- When justice minister Amanda Vanstone said that the alleged Latvian war criminal Konrads Kalejs was “welcome” to stay in Australia, it was a revealing slip of the tongue. Since 1947, when the first Nazi war criminals arrived in Australia, “successive governments have knowingly allowed hundreds of men responsible for the cruel imprisonment, torture, rape and mass execution of tens of thousands of innocent civilians to make Australia home”. This is the damning conclusion of Mark Aarons’ book on how and why Labor and Liberal governments have allowed Nazi killers into Australia and protected them. ~ Phil Shannon, Why Nazis still call Australia home, Green Left Weekly, June 6, 2001
133. dan – 2010-04-05 09:11:00
love your work these niggers are out of control here in central QLD sniffing paint and being coons it’s about time we had a voice and a means to stop them cheers
Only a few weeks prior to the neo-Nazi gig on the Gold Coast (Saturday, April 17), ‘Blood & Honour Australia’ and the ‘Southern Cross Hammerskins’ have gotten a guernsey on Channel Ten news and on goldcoast.com.au:
Coast’s ‘white pride’ music festival probe
Ben Dillaway
April 5, 2010POLICE are investigating a white pride festival planned for the Gold Coast this month, however they may be powerless to prevent it.
White supremacists from around the world are expected [to] converge on the Coast for the Hammered music festival.
The Queensland chapter of the Southern Cross Hammer Skinheads is publicising the festival which is ‘proudly presented’ by Crew 38 and Blood and Honour, a race-hate group banned in Germany for spreading Nazi messages.
“Hell yeah, this is going to be one hell of a week! Sun, Surf and Racialist Music,” wrote tattooed-aryan on the SCHS website, but the venue for the festival was not named.
Gold Coast police superintendent Jim Keogh said officers were looking into the festival planned for April 17.
“There are anti-discrimination laws but that relates to specific comments, placards and things like that so it is a tricky one at law,” he said.
Mayor Ron Clarke said the council could not stop the event.
“The police and the government have to determine if it’s an illegal organisation,” he said.
• The event is being organised by two neo-Nazi groups: the Southern Cross Hammerskins and Blood & Honour Australia (‘Crew 38’ is the supporter/feeder organisation for the Hammerskins).
• B&H was founded in the UK in 1987 by dead boneheads Ian Stuart (Donaldson) and Nicky Crane; it infected Australia soon after. The Hammerskins were founded in the US in the same period.
• B&H is banned in Germany (also Belgium and Portugal), as are all openly neo-Nazi organisations. There has been a push to ban the organisation as a ‘terrorist’ association in the UK, but this has failed to attract any support. The Hammerskins have been declared an unlawful association in Spain, and in August last year a number of its members were jailed for weapons offences.
• There are two Australian bands scheduled to play the gig on April 17: Open Season and Ravenous (Melbourne).
• The international guest band has not been announced in order to ensure its members make it through Customs. This is not a difficult task as B&H and the Hammerskins have successfully toured a number of foreign bands in the past. Their most recent overseas guests, Kill Baby Kill, are (were) from Belgium. Dieter Samoy, the vocalist for the band, committed suicide in January of this year after being sentenced to two years jail for his part in beating Togolese immigrant Raphaël Mensah into unconsciousness in May 2006.
• In order to avoid potential police or other harassment, the venues for B&H gigs are never publicised. In Melbourne, previous venues have included the Birmingham Hotel* in Fitzroy (2006 and previous years), the Melbourne Croatia Social Club in Sunshine (2007) and the Beaconsfield Hotel in Beaconsfield (2008). *Note that, following a community boycott, the fascist-sympathising pub manager left it in 2008.
• It seems highly unlikely that the neo-Nazis are breaking any laws, as neither association is unlawful, and the event is a private, invitation-only affair. An assault upon a black woman in Fitzroy during the course of one gig was unreported to police; reports of other racial assaults in connection to such events are anecdotal. Lyrics to the songs played by the bands are racist and viciously so, but depend upon ‘offence’ being caused to the listener for legal remedy via racial and religious vilification legislation, the use of which is exceedingly rare in any case.
• In addition to organising gigs, the Hammerskins and B&H also distribute neo-Nazi propaganda; principally by way of the 9percent productions website. In addition to muzak, the site also sells merch (B&H, SCHS, Nazi pins and the like) and propaganda (The Turner Diaries by “Andrew MacDonald” (dead US nutzi William Pierce) and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, among others).
• Police — especially the political police — monitor the activity of groups such as B&H and the Hammerskins, and if the identities of the parties responsible for organising Hammerfest are not known, this is not because the state is incapable of obtaining such information. The Victorian organiser for B&H, for example, is Justin O’Brien, who owns Hold Fast Body Art tattoo studio in Burwood (and who threatened to assault me if I didn’t stop blogging about neo-Nazis!).
See also : Local Anti-Racist Shot in Downtown Portland (April 2, 2010) | Blood & Honour : Crush them Reich now! (February 23, 2010) | Blood & Honour… in the ‘Sunday Herald Sun’! (November 1, 2009).
Note that there are, literally, tens of thousands of neo-Nazi music videos on YouTube, including thousands by B&H and allied bands — precisely because the Google corporation is subject to US, not Australian law.
So I take it you are a supporter of Australian law where it outlaws racist commentary? The state, yes?
Why does commentary on here await moderation? I thought anarchists were champions of individualism, or is it just that anarchists are champions of their own power?
Cat got you’re [sic] tongue? Or have you just run out of pop culture videos to post?
Hey. I wanna see you guys mass rally at the concert. Or do you guys only do small time gigs?
davo, you’re a moron
I’ve commented on such laws before: do a tiny modicum of research before mouthing off.
Commentary is moderated because racist numpties have a habit of leaving daft comments, and publishing them is a waste of time. Being a numptie, you’re incapable of understanding the distinction between this easily understood policy and the anarchist understanding of subjectivity.
Finally, making fun of your stoopid is well within my power, and I happily choo-choose to do so if and when I could be arsed.
Peaces N’ Dreams,
Again: cut the dose.
Janus Stark,
You’re correct.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha farken funny
what’s wrong with [MY BrANES] ??????????????
The web bag [?] you gave was informative, only to the dickheads who believe in one thing? Stupidity. How many people in Australia today, dislike the [M]uslim way of life? I will not go any further fool. Racist and a bigot is all the same fool.
i think its great hammer skins are getting bigger and better every year.i would like to see us get our white australia policy back.get the lebos and all the SCUM out of our co[u]ntry.we had next to NO crime during the white australia policy days.