentary (Magda Szubanski oughta consider going to a concentration camp in order to lose weight — hurr hurr), REAL! LIVE! neo-Nazis will be gathering in Melbourne this weekend (Saturday, September 12), and in Sydney in a fortnight (September 26/27). I’ve already blogged about the former event; this post concerns the Sydney Forum.
2009 Sydney Forum : Sydney
The principal organiser of the Forum is the Australia First Party (NSW). AF is lead by “The Mad Arab” Dr James Saleam, a 53-year-old most famous, perhaps, for his previous leadership role with the fascist groupuscule ‘National Action’ (NA) in the 1980s — a position only interrupted by his jailing in 1991 for organising a shotgun assault upon the home of Eddie Funde, the African National Congress representative to Australasia. (Saleam was replaced by Michael (De) Brander — Brander has a conviction for assault, lost a case brought against a journalist for calling him a racist, and has been published by Quadrant magazine.) Two of Herr Doktor’s most amusing recent expeditions into political activism have been his interview with the neo-Nazi Carl D. Thompson on Carl’s (US-based) ‘National Socialist Movement’ radio show and his declaration that the police murder of Northcote teenager Tyler Cassidy in December 2008 was the result of a political conspiracy, in keeping with his delusion that I and others colluded with the police to have Cassidy shot; attention to which fact would be drawn by AF participating in a protest at the Coroner’s inquest.
Other AF members of note include Cr Bruce Preece; Peregrine John Beverley ex-Confederate Action Party Jewell and Peter Schuback (vice-president of the Australian Long Distance Owners and Drivers Association) — both losing candidates in the last Queensland state election; (in NSW) Tony Pettitt, Terry Cooksley, George Atkinson, Darrell Wallbridge, Greg Bailey, Richard Hedditch, Kevin Baldwin, Nathan Clarke, Ian McBryde and Jim Smith; and Jim Perren, a neo-Nazi from rural Queensland whose blog, Whitelaw Towers, is regularly used to excoriate The Jew, Aborigines, The Jew, the Australian Protectionist Party (splitters!), The Jew, Communists, The Jew, homosexuals and Muslims.
And The Jew.
The Forum was last held in 2007, at the Eastwood RSL and at Jim’s Bunker in Tempe. Odd that the RSL, an organisation some of whose members fought the Nazis, if I remember correctly, should provide a venue for AF, but presumably money is more important than ‘politics’ as far as Eastwood RSL is concerned. Note also that Jim’s Bunker was the site of a murder in 1991, when Wayne ‘Bovver’ Smith (25) was shot eight times with a sawn-off .22 rifle by fellow NA member Perry Whitehouse. When Whitehouse blew him away, Bovver was wearing a singlet bearing the message: Say No To The New Gun Control Laws.
In 2006, the Estonian House Co-operative Society was extremely proud to boast of its support for a fascist forum; in 2005, the Russian Club (in Strathfield) wisely decided, and to its credit, that it did not want to be associated with the promotion of anti-Semitism, racism, and fascism, and canceled the Forum’s booking, forcing organisers to re-locate the party to Jim’s Bunker.
In 2009, the venue for the Forum is a heap ’em big secret.
This is to confuse and to upset המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים.
The Master of Race Ceremonies at the 2009 Forum — as he has been at every Forum since its inception in 2001 — will be German-born neo-Nazi Welf Herfurth. A former member of the NPD, One Nation Party, Blood & Honour Australia, and currently Volksfront Australia, Herfurth is a Holocaust denialist, and close comrade of professional denialist Frederick Töben.
The person responsible for maintaining the Sydney Forum website and MySpace page, as well as promoting it on the White supremacist Internet forum Stormfront, is the horse fancier Nicole Hanley. (The Sydney Forum website was established by a pseudo-crackademic called David McBryde, a heap ’em big fan of Leo Strauss.) Hanley, like Herfurth, is a Holocaust denialist, and was formerly(?) involved in the neo-Nazi skinhead network Blood & Honour; her signature on Stormfront reads “My grandfather died at Auschwitz – he fell out of a machine gun tower”.
Although the identity of the Forum’s very special international speaker has yet to be announced, word on the virtual street is that it will be US racist ‘Andrew Yeoman’, of the San Francisco-based groupuscule BANANAs.
Yeoman, like Herfurth, claims to be an ‘anarchist’. As such, it is highly likely that the handful of teens who constitute Herfurth’s followers will also be in attendance. Most prominent of these is Geelong-based racist Scott Harrison. Scott (‘NoCrusties’) is a former member of the Stormfront forum, and his attitude to Nazism, and the Holocaust, mirrors that of his Master Herfurth:
Today, 05:35 AM
Australian NationalistJoin Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Posts: 460Re: New photos of Nazis having fun in the sun
They are celebrating the girls graduation from Jewish strangulation school?
Haha, jokes, haha!
NoCrusties.In the shadow of horror, SS guardians frolic
International Herald Tribune
September 18, 2007“…The photos provide a stunning counterpoint to what up until now has been the only major source of preliberation Auschwitz photos, the so-called Auschwitz Album, a compilation of pictures taken by SS photographers in the spring of 1944 and discovered by a survivor in another camp. Those photos depict the arrival at the camp of a transport of Hungarian Jews, who at the time made up the last remaining sizable Jewish community in Europe. The Auschwitz Album, owned by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust museum, depicts the railside selection process at Birkenau, the area where trains arrived at the camp, as SS men herded new prisoners into lines.
The comparisons between the albums are both poignant and obvious, as they juxtapose the comfortable daily lives of the guards with the horrific reality within the camp, where thousands were starving and 1.1 million died…”
Croatian fascist Tomislav Sunic interviewed Andrew Yeoman recently on his radio show; Sunic (another denialist) was the honorary bloody foreigner/international guest speaker at the 2007 Sydney Forum.
As for the other speakers so far announced — James ‘110% White’ Saleam, Andrew ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ Fraser, John ‘911 Was An Inside Job!’ Bursill, Terrie-Anne ‘Fuck Off We’re Full’ Verney and David Astin — they have been joined by “Harry Fritz-Gerald Beahrends” and Steve Grey. Steve spoke at the Inverell Forum in 2009 (a Forum which Herfurth addressed in 2007, which fact prompted Pauline Hanson to withdraw from the event). The Inverell Forum is a larger, rural, longer-established, and more entertainingly batshit version of the urban-based Sydney Forum.
Steve has a BSc in Building Technology from Brunel [U]niversity (UK) and A levels in Maths, Physics and chemistry. He is an inventor with international patents for a lightweight folding portable structure. For three years he has studied, in his spare time, the history of suppressed “Free Energy systems” and he stumbled across a website that described the military applications of electronics for altering the weather. He now believes this is occurring around the world on a regular basis and provided examples to evidence his beliefs. He showed what’s being done and what the implications are for mankind’s future.
The paranoid wackos of this seedy West London tenement had one thing in common — the conviction that Jews, Freemasons, homosexuals, Gypsies, Jesuits, anarchists and Communist Party members were all agents of subversion under the control of a ruthless global elite directing world events to their advantage…
Luke Connors (‘Casapound’ on the ‘Australian Identity Forums’; formerly ‘Young Soldier’ on Stormfront) provides a rather amusing account of the various obstacles he encountered while trying to organise the Patriotik Yoof League, an attempt by Dr James Saleam to establish a yoof wing for AF. The footage was taken at the 2005 Sydney Forum, and kindly uploaded to JewTube YouTube by Queensland AF member Jim Perren (‘Whitelaw Towers’). The PYL eventually boiled down to one, solitary, lonesome, tennis-playing-and-not-especially-youthful bloke from Brisbane called John Drew.
Drew was kicked out of AF earlier this year, ostensibly for being overly-appreciative of Pauline Hanson. (And the male body.)
@ndy WLT has not even mentioned [A]borigines. I will see if they can squeeze something in for you. Yet you did forget to mention that they have a lot to say about you and all your mates. After all WLT would not exist if it wasn’t for you.
Say g’day to Peter Campbell for me Jim.
And yeah, you’re right. No mention of ‘Aborigines’. Apart from October 26, 2006, December 20, 2006, December 29, 2006, January 20, 2007, February 3, 2007, February 5, 2007, February 16, 2007, March 11, 2007, March 3, 2009, March 4, 2009 and July 30, 2009.
Oh I’m sure you will get your chance to say hello yourself one day @ndy. Maybe we can all shake hands at the HREOC hey? I look forward to it.
The doctor will see you now Jim.
What a laugh. I just done a search on ‘Aborigines’ at WLT. Hell you are correct. So if they use that word is that now hate speech? Do a search on @ndy. Now that gets the bells and whistles going.
How[‘]s working for Government going by the way you fraud? Still collecting info for them on the Left? Plenty written about that at WLT give [‘]em a plug you dud.
Last time.
Yes, I’m correct, you’re wrong.
What else is new?
“So if they use that word is that now hate speech?”
No. Self-evidently.
If you wish, you can read about “hate speech” on the HREOC website:
On my reading — and I’m not a lawyer — it would seem possible that the Whitelaw Towers blog contains “hate speech”. But a possibility is not a fact, and the means by which such a fact could be established is governed by the relevant legislation. Further, making such a determination would also, obviously, depend upon a complaint being made by a person — that is, a ‘victim’ of such vilification — who believes such an offence has occurred.
Three examples of possible candidates:
1. On May 15, 2009, a post on the Whitelaw Towers blog reads: “Yes @ndy Fight Dem Back Victorian founder AKA jew boy Andrew Moran here it is you racist Jewish scum.”
2. A review of the film This Is England (August 26, 2009) contains the following: “What we are NOT shown is the impulsive, predatory nature of the Muds hitting British shores in wave upon wave of culture and economy destroying assaults.”
3. Finally, a post from August 9, 2007:
These posts could be read as vilifying. I don’t care all that much. But even if I (or someone else) did, it would also be necessary to establish authorship. ‘Whitelaw Towers’ is not attributed to any one person, or group of people. It’s my considered opinion that the person chiefly responsible for its content is Jim Perren. But it would also appear to be the case that not all posts are written by him — some, for example, are re-published articles. Still others — such as the review of This is England — bear the hallmarks of Peter Campbell’s writing style. (Peter was responsible for the ‘Victor Whitelaw’ blog.)
In the US recently, the model Liskula Cohen won a case in a New York court, which ruled that Google — which owns and administers Blogspot — had to provide her with the email address of a blogger Cohen wanted to initiate defamation proceedings against. She won, and the blogger — Rosemary Port — was ‘outed’. As it stands, ‘Whitelaw Towers’ provides the address ‘[email protected]’ (previously, Jim used ‘[email protected]’).
But really, so what? Jim will continue to rant and rave, and I’m not interested in pursuing any such legal avenues, especially as taking the piss outta the dummkopf is a lot more funs.
“How[‘]s working for Government going by the way you fraud? Still collecting info for them on the Left?”
It’s ace! I get loads and loads of money, chicks, the BEST drugs, and plenty of opportunity to travel (especially to HQ in Tel Aviv and — of course — to meet with the Elders in Prague).
But ssshhh — don’t tell anyone!