Update (August 1, 2019) : After pleading guilty to the unlawful assault upon and harassment of his former wife, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon substitute Avi Yemini was given small fines by the court on Tuesday, July 30; Tiny returns to court on August 14 on other matters.
Avi Yemini’s ex-wife reveals personal toll of his assault and harassment
Jon Andrews
Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader
July 30, 2019The former wife of far-right activist Avi Yemini has broken down in court as she read out her victim impact statement after he was sentenced on unlawful assault and harassment charges.
Yemini’s former wife wept as she described how Yemini, real first name Avraham, had “broken her spirit”, and “destroyed her self-worth” with his “torment”.
She said she “lived in a state of uncertainty”, felt anxious all the time and had panic attacks, and had to regularly see a counsellor.
Yemini showed no emotion as he was convicted and fined on charges of unlawful assault, using a carriage service to harass on three occasions and breaching a personal safety order at Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court this morning.
The 33-year-old from Berwick had earlier pleaded guilty to throwing a chopping board that hit his former wife on her head while she prepared dinner in their Caulfield North home, and texting her vile and explicit messages.
The chopping board incident, which left her with a lump on her forehead, happened in March 2016, while the three harassing messages, which included calling her a “P.O.S” and a “c***”, occurred between July 2017 and November 2018.
The breach order relates to another person and not his former wife after Yemini failed to take down an online video as ordered by the court.
Yemini’s ex-wife said she had tried to leave him eight times but couldn’t go through with it.
“It was like I didn’t exist as a human being, I was just a vessel for his hatred”, she said.
“He terrorised me. I can’t imagine how it will be possible for me to have a relationship in the future.”
She said he also blamed her for the assault.
“What I will never forget is that he didn’t flinch when it happened”, she said.
“He didn’t ask if I was okay. he just walked by; I was left to tend to my own injuries and finish making the dinner.”
The former Israel Defence Force soldier has a large Facebook following under his page Avi Yemini Unbanned and has tens of thousands of fans on Twitter.
Yemini’s defence lawyer Deborah Mandie said he had already been “destroyed” in the media even though he was a “cleanskin” with no priors.
“The digital material has been absolutely brutal about my client”, Ms Mandie said.
“It’s become almost a meme, humiliating my client over and over. This is part of the punishment he is wearing for the matter.”
At a previous hearing Ms Mandie said Yemini didn’t intend to hit her with the chopping board, and it was an isolated incident across 10 years of a volatile relationship.
Magistrate Charles Tan said Yemini may have “paid a price” through the publicity surrounding the case, but he was there to sentence on the charges, not the community reaction.
He said his ex-partner’s own words showed she felt distressed, humiliated and terrified by Yemini’s actions, and they could “not be described as of a trivial nature”.
“It was offending against a female in her own home, involving her suffering an injury”, Mr Tan said.
He thanked her for her bravery in reading our her statement, which she said she wanted to be made public.
Yemini was convicted and fined a total of $3600.
turn that frown upside-down (lucy brown)
Lucy Brown, a fashion photographer turned right-wing propagandist, is a former employee of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon AKA ‘Tommy Robinson’. Sadly, Brown got into some hottt water recently for dissing her former boss Tommy, along with STRAYA’s No.1 Tommy fanboy ‘Tiny’ Avi Yemini, & various other dropkicks. Read All About It (& More) c/o HnH: ‘Tommy Robinson in drugs shocker’: Coke, Cash, Commissions and Smashing the windows of Cultural Marxism, July 25, 2019:
Fresh from the unlikely story that Stephen Lennon, aka criminal thug Tommy Robinson took an unlikely pasting in the showers at Belmarsh Prison, comes a further stunning revelation: It has been alleged the fake journalist spent donations from supporters on drugs.
The allegation that Lennon spent other people’s money on Colombian marching powder to power his faux journalism will shock few people. After all, we hardly expected him to use his own money, did we? That the allegation (I’m certain there will be more) comes from Lennon’s former co-conspirator in begging emails and vlogs, Lucy Brown, should also come as little surprise.
The yuppie fashionista has since closed her Gab and Twitter accounts, Facebook page, and DELed vids from her YouTube channel, but remains an Instagram, tumblr and subscribestar.
For his part Yemini, as Brown makes reference to in her diatribe, has also recently pleaded guilty to abusing his former partner: ‘As well as the unlawful assault charge Yemini pleaded guilty to using a carriage service to harass by sending abusive text messages to her, and one charge of breaching an intervention order relating to a video of a man.’
Right-wing activist and “online journalist” Avi Yemini has admitted he threw a chopping board that hit his former wife on her forehead.
Yemini, real first name Avraham, pleading guilty to unlawful assault and two other charges at Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
The chopping board smacked the woman squarely on the forehead, giving her a large lump.
His defence lawyer Deborah Mandie said the “flinging” of the board happened in a moment of anger, and the contact was incidental as he was not aiming to hit her.
As well as the unlawful assault charge Yemini pleaded guilty to using a carriage service to harass by sending abusive text messages to her, and one charge of breaching an intervention order relating to a video of a man.
Several other charges against the 33-year-old from Berwick, including recklessly causing injury, were dropped.
The court heard on March 18, 2016 Yemini was arguing with his former wife over meal preparation in their Caulfield North kitchen.
He lashed out and in a fit of pique threw the chopping board and it hit her on the head.
She didn’t receive any hospital treatment at the time and it wasn’t reported to police until several years later.
On three occasions between July 2017 and November 2018 he sent harassing text messages, which included calling her a “POS (piece of s***)” and “an actual c***”.
Ms Mandie told the court her client and the woman were in a “mutually dysfunctional and volatile” marriage and he accepted he had been “a bad husband”.
But she said he didn’t have any intention to injure her, and that the chopping board incident was an “impetuous moment”.
“He was flinging something in anger, not at his partner,” Ms Mandie said.
“It is an isolated incident across 10 years of a relationship that was not good.”
Ms Mandie said his ex-wife was not a fan of his growing political activism role, which stressed the relationship between the couple even more.
The former Israel Defence Force soldier has a large Facebook following under his page Avi Yemini Unbanned and has tens of thousands of fans on Twitter.
Considered a far-right activist, he failed in his political bid last year to become an Upper House Victorian MP.
“My client is a journalist, he’s online, he has followers,” she said.
“He is an online journalism personality.”
She said he was repentant, regretful and accepted his responsibility for his crimes.
The ex-wife came to court to read out her victim impact statement, but that was contested by the defence because it may have contained prejudicial material not relevant to these charges.
She will read out her revised statement at the next hearing.
Yemini will be sentenced on July 30.
frankston fuehrer
nazi e-celeb Blair Cottrell was in (((court))) a few weeks ago, fighting for his Freeze Peach. He goes back on August 8.
Far right activist Blair Cottrell fails in Supreme Court racial vilification appeal bid
July 16, 2019Right-wing activist Blair Cottrell has failed in his bid to elevate his racial vilification appeal to a higher Victorian court.
The Supreme Court of Victoria will not hear his appeal, following a decision on Tuesday, but will stay in the County Court as per usual process.
The [former] United Patriots Front leader, and two of his supporters [Neil Erikson and Chris Shortis, but not Linden Watson or John Wilkinson], were convicted in September 2017 of inciting hatred, contempt and ridicule of Muslims after making a video beheading a dummy in protest of a Bendigo mosque.
Following the Magistrates Court decision that the trio had “crossed the line”, Cottrell made an immediate bid for appeal.
In February, his application to elevate the matter to the High Court was rejected, after arguing he was convicted by an “invalid” law under the Australian constitution.
He then tried to take the matter to the Supreme Court, via its Court of Appeal. Cottrell’s lawyer John Bolton argued Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 impermissibl[y] burdened the freedom to communicate.
County Court Judge Lisa Hannan on Tuesday dismissed the application, saying there were factual matters still to be decided — such as Cottrell’s intentions in making the video — before the case went to a higher court. She said her court was adequately equipped to hear the matter, and referring it on at this stage would only “fragment” the case.
Judge Hannan accepted the case was important to Cottrell and could be an issue of significance to the community, but it was neither “novel nor complex”.
Cottrell, a self-described “dissident”, was not in court for the decision, but afterwards slammed on social media what he described as “fake news” surrounding his case.
Cottrell, who is banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms, posted via “Gab Social”, known for its far-right user base.
“What the petty-bourgeois media class is producing is not only misinformation, but straight-out lies as usual,” he said.
“I haven’t failed anything, the trial hasn’t begun yet. I have been simply trying to refer the matter to a higher court because I believe higher courts are less susceptible to media pressure and the bureaucratic tentacles of state corruption.”
He said his attempts to elevate the matter were “aggressively” opposed by Victoria’s legal representatives to keep his appeal at the lower courts “and assist in my prosecution”.
In May, Attorney General Jill Hennessy said she would intervene in the case to argue the state legislation was not unconstitutional.
In September 2017, Cottrell and supporters Neil Erikson and Christopher Neil Shortis were convicted and fined $2000 each, the first convictions under the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.
The County Court appeal is set down for a 10-day hearing, starting August 8.
Speaking of nazi eejits, Cottrell’s stoopid mate Neil Erikson was recently charged with ‘Disturbing religious worship’ after disrupting a Muslim prayer service at Federation Square in April, but has yet to be charged over the church invasion he conducted with right-wing blabbermouth Claudia Benitez, and a court date in Gosford (NSW) over another church invasion awaits.
Erikson and Cottrell, along with Australia First Party’s Chris Shortis, were convicted in September 2017 after doing a stoopid publicity stunt in Bendigo in order to promote one of the UPF’s Little Nuremberg rallies in October 2015. The boys vowed at the time that the mosque upon which they were hoping to construct political careers — and which they claimed would be The Largest Mosque in the Southern Hemisphere!!!!!! — would Never Never be built, but last week it was announced that the project would indeed be going ahead, and the first sod was turned by among others Victoria’s Ghey Communist Premier, Dan Andrews. (See : Bendigo mosque construction begins as Premier Daniel Andrews turns first sod, Larissa Romensky and Natalie Kerr, ABC, July 26, 2019.) for what it’s worth, the UPF rallied in Bendigo in August and October 2015, and returned to town in February 2016 to launch their stillborn political party, ‘Fortitude’.
Of the other key players in the anti-Muslim agitation in Bendigo, poor old Julie Hoskin first went bankrupt and then had the privilege of running as a candidate for Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning’s party at the 2019 federal election, gaining a mere 1,667 votes or 1.64%. Like Hoskin, fellow agitator (and ex-councillor) Elise Chapman has had their share of legal and financial trouble …
A single governance matter related to the conduct of former councillor Elise Chapman cost the council $140,469.35.
VCAT found Ms Chapman guilty of misconduct in 2017, following a graphic tweet featuring an image of five children with bloodied and mutilated genitals. Ms Chapman sent the tweet while serving on council in 2012.
An appeal against council’s decision to grant a planning permit for Bendigo’s first mosque cost the city $123,907.48.
VCAT upheld the council’s decision. But it wasn’t until 2016, after challenges in the Court of Appeal and the High Court, that the plans finally got the go-ahead.
I wrote a thing on Jock Palfreeman for Freedom. You can read it here. See also : Today is the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, Andy Fleming, Overland, July 25, 2017 | Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association.
no platform
On last week’s (July 26) edition of ‘fL0aTiNg AnArChY’ on ‘The SUWA Show’, Dr Cam & I poke to Evan Smith about his upcoming book No Platfom and an academic symposium on Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australasia.
cheeto mussolini
The Shitposting God Emperor has been tweeting about anTEEfa. Agen. In doing so, The Orange Shitgibbon is joining the likes of The Zodiac Killer, who just a few days ago declared their intention to criminalise anti-fascism. See : As Far-Right Violence Surges, Ted Cruz Seeks To Brand Antifa A Terrorist Organization, Mary Papenfuss, Huffington Post, July 22, 2019 | Ted Cruz’s “Antifa Are Terrorists” Resolution Seeks to Stifle the Left, Spencer Sunshine, truthout, July 24, 2019 | From Trump to Johnson, nationalists are on the rise – backed by billionaire oligarchs, George Monbiot, The Guardian, July 26, 2019.
Jock Palfreeman’s messiah complex is not serving him very well. Anyone who intervenes in a fracas in which he is hopelessly outnumbered should, under normal circumstances, expect an outcome that’s not exactly advantageous to himself. Impaired judgement had Jock killing a bloke and getting 20 years for it. A continuation of this impairment is getting him poor treatment in gaol and who knows what else down the track, including the possibility of additional criminal charges, fabricated or otherwise. Such is the predicament of the person who is driven to correct ‘injustices’ against the odds, injustices which are, in all likelihood, just normal human animalistic behaviours.
Congratulations on demonstrating a deep familiarity with his case and circumstances.
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