Take that ZOG!
Toben website still publishing, court hears
May 28, 2009
The Federal Court has heard anti-Semitic material breaching court orders is still on a website despite the site’s creator facing a jail term…
Fredrick Toben website made ‘scandalous’ Yatala gassing claim
Sean Fewster
The Advertiser
May 28, 2009
A WEBSITE connected with Holocaust “historian” Fredrick Toben has likened his three-month jail term to imprisonment in a Nazi death camp, a court has heard…
See also : Dear Old Uncle Fred (May 27, 2009) | Brendon O’Connell : Tool of the Week. (May 13, 2009) | Doctor Fred(e)rick “wilfully and contumaciously” Toben (April 29, 2009) | Gerald Frederick Toben arrested @ Heathrow (October 2, 2008)